Saturday, August 3, 2024

Two peas in a pod?


"By this time next week, we will know who the ticket is. The "selected, not elected" ticket. I can't wait - I am buzzing with excitement (NOT!). If we are to get rid of Walz, I want it to be via an election, not his rise to Veep. Other than the metro area, most of us in MN just want Walz GONE."  

Wow! This would be a great ticket! It really would be! Why is that? These two statists are two peas in a pod. Much more alike than different. What really binds them together? The Floyd riots in Minneapolis. Whereas as they were happening, Tim Walz (the carpetbagger who said only people who like rocks and cows live in Minnesota) wanted to let the protestors "burn off some steam", so he did NOTHING for three days. Net result? Minneapolis almost burned to the ground. 

Now here is the truth about Kamala, according to Snopes. No, she did not donate money to the Minnesota Freedom Fund during the Floyd riots. For those who cannot remember what this fund was about, it was to pay criminal and immigration bonds for those thugs who tried to destroy Minneapolis. PLUS - she encouraged her supports to donate. What does that smell like to me? Insurrection. What happened in Minneapolis made January 6th look like child's play.

Other than throwing poor young black kids in jail for smoking a joint, Kamala does not know spit about law and order. For that matter, if Tim Walz knows about it, he keeps it well hidden. No matter who Kamala picks as her Veep, it will be a strange ticket. But to pick Walz, who has been way less than impressive as our governor, would be the strangest for sure. And should they win, and Walz would need to resign, we would have even a stranger governor to replace him (our current Lt. Governor). 

Actually, the more people know about Kamala Harris, the less most would be likely to vote for her. But do to the heavy and non-stop barrage of gaslighting coming from the dishonest media, one would think Kamala was to the right of sainthood. But she is not a saint - far from it. In fact, one of the largest Catholic organizations is actively campaigning AGAINST her, as she is so anti-Catholic. And this abortion thing - her cause celeb - as the saying go, you can't be pro-abortion and pro-Catholic. One has to give. 

By this time next week, we will know who the ticket is. The "selected, not elected" ticket. I can't wait - I am buzzing with excitement (NOT!). If we are to get rid of Walz, I want it to be via an election, not his rise to Veep. Other than the metro area, most of us in MN just want Walz GONE.  

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