Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Alphabet Soup

"I have said this many times before - for us 70 plus folks, we have lived the good life in America. If kamala is elected, she can hurt us, but nothing compared to how she can hurt our kids and grandkids. We have seen the economic good times under Reagan and Trump. We have also seen the economic bad times under Carter, Obama and Biden." 

Which news show do you watch? If you are watching any one of the alphabet network news shows, it is just picking your poison. They are all the same. No, I did not watch the debate. I did not have to. I could have written the script for how it turned out weeks ago. When you have a (dare I use this term?) news organization, who when fact checked, had 89% favorable reporting on Kamala during the last year, and 91% unfavorable reporting on Trump - how would you imagine it would turn out?

This morning, Harold Ford (the Democrat), said we needed one more debate. On Fox. Why? Believe it or else, compared to the alphabets, FOX IS FAIR AND BALANCED. Ford said that having Brett Bair and Martha MacCallum as moderators would give the voters a clear picture of BOTH candidates. What we had last night was (as they say in football), a pile on. It was three against one all night long.

The question the pundits are asking this morning is "who won?" The answer to that question will mostly depend on which side of the street you live on. Me? I don't think anyone won - but I know who lost. ABC lost. Any shred of credibility which ABC had remaining is now gone. And not only ABC lost - I think this was the end for debates on any of the alphabet news shows. Last night might have been it - forever.

Actually, I felt pretty good about only popping in to watch every once in a while. But here is the problem. Kamala could have won the debate 99 to 1, and nothing would change. Her "policies", which are nothing more than Biden policies warmed over, will be in effect should she win the election. The good days of how Trump ran the country will be gone forever. Why? This is probably it for Donald Trump. If he does not make it this year, it (his political career) will be over. And the country will be over. Kamala, like Hillary, will drag us into World War III. Don't believe it? Just look around. If the man who hates war (Donald Trump) is defeated, war will be in our offing.

I have said this many times before - for us 70 plus folks, we have lived the good life in America. If Kamala is elected, she can hurt us, but nothing compared to how she can hurt our kids and grandkids. We have seen the economic good times under Reagan and Trump. We have also seen the economic bad times under Carter, Obama and Biden. 

I will agree with Harold Ford on this issue. One more debate on Fox. The voters deserve it. Trump's base does not need it, thank you. We are fine. But the squishy middle needs it. Otherwise, they will be like Swifties, and all vote for Kamala, even though she is a wrecking ball. And for ABC, let me finish this way. You can stuff it. 

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