Tuesday, August 20, 2024

See nothing, do nothing, say nothing (which makes sense)

"Meanwhile, the protesters are out in force, demanding the Democrat Party become Israel haters. Some of the vile things said by these mutts on Chicago streets are beyond comprehension. Way beyond the pale. But here you have it - Democrats protesting Democrats. A real sight to see. Makes me happy I am not seeing it."  

True to my word, I have not watched the DNC Convention. Last night was easy, as we had our grandson up at our hut, and ended up watching a Suess story called the Lorax. Even though the movie was silly and sometimes pointless, I would have a thousand times preferred watching that over the blather shown at the convention. Plus, I understand that Slow Joe was stuck way at the end of the night, and as we know, Biden does not do well after bedtime.

I did listen to some commentary on the way home. My, my - did some pundits take off on Kamala! Why? The non-stop pass and groveling love affair the press has with her. What are her platforms? First off, she will fix what is broken. That is a great one, as she has been in charge for the past 3 1/2 years. What is broken Kamala? Something you and Joe did? If you need help writing that speech, I will be very glad to chip in.

Kamala is an empty dress. Or empty suit. What she has proposed so far (price controls), even got some boos from her party. Why? It was nutty. It would kill what is left of the economy. Plus - it is something that only Commies do. Not us, Commies. Okay wise guy, what can she talk about then? Certainly not the price of bread. Or gas. Or the southern border. She can't really tout her accomplishments, since there have been none.

Some person on the street was asked about what Kamala has accomplished. "Well, she did what Joe Biden asked her to do." Wow - that was profound. Another person as asked and said, "She chose Tim Walz". What?? That was an accomplishment? How about, she took out the garbage. Or she got her car washed.

Meanwhile, the protesters are out in force, demanding the Democrat Party become Israel haters. Some of the vile things said by these mutts on Chicago streets are beyond comprehension. Way beyond the pale. But here you have it - Democrats protesting Democrats. A real sight to see. Makes me happy I am not seeing it.  


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