Monday, July 1, 2024

Selfish and short-sighted (but what's new?)


"But Jill does not care. Not a whit. She will put on her 'VOTE' dress and parade her failing husband for all to see. Most normal women would NEVER do this. But who said Jill is normal? After all, she might be the main puppet master, the one holding the most strings to her marioneted husband." 

Biden's former babysitter, now is wife, is a piece of work. Like most Democrats, her thirst for power is unquenchable. She is without a doubt, one of the most selfish people in the national spotlight. Why? For what she is doing to Joe. For what she is doing to our country. 

A brief aside for a moment. Don't worry - I will come back to Jill. The airwaves have been filled with Democrat pundits, telling us not to worry about Joe's disaster on the debate stage. "He is fine - really. He is not dropping out, as he is the only one who can beat (again) Donald Trump". Huh? That is the only reason to vote for an incompetent boob like Joe? That he might be able to beat Donald Trump? Unbelievable.

A second aside for a second. Do you hear about France? The rising surge of the right? Rumor has it the White House is worried sick about some of our allies going "right". That it could also come to our country in November. DUH! Get ready for it Democrats, because that is exactly what is coming. The pendulum has swung back, and it is time to put you ancient hippies out to pasture.

Back to Jill. Let's suppose for a minute, they get enough stimulants in Joe to get him over the finish line, and he beats Trump. Then what? What is over the horizon? Four more years of falling apart? Four more years of our allies wondering what has happened to us. Four more years of the new Axis of Evil walking all over us? Being President is hard work. It ages people. It changes people. Look at Obama. Came in as a young kid and went out grayer than a ghost. It has turned Biden into a puddle of mush.

But Jill does not care. Not a whit. She will put on her "VOTE" dress and parade her failing husband for all to see. Most normal women would NEVER do this. But who said Jill is normal? After all, she might be the main puppet master, the one holding the most strings to her marioneted husband. 

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