Monday, October 31, 2022

Mr. "Who cares what you think"?

"And at Jessie's age of 70, it is time for Jessie to act like a silent curmudgeon, rather than the louder half of the 'East - West Connection'."

We all do something regrettable in politics. Mine was voting for Jessie Ventura. Why? Jessie was a novelty. Plus, I did not want Skippy to have a chance to win. I also like one of Jessie's platforms. To lower our annual license fees on cars to all be the same - and much lower. Why did Jessie want that? For his own selfish purposes. But back then, it helped my family also. That is, until the Democrats turned that back to what it was before Jessie.

But after his term as governor was over, Jessie really went off the rails. Mr. "Conspiracy Theory". His true colors started to show. Jessie is much more the Democrat than an independent. Today, he is nothing more than a cookie cutter liberal. How much of a cookie cutter? He not only endorsed the city burner Walz, but now also the very flawed Keith Ellison. Huh? Why? I don't know. Ask him.

The bottom line is this. Jessie's schtick is over for most Minnesotans. For him to come out and endorse a socialist or Democrat, is a real "who cares". In fact, if Jessie had endorsed Dr. Jensen and Schultz instead, it would have been embarrassing for MNGOP. In fact, the smartest thing that Jessie could have said would have been - nothing. As the old expression goes, "It is better to have some people think you are an idiot, than to open your mouth and then erase all doubts that you are".

Its funny. After I voted for Jessie, a conservative friend of mine called me a fool for voting for him. When I asked why, he replied, "Can't you see that he is not an independent? All that "Crips and Bloods" talk for Republicans and Democrats was just talk. He is really a liberal at heart." I hoped he was wrong. He wasn't.

Jessie has disappointed me over the years. There was a time when I really liked and admired him. His story was a rags to riches story in Minnesota. But - maybe much of that story was not true. In any event, Jessie's fan base in Minnesota, which at one time was large, is but a shadow of what it what was. And at Jessie's age of 70, it is time for Jessie to act like a silent curmudgeon, rather than the louder half of the "East - West Connection".


Sunday, October 30, 2022

Same stuff, different election

"My last hope, if Walz does get re-elected, the House and Senate pick up tons of Republican seats. However, if going forward, we have a blue governor with a blue state legislature, we are finished."    

There are some things which we can all count on in this Earthly life of ours. The sun rising in the east, cold winters in Minnesota, Minnesota teams choking in the playoffs, and the local newspaper NEVER endorsing a Republican for governor. It is so predictable, it is almost amusing. In fact, if this socialists at the Strib ever did endorse a Republican, I would smell a rat.

I did go online this morning and read that pile of goo article which endorsed Walz. After Walz and his Education Administration had their fingerprints all over Feeding our Future, after Walz and Frey sat by and watch Minneapolis burn in 2020, after spending scads of money, and then seeing our education stats look terrible, the Strib thinks Walz should be rewarded with another four years due to his "steady leadership". You have got to be kidding me!

Even though Tim Walz is a failed politician and a shill for the DFL, the local paper loves him. The sad part is, rather than electing a person of great gubernatorial skills like Tom Emmer, Jeff Johnson, or Scott Jensen, the rubes in Minnesota could once again elect a clinker like Taxing Timmy Walz. That is, unless EVERY red blooded Republican comes out a week from Tuesday and pulls the level for Dr. Scott Jensen. If Dr. Jensen could will the election, THAT would be the shot hear around the country.

The fact that the Strib took a pass on endorsing Ellison for re-election gives me a ray of hope. Having our first Republican AG in Minnesota in over 50 years would be quite a treat. But this is Minnesota and as much as I love the beauty and wilderness of this state, I detest the politics, the weather, and the taxes. If nothing changes, we will hemorrhage young people, wealth and corporations, in exchange for woke weirdos and socialism.

My last hope if Walz does get re-elected, the House and Senate pick up tons of Republican seats. However, if going forward, we have a blue governor with a blue state legislature, we are finished.    

Friday, October 28, 2022

Been a long time a coming...


"We can do it this year. We can make a change. We can make a difference. We can get this big blue behemoth off our backs. Vote for freedom. Vote for change. Vote Republicans."    

