Thursday, July 25, 2024

Go quietly into the night? Na!

"King Joe. What to do now to fill his days. My guess? Pretty much the same thing he has been doing. Only this time, he can hide in plain sight. Who is going to care? Who is going to call him out? Nobody. Why? He is now a king, and that is what kings do. Nothing." 

We now have a king in America. How do I know? Joe Biden, last night during his prime-time speech, announced to the country he would only be a figurehead for the next six months. After that, he would maybe drift silently into the night. Or not. Actually, Joe Biden has been a king for a while now. He is not the person pulling the levers of power. Who then, is it? Obama? Dr. Jill? Obama's inner circle? We all know it is not Joe. His mind is wandering back to that beach chair he has set up for himself in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. 

Now there is no hiding it. No more lying about his health. President Biden has devolved into King Joe. He can eat ice cream cones until the sun sets every day. Does he have to show up at the White House? Na - that is where the action is, and Joe does not need to be by the action. All eyes are on Kamala now. And that is good. Why is that? The person who never garnered one delegate vote on her own, now has something attached to her leg which she cannot shake off. It is called her record. And it is not a good one. 

When it comes to policies, there is not a split hair difference between Kamala's, Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren and Joe Biden. Together they are like the Politburo. Is there more just kike these four Commies? Sure, but that is a state secret. They are the puppet masters. The ones who were pulling the levers of power for Joe when Joe did not know if it were Tuesday or Funday. And they are not going anywhere. They will be pulling the levers of power for Kamala should she cheat, I mean win, her way into the White House. And if Trump wins? The puppet masters go "poof" and disappear.

This is a strange land we live in right now. The lap dog media is all in for Kamala. Why? She will continue on with Joe's horrible policies. But if Joe's policies were that horrible for the country, why would the media be cheerleaders for them? Now you are asking questions I have no clue on how to answer. The media, our "Fourth Estate", should be very critical of everything which was passed under Biden. But they were not. Instead, they were giddy with glee. Whereas they had antipathy for Donald Trump and his successful policies, they had a love affair with everything that Biden did or said. 

King Joe. What to do now to fill his days. My guess? Pretty much the same thing he has been doing. Only this time, he can hide in plain sight. Who is going to care? Who is going to call him out? Nobody. Why? He is now a king, and that is what kings do. Nothing. 



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