Wednesday, July 10, 2024

No unrung bell...

"No, I have said this before. The Biden/Trump debate was the end of the road for Biden. He is politically dead right now. He just does know enough to fall over."   

Wow! What a mess right now within the Party of Marx! Do we love Biden, do we not love Biden? Is Biden too old, or just old enough? Does he have all his marbles, or is he a few fries short of a Happy Meal? Meanwhile, the entire world is watching. And Jill Biden? What about her? Many are now thinking this woman of opportunity is nothing more than a Queen Witch Bee Itch.

Forget all these questions. Why? There is an immovable object in the path to recovery. What is that? The bell has been rung, and you can't un-ring that bell. The cow is out of the barn. The horse is out of the gate. The milk has been spilled. I could go on with adage after adage, but you get the idea. Biden's first debate with Donald Trump is tattooed all over Biden's very frail body. 

Some are saying that Joe Biden is only one more gaffe away from being a political orphan. Ouch! From Washington's greatest gaffe machine? How could he possibly make that gate? Once that gaffe happens (and it will), then what? Will it be Kamala time? Or a "mini-primary" for one of the Democrat Governors? Do they play "Hiding Biden" like they did last time around? Keep him in the basement? Hope and pray they can find enough spit and chewing gum to keep Joe together before the next debate? That is the playbook right now. If the Democrats were playing poker, they would only be holding a pair of deuces (or less).

What do I think about Joe Biden? I am sorry he has either Parkinson's or dementia. Both are terrible ways to end your life. Putting that aside, I have never been a fan of this guy. He has been a jerk most (if not all) of his career. What he has done to this country since becoming president is unforgivable. Maybe treasonous. Can Trump fix what Biden has broken? Maybe - if he has a friendly House and Senate. But even with that, it is going to be a long row to hoe. 

No, I have said this before. The Biden/Trump debate was the end of the road for Biden. He is politically dead right now. He just does know enough to fall over.   

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