The picture above, of this very young skinny kid, with lots of hair on his head - is me. Have I changed much since 1967 when I graduated from high school? Lets see - I did a career in the Navy and Naval Reserve, I worked as a defense contractor for 25 years, did a slew of other jobs, got married, built a house, had kids (now grandies), and retired. Whew! So what Bird? We all have interesting things to chronical about our life stories. True. And one thing all older Minnesotans have in common is this - 1967 was the LAST year we elected a Republican Attorney General. Yes, it has been that long.

Four years ago, the Republicans ran a quality guy named Doug Wardlow against a very flawed Keith Ellison. For some reason, unknown to most, Ellison won (barely). And thus, the streak of nonstop Democrats as the state's top lawyer continued. 

This year, a newcomer named Jim Schultz is running against an even more flawed Keith Ellison. I like this guy. He is everything Ellison is not. Schultz will fight crime. Not a little bit, a lotta bit. He will clean up this cesspool called Minneapolis. It is pretty bad when the City of Lakes, the city of Mary Tyler Moore, has become more dangerous than the wild, wild west. It has become a great place to visit to get carjacked, mugged - or worse.

Because the state of Minnesota, as well as the city of Minneapolis, been crushed under this big blue behemoth called the DFL for over a half century, we have a five alarm mess on our hands. During that fifty year period, we have not only had zero attorney generals, but also very few governors and even fewer mayors of our largest cities. Many of our citizens have become nothing more than mine numbed robots, pulling the blue lever, no matter how flawed the person running for office is.

This year, we have the opportunity to clean house - literally. Have a quality governor. A quality lieutenant governor. A quality attorney general. A quality secretary of state. A quality state auditor. A Republican House which will know how to pass proper legislation to really HELP the people of Minnesota. To ensure we are no longer the 45th least affordable (tax wise) place to live in the entire country. Finally, we need a Republican Senate. 

We can do it this year. We can make a change. We can make a difference. We can get this big blue behemoth off our backs. Vote for freedom. Vote for change. Vote Republicans.    

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Is there a doctor in the house?

"That is Scott Jensen. An American. A patriot. A conservative. And the kind of Minnesotan we all need to make this state great again. Time for a change. Time to send Taxing Timmy back to Nebraska. Is there a doctor in the house? There sure is - and his name is Scott Jensen." 

I know, I know. Scott Jensen does not believe in killing the unborn. That is the biggest tag the Democrats can put on Dr. Jensen. Besides having moral values which led up to his position on life, Scott is a physician, who also practices the Hippocratic oath. Scott Jensen did say he would modify that position in the event of an unwanted pregnancy due to rape or incest, but as most of us know, those pregnancies are possible, but rare.

Wait a minute Bird! Any doctor running for office would feel the same way that Scott Jensen does! Not really. The former Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, was also a doctor. And he was a HUGE proponent of abortions on demand. All the way up to the moment of birth. Wait - what? A doctor? Yep. Just wanted to point that out. 

Oh, one more thing. The teacher unions are not a fans of Dr. Jensen. And why not? Unlike Taxing Timmy, Dr. Jensen does not believe in giving Education Minnesota a blank check. What does that mean? Is it the good doctor does not care if our children are educated? No, he does care. Scott just thinks our current system is broken, and pouring more money into it is like dumping it into a "black hole". Looking at our education current stats in this state, we have no place to go, but up.

Scott Jensen also believes we spend too much, and tax too much, in this state. We have been a blue state by design, and Scott Jensen, like many conservatives, believe we can do better with less - a lot less. But that involves forward thinking. Are Scott Jensen and Matt Birk up to doing some forward thinking? Ever see their resumes? I would answer that question with a resounding YES!

By the way, the two people in the picture with Scott Jensen are good friends of mine. They are conservative, pro-life, and education reformers. They are not alone in their thinking. Many, many people in this state feel the same way. They have had it with the statists and taxers in the DFL. We want a new governor, who has vision, and a heart for people.

That is Scott Jensen. An American. A patriot. A conservative. And the kind of Minnesotan we all need to make this state great again. Time for a change. Time to send Taxing Timmy back to Nebraska. Is there a doctor in the house? There sure is - and his name is Scott Jensen. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Which witch is which?


