Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Trying to understand a bad choice

"Supposedly Kamala has nudged ahead of Trump in the polls right now. Really? How? Why? Because Trump has had two attempts on his life? Because Trump has promised to take the federal tax off of tips, social security and overtime? Because Trump has promised to take us back to energy dominance?"

Maybe I spend too much time thinking about this. But I can't seem to stop doing it. It perplexes me. Befuddles me. I had similar thoughts when Barack Obama ran for president. A paper-thin resume and a slogan. "Hope and change baby, hope and change." But he was "historic", if that means anything. And now we have another "historic" person running for president, who has the same type of resume. Just not the pervasive slogan that Obama had.

Somehow, Kamala Harris has managed to cast a spell on many of the sheeple, convincing them that she will "fix things". That the past almost four years did not really happen - it was just an extension of the Donald Trump's "mess". But here is my conundrum - love him or hate him, Donald Trump's metrics while president don't lie. Neither do the Biden/Harris metrics. Even knowing that prices are 20% higher than when taking office, we have millions of illegal immigrants all over the country, we are on the precipice of a major war - sheeple have either forgotten all of that, or they just don't care. They love the cackle. 

One of my RINO FB friends said he does not like Trump because Trump is too "authoritarian". Excuse me - what? Trump never mandated the type of cars we would drive. Trump never weaponized the DOJ to be a "lawfare" agency. Trump never dragged this country into numerous wars. Biden and Harris were the authoritarians. And that is just the start of what I could say about them. Of course, the list of their offenses while being the president and Veep would end up with tyranny. Maybe treason. 

Kamala is younger than Trump. That is a fact. Trump has more energy than Kalama - you can see that in how much he can get done compared to Kamala. Kamala has a big mouth with lots of teeth - you can see it when she smiles and laughs. Trump grins more than he smiles - that is his affect. But let's put looks aside and talk only about results.

Let's assume for a minute that we did not vote. That elections were decided only on the resume. Only on past performance. Not on the promise of "two chickens in every pot" - that never comes to pass. But when one candidate promises "more of the same" and the "same" was pretty darn good, why is that not enough for the sheeple? It sure is for me!

Supposedly Kamala has nudged ahead of Trump in the polls right now. Really? How? Why? Because Trump has had two attempts on his life? Because Trump has promised to take the federal tax off of tips, social security and overtime? Because Trump has promised to take us back to energy dominance? By the way, as this country also travels down the road to AI dominance, we will need MASSIVE amounts of energy. Far more than our windmills and solar panels can offer.

Okay sheeple. You don't like Trump - I get it. You don't like the fact he would mean tweet during his first term. You don't like his mannerisms. You don't like he counter punches. But you can't in good faith tell me his metrics were worse than Biden's. If you think so, prove it. I know - you can't prove it, because Biden was terrible. And Kalama will be worse. 

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