Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Living in the land of hope and promise


"I am ready for a change. The country is ready for a change. The world is ready for a change. Out with the old and in with the new."

Is this it? The magic ticket? The ticket which will bring America back off the precipice of disaster? I was recently asked by a friend what I thought of JD Vance. I replied that I was good with the pick. Was Vance my first choice? Maybe not, but he was high on the list. He did not bring with him the problems that Mario and Byron Donalds would by both being from Florida (like Trump is). But this young man from Ohio does something the rest of the field could not do - he speaks Midwest. He lives in the Midwest. 

Wait a minute! Was it not JD Vance who said some unkind things about Donald Trump many years ago? Sure was. Most at some times have said some regrettable things. But the important thing is he does not feel that way now. Let bygones be bygones. We have bigger fish to fry right now. The enemy of the state (Joe Biden and the Democrats) are still out there. They need to be defeated. Donald Trump and this former Marine (JD Vance) are just the right folk to take care of business.

As a side note, many who are covering the convention have noticed something different about Donald Trump since last Saturday. He has a different demeanor. His countenance is different. Some say maybe it is because Trump is tired. The rigor of a robust campaign is catching up with this 78-year-old man. Others are saying is maybe a delayed shock of getting wounded in the assassination attempt. Still others think this near-death experience might have changed him. The look on his face reflects the gravity of living in this moment. 

What I hope that Donald Trump does now, is also announce some of his major cabinet picks. Just so folks can compare and contrast against the clown car that Biden has put together using the DEI yardstick. With the world being more dangerous than I have ever seen it, now is the time to show John and Jane Public that the adults are soon to be back in charge. Normal will be the standard - no more making outrageous picks, just to show the world how "progressive" we are.

I am ready for a change. The country is ready for a change.  The world is ready for a change. Out with the old and in with the new. But one more thing requires a mention before I close up. The Iranian threat against Donald Trump. Doe this one concerns me. Heck yes it does! If an outcast kid could make it close enough to kill Donald Trump at a rally, what about trained assassins from Iran? And with our wide-open border, they could be in a sleeper cell, just waiting for the right moment.

The convention is going fine, and the spirit of togetherness is visible and strong. Will this be the team which can do it? I think so. Why? Donald Trump was spared for a reason. 

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