"Once again, which witch is which? It does not matter. One is a real witch, and the other two only act like witches. Two weeks from now, we will see just how smart or not smart the electorate in certain states really are. But don't hold your breath." 

Well, it is almost Halloween, so I reserve the right to scare the bejeepers out of all of you. Today's topic - witches. Like how many know which witch is which? I know, I know - it is hard to tell these days. But the two gals who run Michigan and New York, should have been sisters to the now famous Elphaba of the Wizard of Oz fame. Who is Elphaba? The true name of the Wicked Witch of the West

Smug. Arrogant. Condescending. Power hungry. And those are the good words I can use in this family friendly blog. This is going to sound bad to say, but what the heck - I might as well get this off my chest. Watching snippets of the debates last night, seeing Whitmer debate the very wholesome Tudor Dixon, or Hochul debate the very able and normal Lee Zeldin, the difference between good and not good, could not be more clear. If the skin tone of Hochul and Whitmer were tinted green, they would really look like they were in Elphaba's family tree.

I cannot say enough about the shallow bench of the Democrats this year. There is no "superstar" like in the past, with Bill Clinton or Obama. Like those two former POTUS types or not, they did have charisma. They may have been dishonest, but they could string a bunch a words together which made sense. This current crop is made of people who are running this time around, look and act like Fetterman and Biden. Word salad and lies. 

Here is the real odd part of this election. Fetterman, Whitmer and Hochul, as flawed as they are, are leading in the polls. In other words, the people of Pennsylvania, Michigan and New York are so cowed, so indoctrinated, they will vote blue, no matter how damaged the goods are. Even though Oz, Dixon and Zeldin, would represent their states better, who cares? Once a Democrat, always a Democrat.

Once again, which witch is which? It does not matter. One is a real witch, and the other two only act like witches. Two weeks from now, we will see just how smart or not smart the electorate in certain states really are. But don't hold your breath. 


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Fetterman and the Doc

"Dr. Oz on the other hand, is a skilled TV personality. He is also very smart. He should be able to carve Fetterman up into tiny little pieces tonight."

I thought this state was capable of nominating some oddballs. This person, this trust fund baby, this oddball that Pennsylvania Democrats want to be their next Senator, is a head scratcher. Do you want to know what is more odd than Fetterman alone? It is having our President come to Pennsylvania and campaign for him. How odd was that exchange? Biden said Fetterman's wife would be a welcome addition to the Senate. Huh?

Here is what most normal political parties in most normal states would do. If the nominee had a serious stroke 5 1/2 months before the election, the powers that be would ask that nominee to sit this one out and get healed. Why? The lingering effects of the stroke would not permit the nominee to do the job a United States Senator would need to do. But the good people of Pennsylvania are pushing Fetterman ahead anyhow - teleprompter and all. And the really strange thing is, Fetterman is ahead of Dr. Oz in the most current polling. SMH.

Tonight the big debate takes place between Fetterman and Oz. It should be must see TV. Putting Fetterman's health issues aside, putting his almost ghoulish demeanor aside, his ideas for a better America are two steps beyond bizarre. Dr. Oz on the other hand, is a skilled TV personality. He is also very smart. He should be able to carve Fetterman up into tiny little pieces tonight. If Oz does not go after Fetterman about his health issues, the good doctor should do fine.

One more thing, which may sound silly to some. Sometimes I think that Fetterman and Oz should switch names. Why? Dr. Fetterman sounds more like a doctor. And Oz would be a perfect name for the current Fetterman. Why is that? He looks like an "Oz" character. Just saying...

The election is two weeks from today. Fingers and toes are crossed for the right outcome this time around. As a nation, we cannot afford another train wreck.

Monday, October 24, 2022

What if they gave a debate and nobody showed?

"I would love it if the Republicans could gain both houses, but I would be satisfied if they just took the House. That would be enough to stop much of the madness."

