Thursday, August 1, 2019

"Smoked Joe"

"Before the next debate in September, the Clown Car is going to lose some clowns. Shame. Some that will be gone (like de Blasio) have provided some good comic relief."

Excuse me! You made a typo in the title. His nickname (other than "Sleepy Joe"), is "Smoking Joe". That is true. However, it is not a typo. For last night, Joe Biden got smoked. There is an old saying, no matter how fast you can run, you can't outrun your past. And since Biden has been in Washington since the Civil War, he has a whole lot of past to chose from. That is exactly what happened last night.

Instead of Donald Trump, for a while it looked like Joe Biden was on trial. Only this time it was more than Harris who was doing the damage. It was like a pile on. Oh, and the President took some hits also. Not President Trump - President Obama. Unlike the first night of debates, which featured the tag team of Warren and Sanders, last night it was Joe Biden, standing all by himself. Taking a whole bunch of incoming artillery.

Who was my favorite last night? Governor Inslee of Washington. Somewhat of an unknown outside of his home state, last night was a good chance to take a close look at this nut ball. He has become today's ALGORE. He is now the number one climate change nut. Actually, he is followed closely by Andrew Yang. Whereas Inslee said we are too late, and "our house is already on fire", Yang wants federal funding to move our coastal population to higher ground. Even though some of the Left concede that China is the biggest culprit in emissions, last night we heard we need a President who can "show leadership in this climate crisis". 

Twice last night, before Spartacus piled on the Biden scrum, he chided the rest of the group. "Do you know who is loving this right now? That this is Democrat against Democrat? Donald Trump." Well, he was probably right on that one. However, Cory seems to have a short memory. In the Republican debates leading up to the 2016 election, the infighting between candidates was legendary and cringe worthy. Like, anyone remember, "Lying Ted"? Or "Small Hands" coming from Marco? None of that kept Donald Trump from becoming President.

Before the next debate in September, the Clown Car is going to lose some clowns. Shame. Some that will be gone (like de Blasio) have provided some good comic relief. I also think Amy and the psychic will also be gone. I am sure there will be others. 

Tonight, there will be no Democrat scrum to entertain me. But there will however, be the Hall of Fame game. Yes! At long last, football is back! Then instead of Democrats pilling on each other, I can watch multi-millionaire football players do the same. What a country!

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