Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Hope for a change?

"We have had a lot of phony baloney, good time rock and roll frauds as presidents. Say much, do little. Tonight, the Democrats will have another one on stage. Slick Willie."

Hope and change. Can we ever forget that slogan that the Obamas used? What were the programs, the promises they ran on? Hope and change. All of a sudden, all the minions who were looking for a "historic" president, knew that new mantra. The combination of this meaningless motto, and an historically weak bench for the Republicans (McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012), led to eight years of social and racial division in America.

This year, a woman of color is in the mix to be our next president. Like the Obamas, she has nothing but a slogan. This time it is just "hope". Hope for what, you might ask. Hope for a change on how things have been going. That will be a tough one, as Kamala is on the current team with Biden. In any event, after the disastrous proposal for price controls, Kamala is very tight lipped about her plans for the dismantling of America.

This morning on the news, Lawerence Jones from Fox News was in a barber shop asking black patrons whom they are voting for. Some of the responses were stunning. "I need to vote for Kamala because she will be historic". Another person said, "It is time for a woman president". Yet another person said, "We vote Democrat as that is the way we were raised." Interesting however, many also said costs were too high. Taxes were too high. But who cares? We need to vote "historic". SMH.

Again, last night, I did not watch the "show". I caught the lowlights on the morning news. I did hear the new four letter (now five letter) cuss word was said many times last night. That cuss work of course, is Trump. It is amazing how much Donald Trump has screwed things up these past 3 1/2 years when he has not been in charge. But who cares about the details? Donald Trump, if elected again, will destroy our "democracy". But we don't have a democracy. Donald Trump will, however, preserve our democratic republic. Period. And by the way, the biggest threat to our democratic republic has been lawfare, brought to us live and in color by Biden/Harris - not Trump. 

We have had a lot of phony baloney, good time rock and roll frauds as presidents. Say much, do little. Tonight, the Democrats will have another one on stage. Slick Willie. At least Clinton has the where-with-all to realize during his administration he needed to "triangulate" with the House Republicans. Not Biden, not Harris. The hate is way too deep for Orange Man Bad. And any Republican who knows how to spell Trump's name is a "MAGA" (another four-letter word).

If this country is foolish enough to elect Kamala, we will get a historic president - but not for the reasons some hope for. She will be historically bad. Terrible. She will cause great ruin in this country. Donald Trump may act churlish at times, but he is a patriot who loves this country, and most importantly - knows how to run it. Harris on the other hand, will know only how to ruin it. And that is what this election should be all about.     

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