Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Our half and half issue

"Our country is no longer light gray and dark gray. Different shades, but still the same color. Our country has devolved into half oil and half water. We don't mix well." 

I heard it again yesterday. By another pundit I rarely listen to. "This election is going to be razor thin. It is going to come down to the margins." Translation - this will be like the 2000 election or the 2016 election. But there will be a big difference with this very close election which is only two months away. Our country is no longer light gray and dark gray. Different shades, but still the same color. Our country has devolved into half oil and half water. We don't mix well. 

We are like half and half creamer. Or a 50-50 bar. What we are seeing right now at Columbia University (as well as others), is a growing part of the electorate who will "take it to the streets." Should Donald Trump win, I fully expect to see this same group of mutts "taking it to the streets" about the injustice of having the Orange Man winning. On the other hand, should Harris win, I can see the other half of the country simply sitting on their hands. Deciding not to contribute to socialism. 

What we saw in the one and only debate so far between Trump and Biden was a social mess. First off, neither wanted to shake hands with the other. That has always been a custom between the two parties. Next, during the debate the old lie was brought up again. "You called our soldiers losers and suckers. You are the loser and sucker." Wow, President Biden, that was not very nice. How are comments like that going to bring us together? Short answer - they won't.

During some particularly stressful and racial times in the past, Rodney King asked the famous question, "Can't we just get along?" That resonated with many folks back then. Today however, that same question would be met with a resounding - NO! There is no more "a rising tide lifts all ships" (even though it does). Now it is zero sum. You gaining one means I am losing one. Gone are the days of both of us gaining one. No, today it is someone wins and the other loses. It is a good prescription for socialism or communism, but lousy for capitalism.

Someone else asked two questions not too long ago which gave me pause to think. Question one - once this election is over, and if it is as razor thin as expected, will both sides respect it as legitimate. In other words, will the election be 100% clean? Question two - regardless of who wins, will this country be governable? Right now, we are on the verge of being ungovernable. Will the 2024 election push us over the edge?

Points to ponder. Can our great country withstand more turmoil? Or will the ancient words ring true - "we have a republic - if we can keep it."


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