Friday, March 4, 2022

Scorched Earth?

"By the way Putin, if you are really looking for Nazis, you might first look in the mirror. You, your Oligarchs, your puppet in Belarus, and your war machine, are the only thing in Europe right now which even comes close to resembling the Third Reich."

WTH is going on with Putin? What he is doing in the Ukraine makes no sense, what so ever. The man who is acting like Hitler 2.0, is out to "cleanse" Ukraine of all Nazis. Huh? It is so important to Putin to go after this boggy man, that he will de-populate, and bomb into the rubble, the entire country? What we are seeing right now in the Ukraine, is a modern day version of Sherman's "March to the Sea" from our Civil War era. 

However, the biggest head scratcher so far, is Putin bombing the largest nuclear plant in Europe. Hello? Remember Chernobyl? I guess Putin's megalomania issue has caused some short term memory issues. The nuclear plant he has bombed and set on fire, is larger than Chernobyl. It supplies 25% of the power to Ukraine. The Zaporizhzhia Power Plant, if breached, could contaminate a good part of Ukraine, and (this is the part I really don't get) - part of Russia. Why? The "westerlies" would carry any airborne radiation over the border, into Mother Russia.

What is the end game here? To destroy this country, or to claim it? If Russia abides by the "you break it, you fix it" doctrine, there is going to be a hefty bill once this is over. Rumor has it, once Zelenskyy is either killed, captured, or flees, Putin is going to put in the same puppet he had years before. And that guy got run out of the Ukraine "on a rail". So again, what is the end game here? Is this worth becoming a war criminal over? The most hated man on Earth? The prize you win Mr. Putin, might only be a piece of rotten fruit.

By the way Putin, if you are really looking for Nazis, you might first look in the mirror. You, your Oligarchs, your puppet in Belarus, and your war machine, are the only thing in Europe right now which even comes close to resembling the Third Reich. The world has viewed Ukraine as not a perfect country, but a country with a lot of good people, who want to live in the west. They have tried living under the Soviet boot, and hated it.

By the end of the day, many are expecting Biden to stop buying Russian oil. However, if we don't also open up our drilling, and restart the Keystone Pipe Line, we might be cutting off our nose in spite of our face. We could see $5/gal long before summer starts. Here is a chance for our accidental President to really act like a President. No more nap time Joe - time to start earning your pay.


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