Thursday, July 11, 2024

Should he stay or should he go (Joe)?


"What do you think Joe? Should you stay or should you go? Are you the problem right now with the Democrat Party? Not a bit. You are only a symptom. The problems, the cancer of the Democrat Party, go much deeper than you Joe. You are only a fifty-year example of statism and tyranny."

Last this afternoon, is the take it or leave it prize. The pot of gold. The big bonanza (maybe). Or as it is called now, "Biden's big boy press conference." If Joe freezes up or refers to himself as the first black woman serving under a black president (again), it will be all over but the shouting. However, should the Red Bull work this time, and Joe comes across as sharp as a tack, then many of the naysayers will shuffle back into their corners and shut up.

But here is the elephant in the room that everyone seems to be avoiding. George Clooney nailed it. "The Joe Biden we saw at our fundraiser was NOT the same Joe Biden we saw in 2020." Ergo, that is the issue. This wreck of a man we are seeing right now on the national stage, is not the same man we will be seeing this time next year. Or maybe even this time next month. 

This reminds me of when a relative of mine had a cavity and was scared to go to the dentist. I had to remind him over and over again, that cavities do not selfheal. Only a dentist can fix a cavity. The same is true for dementia or Parkinson's. Only with those two diseases, they cannot be fixed. Maybe slowed down a bit, but not fixed. They will only get worse with age. They will not selfheal.

My biggest fear, just like it was four years ago, is that the sheeple will elect this ancient politician (warts and all), and then our White House will look more like Cozy Acres Nursing Home. The bad guys of the world will see this as a four-year window to ride all over us - create mayhem where they once feared to tread. Possibly initiate World War III. Maybe even nuke us.

I do, however, have one more fear which is different. Four years ago, the citizens and patriots were fearful of what Biden MIGHT do. Now after four long years, we have seen what Biden WILL do. What might happen? Citizens and patriots who have lost many freedoms of liberties under Biden, will just decide to sit the next four years out. Don't participate in anything. Or - their response could be worse than just inaction. It could be catastrophic.

One former Democrat was on the news and had an interesting observation. She really loved the Democrat Party of old. However, the current Democrat Party, now the Party of Marx, has no interest to her. So, she is switching from blue to red. Another woman who is Jewish, been a Democrat her entire life, wants no part of what this current party is. Her quote - "I no longer feel safe in the Democrat Party". 

What do you think Joe? Should you stay or should you go? Are you the problem right now with the Democrat Party? Not a bit. You are only a symptom. The problems, the cancer of the Democrat Party, go much deeper than you Joe. You are only a fifty-year example of statism and tyranny.   


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