Friday, September 20, 2024

The most brazen attack ever?

"It will be an interesting autumn. Maybe an historic autumn." 

Good morning, Hezbollah. Welcome to the world of the Mossad. Did you really think that you could almost daily lob 50 to 70 missiles into Israel and not garner the attention of the most deadly and dark organization in the Middle East, maybe the world? Well Mr. and Mrs. Hezbollah, you have now opened Pandora's Box. And the Mossad has repaid you with the magic pagers and walkie talkies which at any time can go "BOOM". But don't worry - there are probably more tricks up their sleeves. 

I know, I know. Both Hamas and Hezbollah are straight out of the 10th century. As we saw from the October 7th attack, Hamas can be as barbaric as any tribe in history was. Truthfully - we can put Iran's ruling Mullahs, Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis all in the same tub of evil. After years of threats, missiles and bloody incursions, it might be time for (as said in the Godfather movie) for Israel to "take care of family business. 

If it is war they want, I just might be war they will get. Wait a minute - will it pull us into this fray? If it is true that Hezbollah has over 100,000 missiles and drones, and if Iran calls on all of its proxies to mount a coordinated attack on Israel to defeat the Iron Dome, then yes - it will involve us. And probably Jordan. But know this - should this devolve into a shooting war; Israel will not be satisfied with giving Iran a "pin prick". They will want to "fix the problem". Maybe even go after the almost finished bomb factory before a nuke enters the picture. 

What then was the purpose of the exploding pagers and walkie talkies? That was Mossad telling the bad guys "We know who you are and where you are." Some wearing the pagers were injured, some were even killed. But the message was simply this - we can reach out and get you, any time we want to.

"Wars and rumors of wars". For those in the faith, we know what the Bible states about Israel. If war comes to that part of the world, it is much better to stand with Israel than not to. And as far as Iran is concerned? I have had it with them since they took our embassy staff hostage in the 1970's. Time for a little payback? Maybe. It will be an interesting autumn. Maybe an historic autumn. 

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