Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Is that you Hal?

"Oh, what a time we are living in! Soon we will have bots who are butlers, maids, gardeners, drivers, companions, cooks and so forth. And dogs, who never need to go outside to make a mess to clean up. But even if they did make a mess, the companion bot could clean that up for you!"

Are you ready for this? I will bet two bits that most are not expecting what is coming. Right now, we are fighting with the tyrants about this forceful shove into Electric Vehicles that most do not yet want. At Tesla, the entire time that Elon Musk is still working to make his Tesla vehicles acceptable to the marketplace (price point and charging issues), on the side he is also building something else. And this something else will be ready for go to market in 2025 or 2026. Yes, I know. That is right around the corner.

Bots. As in robots. Tesla is one of maybe ten different companies, some large, some start up, which are trying to get the most versatile and affordable bot on the marketplace by 2025 or 2026. It comes as no surprise to many that Musk thinks Tesla is in the driver's seat on this launch. People will buy a bot for use in their homes. Let that sink in for a minute. This is not like having a dog or a cat - this will be an AI equipped robot which can do things around the house. Like chores. 

This is going to hit John Q. Public like a hook to the jaw from Muhammad Ali. All of a sudden, there will be adds. "For as little as $20,000, you can own your own robot. It can dust, cook, weed, and shovel show. Every year you will get a free upgrade which will give your robot even more capabilities." Wait - what? You mean no more weeding my wife's garden? That is the plan. To have these robots be, well, like slaves. They can work from sun-up to sun-down so long as their charge holds out. 

Think this is bad? To sci-fi for you? Well buckle up folks. This is only the beginning. Each year the AI is supposed to get smarter and more capable. These metal things in your house, will soon be able to think and reason. You take the family on a vacation, and the bot stays home and runs the place. If you get bored, you can call your bot up and chat for a while. Maybe play a game of chess or checkers. The bot will know when its charge is running low, and how to recharge itself. Like I said, the plan is to be on the market in 2025 or 2026, and by 2030 bots will be like - metal people. 

Keep in mind, while most of industry is playing checkers, Elon Musk is playing three-dimensional chess. Besides solving the battery problem with his EVs, he is also making what could be the very best bot on the market at a discounted price. He is making an AI computer which he thinks will set the industry standard. His boring machine company is going great guns, and new tunnels are starting to appear all over the place. There is more, but I will stop here.

Well enough about Tesla. Boston Dynamics is also in this bot business. They have Atlas, and it is also coming along nicely. Look for Atlas to be a huge competitor to Tesla's Gen III bot. And by the way, Boston Dynamics is also making robot dogs. Lots of them.

Oh, what a time we are living in! Soon we will have bots who are butlers, maids, gardeners, drivers, companions, cooks and so forth. And dogs, who never need to go outside to make a mess to clean up. But even if they did make a mess, the companion bot could clean that up for you!

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