Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The REAL slovenly love affair

"And yet, I still know of people (NOT MAGA types), who like sheeple, watch and listen to one of the alphabet news channels. What is the difference between ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN? Nada. Zip. They are all the same. Liberal, slanted, and in the tank for DNC talking points."

I don't get it. They have been accused, and exposed. But they don't give a rip. In fact, they almost gloat about it. The days of Walter Cronkite are long over. The days of Dan Rather is when the change started. But the Dan Rather days were eons ago, and much has changed since then. If you have not yet guessed, I am talking about the love affair, the slovenly love affair, that the mainstream media has with the Democratic Party. It is shameful; it is wrong. But that is where our corruption has led us. To a real cabal. 

How bad is it? This weekend, Tom Cotton (Senator from Arkansas) was interview on one the alphabet networks by a tool named Jonathan Karl. What at one time would have an impartial interview, due to the cabal, has turned into a debate contest. Even though Cotton (as usual) held his own with Karl, Cotton was still somewhat taken aback that this interview was that slanted. Jonathan Karl stepped out of his role as an unbiased network moderator, and into his role as a Democrat hack. How bad was it? It gave Donald Trump some pause to reconsider taking part in a national debate, hosted by ABC. 

And yet, I still know of people (NOT MAGA types), who like sheeple, watch and listen to one of the alphabet news channels. What is the difference between ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN? Nada. Zip. They are all the same. Liberal, slanted, and in the tank for DNC talking points. What? Want to go more to the left for your news? There is always MPR (taxpayer funded slop-goo) or MSNBC. Bottom line? Fox is the only half-way honest (and I mean half-way at times) news source is Fox News. 

Back in the day, people in the Soviet Union were only able to get their news from a government newspaper called Pravda. Interestingly, Pravda is translated to mean "truth". It was a government rag which deserved to die. And die it did, in 1991 when the Soviet Union died. Today in Russia, freedom of the press is still an aspiration instead of a fact. Not as bad as the Pravda days, but the press better be careful, or maybe face some gulag time. Are we too, headed that way? With our cabal between the DNC and the media, we might be close.


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