Tuesday, September 3, 2024

"We are not going back!"

"Labor Day is over. The political season is now in full swing. Pay attention, as your BS filter could fill up real fast. Lies, dam lies and statistics will be in the air. And the gaslighting - oh my goodness, the gaslighting. And all this while, I thought the concept of Groupthink was fictional. A concept from a George Orwell novel."  

There is an old saying, that in an election year, things don't get real until Labor Day is over with. Well, yesterday was Labor Day, and now it will be politics 24 x 7 until November 5th. I have an angle on this year's race, and if I don't get censored by the FB THOUGHT POLICE again, I will share it with you.

On the news yesterday, I saw Kamala Harris revving up some union crowd on Labor Day. All of a sudden, her diction changed. Just like Barack Obama, she instantly developed a southern drawl with southern diction. Weird. Anyhow, she started to rail how bad things were during the four years Donald Trump was in office. In her new southern accent, she said, "We are not going back there!" Really? And why is that?

Is it because food was more affordable? Is it because young people could qualify for housing if they wanted to take out a mortgage? Is it because the price of energy was lower, so it was more affordable to drive a car? Is it because the crime statistics in most cities were lower? Is it because our borders were more secure? Is it because Jewish students could go to class in large universities without being harassed and spit upon? I mean, I could go on and on and on. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris created this mess, and now she is blaming it on Donald Trump. And, she has vowed to fix it, by using the same metrics which got us here in the first place.

I will say this about the Democrats - they have taken gaslighting to a new type of art form. Yes, they are VERY good at it. How much so? If normal people compared just about any statistic from the Trump years to the Biden years, the Trump years would win hands down. But the sheeple out there, who still believe the Moon is made out of green cheese, now believe the following - Orange Man bad and Kamala good.

Somebody challenged me the other day. "You can't tell me Bird, that this country has enough gullible people to be fooled by this charade." Sadly, I responded - we do. But how can that be? The facts are evidentiary. That is a cold hard fact. What is possible, is this country could actually vote for the person who broke the back of our economy. Instead of a "fix" like Donald Trump would give, they would vote for more of the same. 

Labor Day is over. The political season is now in full swing. Pay attention, as your BS filter could fill up real fast. Lies, dam lies and statistics will be in the air. And the gaslighting - oh my goodness, the gaslighting. And all this while, I thought the concept of Groupthink was fictional. A concept from a George Orwell novel.  

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