Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Offending, Offensive and Offended


"I always kind of liked that flag. Sure am going to miss it..."

I have truly had it! I have had it with many of the names I see today. Names of towns, rivers, sports teams, events, even people. And flags! What is up with all those flags? Those colorful pieces of cloth which drive so many crazy these days! And icons. Statues of political figures, religious figures, even cartoon of religious figures long since dead! What is wrong with people today? Can't they see there are many of us who are easily offended by offensive things and names of things? AHHHHH!

Okay - should I say it? Should I say what many of us are thinking? We are becoming a nation of woosies. Of metrosexuals. Of wimps. We have gone from America the strong to America the offended.

Wal Mart, Amazon and others have now made a management decision to stop selling the Confederate Flag. Why? Who knows. Maybe they are afraid it might offend someone. Because some nut ball had his picture taken with this flag before he shot nine innocents, the flag is now evil. Not just a little evil, it is the sign of Satan.

Many historians who have studied the Confederacy are confused where the current "Confederate" flag comes from. It is not one used during the short life of the Confederacy. The current Confederate flag has taken on a life of its own. A persona of its own. And, a reputation of its own.

I have been stationed down south (twice). I have seen the Confederate (Rebel) flag many times. To me, it has never stood for racism - it always stood for, well, being a rebel. Being wild. Sowing your oats so to speak. But not any more. Now it is the symbol of racism. Instead of embracing the Confederacy and the Civil War as a very important part of our history, rather than learn from it, we now seek to erase it. This ladies and gentlemen, is how Common Core works. It takes a lie and shines it up to look like the truth. But it is still a lie.

So good-bye Rebel flag. It was sure nice knowing you. Sorry about your fate. I know you had nothing to do with anything. But you offended. And you were offensive. In our new world of woosies, sissies and pussies, we don't want to offend anyone about anything at any time. Who knows? Maybe this posting just offended. Sorry bout that...

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