Friday, July 19, 2024

The battle for America has begun!

"Donald Trump thinks we can be restored to our better selves in only a short period of time. I hope so. As the expression goes, as Nero fiddled, Rome burned. The world is now a much more dangerous place since we have led from behind. President Trump will put us back in the leadership position."

Now that the Republican Convention is over (and wasn't it grand!), the battle for the future of America has begun. Unlike the other side who tried to take our leader out with bullets, we will take Joe Biden out on the field of ideas. Or should I say just the Democrats, as it appears the palace revolt in the DNC continues, and poor old Joe might be stripped of his second term. But enough about that, as that is still a developing story.

I have addressed this one before. Traveling in just about any direction from the metro areas in this country, you encounter the real America. And in the real America, the Republican agenda is not just something which is a motto or a cliche - it is how real people, really live. And the love of country is palpable - it flows through every inch of their blood stream. They don't burn the flag; they honor its tradition and heritage. They don't kill innocent life; to them, all human life is precious. They don't rewrite our history; they study and live by our Constitution and the Holy Bible.

But in the metro areas, is where the other side dwells. Do the citizens and patriots hate the other side? Not a bit. As President Trump said last night, they are part of our national fabric. We do rebel however, when the other side starts acting more like King George than George Washington (when they are in charge). Thus, on the matter of tyranny, there is no middle ground. Our country was born and rose from the ashes of foreign tyranny - we certainly are not going to accept tyranny once again as a homespun issue. 

It is up to us, the makers, to convince the other side (the takers), that our ideas are better. Our ideas are what will shape the world as well as our country. We are the shining city on the hill, the beacon of hope, the nation others come to in time of trouble. Donald Trump thinks we can be restored to our better selves in only a short period of time. I hope so. As the expression goes, as Nero fiddled, Rome burned. The world is now a much more dangerous place since we have led from behind. President Trump will put us back in the leadership position.

Will the battle for America be without violence? It will on our side, be without violence. When President Trump was almost killed by an assassin's bullet, there were no riots. No insurrections (like the Floyd issue). No blood spilled in the street. What about the other side? We can only hope and pray they will allow the transfer of power in January the peaceful way. With an honest and fair election, that is the way it should happen.     

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