Thursday, October 3, 2024

Be careful for what you wish for...

"My only hope is by now, more and more people will take their blinders off and see what could be in our future. A Harris presidency could take us down the road to a type of perdition. It could be really bad for a great many folks."

Whomever gets the nod to be POTUS 47 is going to really inherit a kettle of fish. It will be a mess - a hot mess at that. The "October surprise" of having the cleanup from the mega-storm, the mother of all labor strikes, and the looming war between Israel and Iran - I mean, who would want to deal with these things? For some reason Kamala, who has the resume and abilities of a sloth, would LOVE the job! She thinks it would be like the Veep job, all sugar canes and Lollypops. Well, think again sister - as Truman said, "the buck stops here".

To walk this tightrope, once taking the oath of office, will take finesse and acumen. Actually, real world experience will also help - a lot. Donald Trump has four years in the job as being POTUS, as well as decades being a CEO. He has dealt with labor issues galore (hello, Longshoremen). He knows how to keep us strong, yet out of war. And he has dealt with natural disasters. Why in the world would Trump want to be POTUS 47 after being POTUS 45? Simply because he knows he can do the job. Keep us out of war. Fix our economy. Heal the scars in our land caused by Hurricane Helene. Help solve the insolvable labor issues with the Longshoremen. 

But right now, half the country hates Trump for reasons which are alien to most normal folks. Half the country loves Trump because he is a patriot. Yet, half will still vote for this untrained, lazy, Marxist named Kamala. She will be a disaster for this country. If she thinks she can fall back on Tim Walz when she gets in trouble, please - don't make me laugh. As bad as things are right now, they will only get worse should Kamala prevail in November.

My only hope is by now, more and more people will take their blinders off and see what could be in our future. A Harris presidency could take us down the road to a type of perdition. It could be really bad for a great many folks. I have tried to see a ray of light, a shred of hope should Kamala become our next president. But I can't. All I can see if many longing for the good old days of having Joe Biden as president - and as we know, those days were horrible.

The old saying will probably be true this November. Republicans vote with their heads, and Democrats vote with their heart. Those who vote with their hearts should get ready for something between heartburn and a broken heart should Kamala win. Don't think so? Remember the heartache many had after eight years of Obama? And he was good compared to how Harris would be. Just saying...  


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