Thursday, September 5, 2024

Realizing unrealized investment gains

"I do grieve for our country, that there are enough sheeple to actually put this woman in office. The metrics are crystal clear which compares the four years of Trump to the four years of Biden. And remember - the first four years of Harris will be worse than the four years of Biden." 

Confused a bit? Title of this article a bit "off-putting"? I should be. This morning on the news, Kamala's tax plan was explained. Well, they tried to explain it. It is kind of a mishmash of tax increases as well as an out and out confiscation of wealth. Yes, even down to sunsetting the Trump tax cuts promulgated during the Trump administration. That sunsetting tax increase will raise taxes on just about everyone (don't believe for a minute this would only affect those making over $400k/year).

But here is the one which is a doozy, should a Democrat Congress put it in a bill for a President Harris to sign. Unrealized investment gains. Better known as a wealth tax. Why is this important? It signifies a huge U-turn in the way we tax. Like, income tax is no longer dependent just on income. Republicans hate it and the Marxists love it. It is only the first step in having the government come in and tell people they are making too much or they are worth too much. Confiscatory taxes could be right around the corner. 

I have said this before, but it bears repeating. I am flummoxed, confused, bewildered, or you name the term - on the way and how ANYONE with an ounce of common sense could vote for this phony. Under President Harris, our borders would remain open. Illegals, gangs, trafficking, and fentanyl would continue to flow into our country. Inflation and interest rates would remain high. Food prices would remain high. Our proxy wars would continue. In short, everything bad which happened under Biden, would only get worse under Harris. Her response to our misery? Giggle and kackle some more.

I do grieve for our country, that there are enough sheeple to actually put this woman in office. The metrics are crystal clear which compares the four years of Trump to the four years of Biden. And remember - the first four years of Harris will be worse than the four years of Biden. Then how in the world could anyone vote for Harris? If people were paying attention, Trump should be leading by 30 points. Instead, the race is razor thin. SHM...

If Harris is looking for a tagline for her economic program other than "Biden-omics", she might try "highway to Venezuela" instead. Why? That is exactly where her financial programs would take us. By the way - it was recently disclosed that the average time in business Harris' economic advisors has is 2.5 years. Really? 2.5 years? That explains quite a bit. 


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