Yawn. Glad there was a football game on last night. I watched a bit of the debate between Kim Crockett and Steve (Simon says) Simon. Kim did a good job as usual, and Simon continued his George Soros spiel on how strong our elections are in MN. Really, Steve? Most of the clear thinkers believe we have weak election processes. Like, chain of custody, and mail in ballots for example.

But the debate everyone was waiting for, making popcorn and getting comfortable for, was the gubernatorial debate. Dr. Scott Jensen against our own "Rocks and Cows" Walz. Dr. Jensen showed up wearing his "A Game". "Rocks and Cows" showed up wearing his invisible suit. What? Explain please! Seems our sitting Governor decided to sit this one out. He was a no show. All you people who believe in this carpet bagger from Nebraska, there he wasn't.

By the way, it is not just Timmy Walz who is playing duck and cover this election season. It is happening all over the country. All by Democrats. They are choosing not to debate. Why not? No answers. They want to talk about abortion, January 6th and climate. Republicans on the other hand, want to talk about "kitchen table" issues. Issues like gas prices, inflation, food, energy, crime, education, national security, border security, and so forth. 

What is the best solution for Democrats to answer all these vexing questions about "kitchen table" issues? Duck and cover. Hide. Don't show up. Not even a consummate liar like Biden could spin a believable yarn that the people would swallow. Wait - I have heard for years that Republicans are no more than "knuckle draggers", whereas the Democrats are much more cerebral than the rest of us. In fact, not that long ago, Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, said the reason Democrats have such difficulty getting their message across, is they are so much smarter than the rest of us dolts. We just can't understand all that higher level thinking. 

A bit over two weeks now until the election. Now that the MN debates are over, what will be the big show this week? The first and only debate between Dr. Oz, and the very strange Fetterman. Fetterman will show up (hopefully), teleprompter in tow, and the debate will go on. If Dr. Oz sticks to the issues, and does NOT bring up Fetterman's stroke, it should be an easy night for the doc. However, the debate might be the docs to lose if Oz talks about Fetterman's health issues too much.

Right now it looks like the Republicans will pick up enough seats in the US House to have a 30 seat majority. The US Senate is still a jump ball. I would love it if the Republicans could gain both houses, but I would be satisfied if they just took the House. That would be enough to stop much of the madness. In any event, stay tuned. November will be an interesting month.    


Sunday, October 23, 2022

SOS from ISO

"We were alarmed when we lost over 40,000 innocent citizens to Covid. We have turned a blind eye when the same number of citizens have been lost to 'one and done' drugs." 

Just when you thought things could not get any worse with all the deadly drugs making over our porous southern border. Fentanyl, which according to government statistics, has killed over 40,000 citizens (many of them young) from the period of April 2020 to April 2021. That is more deaths than what is caused by Covid. Where is the alarm? Where is the funding? Where is the outrage? Nil. Nada.

But - as bad as fentanyl is (and it is very bad), there is a new drug on the streets known as ISO (which stands for isotonatazene). This new drug (which is a manufactured poison like fentanyl is) may be 10 times (or more) deadlier than fentanyl. So much so, naloxone (the reversal drug for overdoses), might not be effective against it. 

Right now, we have fentanyl coming over the southern border, disguised as candy. Just in time for Halloween. Who could do such a dastardly thing? How about China and Mexico. The cartels. Anything to get young people in America hooked on their poison. But - if some young people take too much (or in the case of fentanyl or ISO just a few particles), it will kill them. I guess in the minds of the Chinese or cartels, that is only collateral damage.

Our southern border has turned into nothing more than a witch's brew of bad things. Trafficking, gangs, illegals, terrorists, and deadly drugs. If I were president, I would shut that border down tighter than a drum until Mexico got control over what is coming our way. After 9/11, when the border shut down, all of a sudden, Mexico had a big drug problem. Why? That is where the poison stopped. Having an open border with Mexico, plays us for suckers. But Joe already knows that. 

After the midterms, hopefully we can get enough horsepower in Washington to turn this ship around. We are a weaker nation, due to our open borders. Weaker and more dangerous. We were alarmed when we lost over 40,000 innocent citizens to Covid. We have turned a blind eye when the same number of citizens have been lost to "one and done" drugs. 


Saturday, October 22, 2022

Are we midwestern idiots?

