Monday, July 6, 2020


"Buckle up folks. We have a lot of hot, violent summer ahead. My advice? Stay out of the big blue cities. Why? If you need help, help might not be coming. The cities are becoming unhinged, and quickly."         

Watching the news this morning, the top headline was how violent this past weekend was. Wait - what? Independence Day is a day for national celebration, not violence. What gives? Here is the "what gives". What is happening now, has been a long time in the coming. It is a toxic combination of horse manure results in our inner city education system, continued breakdown of the family structure in communities of color, and ill equipped, social justice warriors, becoming big city mayors and state governors. Those are the ingredients, now for the recipe.

In our big blue cities, where hope is all but abandoned, clueless mayors like Bill de Blasio (D- NYC) have decided defunding and dismantling their police forces is the right answer. They could not be more wrong. Besides slashing the funding of the cops, the cops have also been told they are not appreciated. Not needed. The result? Cops who can retire, are. Many of the cops who can't retire as yet, are either transferring or stepping back in how they police. Because of this breakdown in law and order, many big blue cities have become shooting galleries. People die. Mostly people of color. Hello, BLM - where are you?

Big blue city mayors like Lori Lightfoot (D - CHI), and Bill de Blasio (D - NYC) have allowed their cities to become failure centers for minorities. Year after year, we write off tens of thousands of minority kids in our public education system. This is how it starts. How bad is it? It was reported on the news this weekend, that in Baltimore (another big blue city), thirteen public schools were evaluated, and not one kid was proficient in math. Not one. So these kids fail out of, or quit school, and then the road ahead becomes all too familiar. Gangs, drugs, guns, violence, and so forth.

The entropy which grips our large blue cities is not reserved only for minority youth. There are plenty of white kids also, who have been taught that "revolution for the hell of it" is much better than working towards the American dream. These are kids of privilege, which are rejecting the lifestyles their parents have given to them. Others white kids come from homes where the parents are later day Hippies, and those parents are proud of their kids being social disrupters. Spray paint a car, topple a status, burn a building, shoot a cop - it is all good. It is all part of "being down with the struggle".

My fear is this. Right now we are at the precipice of something really bad happening. In many of our big blue cities, they have allowed the thin blue line to become only a smudge. Soon, just like in CHOP, war lords will emerge. Mayhem will replace order, and all disputes will be resolved at the end of a gun. Mayors and city councils will become obsolete or irrelevant. Businesses and people with money, will have long ago left the area. In New York City since COVID started, 100,000 have left the area. Some due to COVID, others due to the social unrest. Even for a city the size of New York, 100,000 is a bunch of people.

Can we just get rid of those worthless mayors and governors and get some adults in charge? Nope. And why not? The minions who have voted blue for generations, will continue to do so until the cows come home. They are so brainwashed that Republicans are the cause of their problems, they continue to re-elect the bozos who broke the system in the first place. And that is hashtag, TRUTH.

Buckle up folks. We have a lot of hot, violent summer ahead. My advice? Stay out of the big blue cities. Why? If you need help, help might not be coming. The cities are becoming unhinged, and quickly. Don't believe it? Check out the Hennepin and Lake area in Minneapolis.         


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