Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Voting your principles and/or party

"Get ready for the election of the ages. It is going to be close. It is going to be contested. It is going to be corrupt. When the dust settles and a victor is crowned, Half the country will be spitting mad. Some will refuse to participate. Some will leave the country."

Voting. Not as easy as it once was. I have said this for a while now, voting in the United States, especially Minnesota - is vexing. Not for people of principle - but lackeys who vote strictly down party line - now that is very strange and unusual to most folks like me.

Minnesota has a very high population of Yellow Dog Democrats. Those are the minions who vote blue no matter what the party platform is, or how much of a Bozo is running as their nominee. Minnesota also has a very small number of Blue Dog Democrats. Those are Democrats who cross over party lines due to principle. Ergo, that is why Minnesota has not voted red in a presidential campaign since 1972.

In less than 90 days, election day will be here. Early voting starts even sooner. The Yellow Dogs are barking and yelping with excitement. Most hate Donald Trump. Why, because he gets stuff done? That he is for the "little guy"? No, they hate him because he is successful. He is the antithesis of equity. What in the world then, do most died in the wool Democrats want? They want sameness. No matter of ability, everyone will be on the same level. What these party hacks don't realize, is when all are the same, it is a one-way ticket to a mediocre country. Their motto could be "Make America Mediocre". Note I dropped the word "again". Why? America has never been mediocre.

Here are the facts. Harris is a terrible candidate. She does not know much, and she sure as heck does not do much. She will tell you however, she was a tremendous prosecutor. She did a bang-up job of tossing young black men in prison in California for smoking weed. But as "Border Czar"? She has not done spit. Her experience level to allow her to be POTUS is even thinner than Obama's was. And his was thinner than he was.

After the mess the country has found itself in during the past four years, anybody who would vote more of the same, is nutty. Unfortunately, our laws allow morons to vote. If we did have a law which required some degree of intellect to vote, this country would be red forever. Ergo, that is how we end up with sycophants like Clinton, Obama, and Biden. Heck, those last three Democrats were so bad, they almost made Carter look good. And Carter made a mess out of things. 

Get ready for the election of the ages. It is going to be close. It is going to be contested. It is going to be corrupt. When the dust settles and a victor is crowned, Half the country will be spitting mad. Some will refuse to participate. Some will leave the country. With only half the country participating, our Union will limp along. Will we be great again? Hard to say.

Next week is the DNC convention. The Palestinian protestors are already getting their signs, masks and weapons ready. The good news for the Republicans is a record number of Jews will vote red this time around. Truthfully, I don't understand why any Jewish person would ever vote blue in the first place. The vast majority of Republicans are very pro-Israel. Democrats on Israel? Depends what day of the week it is.   


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