Thursday, September 19, 2024

Two stories: Teamsters and Longshoremen

This is the story of two unions. Story one will be about the Teamsters Union. Story two will be about the Longshoremen Union.

Story One - I am old enough to remember when if you mentioned a Republican's name around a union member, it was like uttering a four-letter word. So, what in the world is happening to the rank and file these days? The union leadership remains corrupt and in the pocket of the DNC, but not the workers. Many have seen the light. Especially with a man like Donald Trump. They know the Democrat Party is all foam and no beer. But the "Don"? He can really help union families.

The union where Donald Trump's support is the strongest is the Teamsters Union. A poll was taken earlier this week for presidential preference. Guess what? Trump got a shade under 60% approval! That is HUGE! But it was a bit too much for the union president, Sean O'Brien. He just could not pull the lever to have a formal endorsement for Trump. Even after being invited to speak at the RNC convention! Never mind most of his union faithful love Trump. I guess O'Brien has not purged the last few drops of "union boss" out of his bloodstream.

Story Two - For the first time in years, the Longshoremen Union has gone out on strike. First strike in decades. What - what? I thought the Longshoremen were some of the highest paid union workers. They are. Currently, a longshoreman makes $81,000/year as a base salary. BUT - many make a whale of a lot of overtime. With the overtime rules, is not unusual for a longshoreman to make as much as $200,000/year! Hint: This strike is not about money, although they are looking for a bit more.

As discussed yesterday on Fox Business channel, these guys have been doing their homework. They know this might be their last negotiation. Why? Automation. Humanoid robots. Many of their jobs will be some of the first to go when the "age of the robot" starts. When that happens, the bargaining power of a union worker goes down to about zero. So, this is it. The last shebang. They need language in the contract which will stem the growth of automation.

There you have it. The story of two iconic and strong unions. But soon every union will be affected by automation. This is a cold hard fact. When will that happen? Sooner rather than later. All unions are going to change. From the UAW to the Teamsters to the Teacher's Union. The change will start during this upcoming presidential term. Hearing much about those changes from the campaign trail? No? Neither am I.     

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