"If we lose this election, when we should win it, I will start telling people I am from Eastern South Dakota instead of Minnesota. Is that a lie? No - just a fantasy." 

We are just over two weeks away from the 2022 midterms. The table is set for a huge sea change in Minnesota. If we look at our landscape, we are a mess. Inflation, crime (oh boy, that is a big one!), Feeding our Future graft (largest ever in this state), and of course, our own insurrection after the Floyd thing. Anybody with a shred of honesty would say the following - WALZ HAS FAILED US. When he and the Boy Mayor of Minneapolis stood on the sidelines and watched a good portion of south Minneapolis burn down. He should have been impeached right there. But he was not. And for his re-election (believe me when I tell you this) - he has a slight lead on Dr. Scott Jensen.

With his lousy report card, how in the world could Walz not be 30 points behind Scott Jensen rather than having a slight lead? Ready for the answer? It is going to hurt. We are midwestern idiots. We will vote for prairie populists like Al Franken, and Garrison Keillor any day of the week. We will vote for Fritz Mondale, Paul Wellstone, Ilhan Omar, Keith Ellingson, Mark Dayton, Jacob Frey, and Taxing Timmy Walz. We are so cowed by the crapola these socialist Democrats spew out on a daily basis, we have become like mind numbed robots. Just remember this - in 1984, we were the ONLY state to vote for Mondale. I rest my case.

Eight years ago, when Jeff Johnson (the most qualified man ever to run for Governor), lost to Mark Dayton, it was beyond shocking. Mark Dayton was only marginally good at being Governor, on his best day. When Jeff and I had coffee before the 2018 election, and he asked if I thought he should run again, I said YES without hesitation! Why? I knew that what happened in the 2014 election had to have been an anomaly. A "one off". Minnesota voters could not be that stupid for a second time to pass on a quality guy like Jeff for a fraud like Walz. I was wrong. Minnesota voters are that stupid.

Nationwide, this is going to be a good election. The slate of candidates in many states look very good for the red team. I will be a red wave for sure. In Minnesota, we also have an election slate of very good Republican candidates, as compared to the misfits they are running against. Should be a landslide for the Republicans.

But unless we have a last minute surge in the polls, the outcome will be status quo for Minnesota. Re-electing substandard candidates, just because of generational habits. Vote blue. Why? Because dad, grandpa, great grandpa and so forth voted blue. Besides, the blue team always promises two chickens in every pot - even though crumbs and corruption is all we get from them.

With our politics, I am ashamed to say I am from here. We are the laughing stock of clear thinking folks in America. If we lose this election, when we should win it, I will start telling people I am from Eastern South Dakota instead of Minnesota. Is that a lie? No - just a fantasy. 



Friday, October 21, 2022

The battle for Taiwan


"There is no place on Earth you could go, to survive. Many will die immediately, some not so immediately. But all will die." 

Just when you think things could not get more mucked up in the world, it seems we have picked up some intel which shows that China might be making a move on Taiwan sooner than we thought. Like, maybe as soon as New Year's (this year). With everything going on in Ukraine, would the world be ready for another war? Would we? Would we be involved, or just as a proxy, as we are in Ukraine?

After eight years of Obama (lead from behind), a short respite with Trump (with a socialist Congress for two of those years), and now almost two years of Biden, our forces are in tough shape. Other than the Marines, they just received poor grades on their readiness. General Jack Keane was asked recently, should China invade Taiwan, and if we got involved, how would that turn out. His answer surprised me.

"I have been in war games, twice, in the past few years," General Keane explained. Both times it is with China invading Taiwan and the United States getting involved. "Both times we got our butt's kicked", Keane went on to say. Ouch! I guess our lack of readiness is starting to catch up with us.

Our Navy, which not too long ago ruled the seven seas, has now become somewhat ordinary. China on the other hand, has decided to eclipse our Navy (in number of ships). They have 355 ships, and we have 290. Plus, some of our ships are aging. Not state of the art. But can our Navy still be lethal? Absolutely. That being said, does our nation have the stomach to go to war? Doubtful. 

