"But leave to the great divider Obama, to mix in a message of voter suppression at this Lewis event yesterday. What does voter suppression have to do with anything at a funeral. Nothing - unless you are a hack like Obama is."
Anyhow, to put a damper on Paul Wellstone's life, was the shameful politicking which took place at his funeral. It was anything but a normal funeral - it was a political pep rally. It was so bad, that even some of the lefties on the news were complaining about it. I never thought I would see anything like it ever again. That is - until yesterday - at the John Lewis funeral.
And guess who really stirred the pot yesterday? Our old friend, Barack H. Obama. Our 44th President, who really lit the match which has caused our blazing fires today. Our 44th President, who proudly proclaimed that "America is no longer a Christian nation." After seeing parts of yesterday's funeral, I tend to agree with him.
At these Democrat funerals, can't we just have a normal pastor (NOT Sharpton!), some liturgy, a message of hope and salvation, and then dismissal? Why do the Democrats always have to turn these things into some kind of secular humanism, highly partisan blow fest? I mean really - you never see that at a Republican funeral. Don't believe me? Check out the video tape of the McCain funeral, or the Bush (41) funeral. They actually looked like funerals.
But leave to the great divider Obama, to mix in a message of voter suppression at this Lewis event yesterday. What does voter suppression have to do with anything at a funeral. Nothing - unless you are a hack like Obama is. Any chance this phony has to pour some gas on the fire, he will do so. And then one might wonder why this country is in such a mess. Thanks again Barry, or whatever your real name is.
Well onward and upward. The next funeral will be for Herman Cain. Mr. Cain, a true man of God, will have a funeral which will look like a funeral. Count on it. Or maybe there will be no funeral. Most folks who have died as of late, don't get the chance for a public funeral. That is, unless you are a Democrat power player. Then the rules change.