Saturday, September 21, 2024

Empty houses and empty cars

I am going to step out boldly and address something I have been pondering as of late. For those who are not in the faith nor want to be, it is okay to pass this article by. However if you do believe in the God of the Bible and the truthfulness of His Word, you might find this worth pondering.

The Rapture. The Bible does not mention it by name but alludes to it more than once. The Rapture of Christ's church will happen either right before the Tribulation or maybe at the start of the Tribulation. As a believer, I know the Rapture is true. I also know the Tribulation will be true, as the Word talks about it in depth. The Tribulation, where God pours out His wrath on a corrupt world, will be the worst seven years in human history. It will be horrible beyond what horrible has ever been before.

But those who believe and follow Christ, will be taken up to Heaven and spared the horrors of the Tribulation. Even though Matthew talks about the "wide gates and the narrow gates", I would like to see as many souls as possible be Raptured when the time comes. In other words, after the Rapture, I would like to see lots and lots of empty houses and empty cars. Meaning - whomever lived in those houses or drove those cars would now be in Heaven.

The Rapture is not a fairy tale nor fantasy. It is true. If your faith life has been dormant or tepid, now is the time to rediscover the love and redemption of Jesus. Time may not be our friend right now, as end times may be right around the corner.

When will the Rapture happen? Nobody, not even Jesus knows. Only the Father knows. And when it happens, it will happen in the blink of an eye. If you have never prayed the Salvation Prayer, now would be a good time to pray it. 


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