Monday, September 9, 2024

Where have all the choo-choo trains gone?

"The idea of having a Amtrac train station for trains going to Fargo is just as bad as the idea of the North Star being extended up to Duluth. The Duluth idea has gone nowhere, and it seems the Fargo idea might follow suit. What then, to do with the unused train stations? Maybe make drive through Starbucks out of them. Or something like that." 

Interesting article in the morning news. Seems the pro-train crowd wants an extension of the Amtrac line up to Fargo-Morehead. Really? Why? Ever been to Fargo in the wintertime? It is kind of like the movie. As the saying goes about North Dakota in the winter, "You are not at the North Pole, but you can see it from there". Not to besmirch the fine state of Northern Dakota. I actually kind of like it there (in the summertime). But to run ANOTHER expensive train which only a few will take - what a waste of taxpayer money.

By the way, most responsible taxpayers cringe when they drive by one of our abandoned North Star train stations. These stations were going to be statists dream. Walk to the station from your close by apartment, get on the North Star, ride to downtown in comfort, and then catch an LRT to where you work. When work is over, just do the reverse. That is the la-la land vision. The reality of course, is Democrat rule has turned Minneapolis into a lawless "no-go" zone. Thus, the North Star stations sit and gather dust. 

The dollars which went into constructing these stations are legion. Even though the North Star was a money pit, it still ran (for a while). Then the Floyd riots happened. And the pandemic. And the "defund the police" movement. All of a sudden, the adventure of going downtown became drudgery. Dangerous at times. Many folks just wanted to work from home, where it was MUCH cheaper and MUCH safer. Then - the very expensive ramps and train stations became relics from the past. Testaments to a foolish taxpayer WASTE of money.

The good people of Anoka have volunteered their unused station to be used as an Amtrac station for the long sought after train to nowhere (Fargo). If that comes to pass, after spending even more taxpayer money, it will be interesting to see how many cars will end up parking in the vacant ramp. My guess is very few. It will also be a drop off station for some of the fine folks from South Chicago who are looking for new territory. 

The idea of having a Amtrac train station for trains going to Fargo is just as bad as the idea of the North Star being extended up to Duluth. The Duluth idea has gone nowhere, and it seems the Fargo idea might follow suit. What then, to do with the unused train stations? Maybe make drive through Starbucks out of them. Or something like that. 

ps. A point of truthful disclosure. My wife and I did get tickets for the inaugural run of the North Star many years ago. That was back before I saw the light.  

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