Sunday, July 21, 2024

See ya later, China!


"107 days until the election. When Trump was asked what he thought about the upcoming election, his reply was classic. 'I don't know - who am I running against?' Bingo! The Democrats have a poop show right now, and every day which goes by, the show smells worse. Trump being our 47th president is looking better and better all the time." 

With a Trump/Vance administration, so many good things will happen, I shudder to think about how many there will be. BUT - to me the single best thing will be the dissolution of the unhealthy and dangerous relationship we have with China. I won't go into the potentially illegal and certainly immoral relationship the Biden family has had with China. That is old news. I will say this however - Donald Trump breaking up this bad marriage will be a blessing from above. Something which is long, long overdue. 

Just in case you are wondering - do I hate the Chinese people? Not a bit. Many would love to have a better form of government. I do have antipathy for the current regime. They are tyrannical and have proved they will murder at a moment's notice. They don't like Donald Trump nor Vance. But that is tough toenails. Soon there will be a new sheriff in town. The days of suspicious and deadly viruses as well as fentanyl will be coming to an end.

As an aside, another thing Trump and Vance want to do is build an American version of the Iron Dome. Keep America safe from rogue missiles coming at us from Russia, China, Iran or wherever. Build it using American knowhow as well as American labor and material. Have an Iron Dome protecting us from above, and an impenetrable fence protecting us from illegal aliens from across our borders.

Shortly after Donald Trump is sworn in, Joe Biden will only be an unpleasant aftertaste. Some will be crying for his scalp. Make him pay for all the misdeeds he did while serving this nation. Will Donald Trump have his DOJ go after Biden? I doubt it. Biden is in the rear-view mirror for Trump, and Trump is much more concerned with looking out the windshield. Trump's priorities are to make America great again and do it as soon as possible. There will be no screwing around with Trump - he is a "get-er-done" type of leader.

Am I excited about having Donald Trump as president again? Does it show? I am doing cartwheels with excitement. All the Democrats have right now is this canard called Project 2025. What is it? According to Trump, it is a very right wing set of objectives that some very right-wing organization put together. Does Trump buy into Project 2025? Not a bit. Trump said it is way too extreme for his liking. But nevertheless, the Democrats will try and tattoo this Project 2025 on Donald Trump. Good luck with that one! 

107 days until the election. When Trump was asked what he thought about the upcoming election, his reply was classic. "I don't know - who am I running against?" Bingo! The Democrats have a poop show right now, and every day which goes by, the show smells worse. Trump being our 47th president is looking better and better all the time. 



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