Sunday, October 15, 2023

Spectators or participants?

"One final issue. Our strategic petroleum reserve. It is over half gone, and if the Straits of Hormuz gets shut down in a Middle East War, we could be on the short end of the stick. Our gasoline could be sky high, or rationed."

As the saying goes, "this stuff is starting to get real". Due to the weather (as reported), the long-awaited start to the Gaza land war is on hold. Is that a problem? Not really, as many of the experts are thinking this adventure into Gaza could take eighteen months or so. Why so long? First, they need to take some very difficult terrain. Then try and find and free hostages. Finally, once a block of Gaza is secured, the IDF needs to hold it. All this by (at the same time), trying not to kill civilians. Piece of cake? NOT!

The USS Eisenhower, part of the Nimitz Class, will be joining the USS Ford - forthwith. What? Wait - that is one heck of a lot of fire power! Why so much in a war we are not involved in? The answer to that question is, who says we are not going to be involved? Iran, the neighborhood bully, is already making threats against Israel. "Don't go into Gaza, or else!" Or else what? Would that pull in the United States? 

Every time I think this situation could not get messier, it does. The Israelis are dropping leaflets to inform the citizens they need to leave the northern part of the Gaza Strip. In fact, it would really be good if they could get across the border into Egypt. A couple problems have popped up. First, Egypt does not want any refugees coming in from Gaza. Second, Hamas does not want the citizens heading south, out of danger. They have set up roadblocks to keep them closer to the "kill zone". If anyone understands this, please let me know.

To further complicate the issue, Hezbollah is firing missiles into Israel from Lebanon and Syria. Plus, it was reported this morning that Iran is moving more missiles into Syria. Get the picture? The table is being set for something much bigger and much broader. The slaughter which took place in Israel a week ago, might have just been the baited hook on the end of the line. All it is going to take is one small match to light this entire region on fire. If Iran gets involved, does that mean we will also? Count on it.

How much blood and treasure are we willing to invest in a Middle East war? Pulling in NATO with us would be very difficult, as NATO is already fractured over this entire issue. In fact, Turkey might side with Iran. The bottom line is this - Israel does not have many friends who will come to their rescue. But they do have us - that is, so long as Biden does not get weak in the knees. 

One final issue. Our strategic petroleum reserve. It is over half gone, and if the Straits of Hormuz gets shut down in a Middle East War, we could be on the short end of the stick. Gasoline could be sky high, or rationed. Those who lived in the 1970's remember that bumpy road. 

These are nerve racking times. The entire picture could change in one day. Are we spectators or participants? Today we are spectators. Tomorrow? We could be either.   


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