Both Russia and China are using 2022 to make their play for the future. To (in their minds), right some wrongs. What does that mean for the civilized world? One of two things. Accept that this is inevitable, and just let it happen. In the old days, we would have hoped the UN would have talked Russia and China out of expansionist ventures. 

Or we can tell both China and Russia that this will not stand. If they want to take Ukraine or Taiwan, they must first get past the United States, NATO, Japan, South Korea and SEATO. I think most of us know what the outcome would be. Itchy trigger fingers in both China and Russia would trip the nuclear boundaries. And that would be it.

More and more scientists have needed to remind us, that should the nuclear powers decide to exchange "heavy" nukes in anger, it will be an ELE (Extinction Level Event). There is no place on Earth you could go, to survive. Many will die immediately, some not so immediately. But all will die. 



Thursday, October 20, 2022

Bullies do what bullies do

"It will be interesting to see how this plays out. If we can keep Putin's finger off the red button, this could end up with a neutered Russia going forward. Or, it could end up with the world smoldering in radioactive ruin. Stay tuned. This is far from over."      

What do you do with a guy like Putin? He thinks he is so tough, just because he had thousands of nukes. He keeps pushing and pushing, and getting very little push back. He is a bully. A first class bully. He is doing his level best to goad NATO into a fight. Trying to goad the US into a fight. Here is the bottom line. Like any other bully, in the absence of push back, the bullying will continue and only get worse. More land will be confiscated or annexed. More innocent people will be killed. And the world will just sit back and watch.

Hitler was a bully. We ignored his as long as a could. Stayed isolations (of sort). We had the Lend Lease program (kind of like we are doing now with Ukraine). Hitler knew that he could draw America into the war. He did not fear us, just like Putin does not fear us today. In fact, Russian bombers are buzzing Alaska, Norway, Finland and Poland. This is a dangerous game. One slip and a cold war can turn very hot, very fast.

Here is the irony. If the war in Ukraine has done nothing else, it has shown Putin's army to be crap. They are a nothing burger. As low as our military is rated right now with readiness, I would put our military up against these pretenders from Moscow any day of the week (and twice on Sunday). Again, if not for Putin's nukes - this thing would have been over weeks ago.

As has been addressed before, Putin has gas and nukes and not much else. His country is teetering on the edge of financial ruin due to worldwide sanctions. Putin is doing fine (economically), but his beloved Russia is not. Most Russian worth a salt, know this war was a mistake. It is not only ruining Russia economically, but also their name. Their brand. Russia is now a rogue state, filled with war criminals. So long as the Russian allow Putin to be in charge, this will continue.

How do you fix a bully? Someone needs to come up to that bully and (figuratively), punch him in the nose. Who will that be? Biden? Don't make me laugh. Truss of the UK? Sorry - she just quit this morning. Macron of France? Nope. He already telegraphed his next move. Duck and cover. Fidel's kid in Canada? Now way. He is worse than Biden.

Then who will stand up to bully Putin? Maybe President Duda of Poland? Even though Poland is paranoid of Russia invading Poland, they are ready. In fact, they take the threat of nukes so seriously, they have asked NATO if Poland could host nukes on their territory. 

President Niinistö of Finland? With that huge border with Russia, Finland is ready for any Russian incursion. Their artillery is rumored to be second to none. Prime Minister Kristersson of Sweden? Sweden is small but mighty. Whereas Finland is known for its artillery, Sweden is known for its technology in air power. Prime Minister Store of Norway? Probably not. Norway's military is small but very tough. Still - David against Goliath.

That leaves Germany, the home of the last global bully, Hitler. Germany's Chancellor is Scholz. Right after Russia invaded Ukraine, Scholz announced that Germany was going to double its defense spending. The goal - to have the largest army in Europe. Now we are talking about someone who can go toe to toe with that bully Putin!

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. If we can keep Putin's finger off the red button, this could end up with a neutered Russia going forward. Or, it could end up with the world smoldering in radioactive ruin. Stay tuned. This is far from over.      


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Election questions which MUST be asked

"Too many folks say 'whatever' to politics. They don't care who runs (or ruins) this country. But now is not that time."

