Monday, August 26, 2024

The naked truth...

"Democrats have turned politics into a pitched battle of mud wrestling in this country. It is victory at all costs. Take no prisoners. If someone strays from the herd, let that person be eschewed forever. It is a sad case that America has come to this, but it has. The migration of RFK Jr. to our side of the street was our gain and their loss. They just don't realize it as yet."    

In all my years, I have never heard any Republican, much less a Democrat, strip the Democrat Party as clean as Bobby Kennedy Jr. did. Not one single thing, did he say, was false. It all rang true. But wait - the "party of big pharma"? "The party of war?" "The party of lawfare"? Where was the rebuttal from the Democrats? The Kennedy clan? Not heard. Why? They are all in on it. They know what their party is, and they don't give a wit. Why not? It is all about winning, baby! No matter what - clean, dirty or otherwise - it is all about staying in power! 

I would be embarrassed beyond belief, if a former long-term Republican, with long family ties, had done the same. The first thing I would have thought of, was - is this true? And if it is, how in the world could we not have seen this coming. But the Democrats are different. They knew about this from the get-go. And they did not care. It is all about winning, baby!

Bobby Jr, however, is cut from a different cloth. He really does want to make things better. A cleaner environment. Heathier children. A more peaceful world. What an oddball! Who really cares about all that crapola? Donald Trump does. And in the eyes of RFK Jr., Trump was an island of sanity in an insane world. Coming over to the red side of the street, would have been as easy for Jr. as it would have been for his dad or uncle, should they be alive today. Why do I say that? Today's Democrats are nothing like yesterday's other party. Not a bit.

With Bobby Jr. endorsing Trump, RFK Jr. has gone from a bit quirky, to an outcast. He is almost like Voldemort - his name shall no longer be spoken at family events. But Bobby does not feel the same. He has no hate in his heart for his family. Nor for his former pals in the DNC. He may disagree with them, but the animosity they feel towards him is not reciprocated. Not a bit. Hey Joe Biden - this is how a person of faith is supposed to act. Just saying.

Democrats have turned politics into a pitched battle of mud wrestling in this country. It is victory at all costs. Take no prisoners. If someone strays from the herd, let that person be eschewed forever. It is a sad case that America has come to this, but it has. The migration of RFK Jr. to our side of the street was our gain and their loss. They just don't realize it as yet.    

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