Here we are, less than three weeks away, from probably the most important midterm election - ever. Seeing what is happened to our country since the "woke team" took over, we really need to get some adults back in charge. As such, here are some questions to ask anybody who is going to vote - committed or undecided:

  • Is this country safer or less safe from war? Nuclear war? Conventional war?
  • Is the city you live in or by safe? Do you dare walk the streets after dark?
  • Is your retirement safe? Your 401k or IRA accounts? 
  • Is inflation under control, or is it eating away at your wealth?
  • Is this nation utilizing its energy resources properly?
  • Is this nation in a recession, or approaching one?
  • Does the government lie to its people?
  • Are your children being educated or indoctrinated in government schools?
  • Does this country carry too much debt? Are there ways to pay it off?
  • Does our government cherish the Second Amendment? 
  • Is our government more secular or God honoring? Does it matter?
  • Are your tax dollars used wisely?
  • Is this a good time to be draining our Strategic Petroleum Reserve?
  • Is it normal to have inflation this high? Was it caused by the government?
  • Are our armed forces too "woke" to be ready for conflict? Are we in danger?

There are other questions which could be asked, but you get the gist of this. If everyone answered honestly, I think I would know how it would turn out. Here is the bottom line. The blue pill takers in this country (and there are lots of them), need to wake up.

Too many folks say "whatever" to politics. They don't care who runs (or ruins) this country. But now is not that time. Now is the time to be "Alert times 4". Now is the time to be awake and not "woke". Now is the time to vote to get adults back in charge. It might already be too late.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

A world getting ready for war

"That being said, today the world is in extreme danger. War is still man killing each other in the most awful ways. Why? Like I said, it is in our nature. Our carnal nature. We can only hope that sanity with trump insanity."    

The world is bristling with strong armies right now. Who has the strongest? Even though Biden and company have tried to "woke" our military into a bunch of "Karen" type soldiers, by all standards, we still have the most powerful army in the world. Hands down. The number 2 and 3 armies are the problem for us. Russia and China. And China might soon eclipse Russia in having the second most powerful in the world. If we are not careful, before long they will be number 1.

But - when it comes to sheer numbers, China is number 1. India is number 2, and the United States is number 3. There is very little correlation with the most powerful nations, and the nations with the largest armies. As technologies expand, soon there will be even less of a correlation. Why? AI and robotics. I dare say in ten years, the battlefield will look quite a bit different. 

BTW - a "real" version of Star Wars (for the US) is about ready to go. What can defeat a hypersonic missile traveling at Mach 7? A laser beam, traveling at the speed of light. Lasers are going to completely change the ABM field. And lasers will be on planes, on ships, and shore installations.

Back in the 1980's one of Ronald Reagan's dreams was to develop a Star Wars system which would knock out any incoming missile. It is rumored that Reagan said, once we developed it, he wanted to share it with the world. Why? He wanted nuclear war to become obsolete. I agree with him. Nuclear war should be obsolete. A world decimated by a nuclear exchange would not be suitable for neither man nor beast to live in.

Mechanized soldiers fighting mechanized soldiers. Missiles unable to be delivered. These are things which are within our reach in the not too distant future. But don't worry - it is man's evil nature to figure out new ways to kill each other. From cudgels, to swords, to arrows, to flintlocks, to automatic weapons, to nukes - we have figure out newer and better ways to kill each other.

That being said, today the world is in extreme danger. War is still man killing each other in the most awful ways. Why? Like I said, it is in our nature. Our carnal nature. We can only hope that sanity with trump insanity.    

Monday, October 17, 2022

Divided we stumble forward...

"All that being said, the new House will need to impeach Mayorkas right off the bat. He is truly an enemy of the state. What he has done to this country, is unfathomable."

I think, if someone intentionally wanted to divide our nation into two equal halves, it would look quite a bit like our country today. We are about as 50-50, as 50-50 could get. How much? Our US Senate (as we know) is a 50-50 Senate, with the Veep being the tie breaker. Current projections are the Senate (after the midterms), could remain 50-50. The House will swing over to the Republicans, but the long anticipated red wave (or tsunami), might instead, look more like the change from low tide to high tide. Regardless of the House and Senate outcome, we will still have Slo Joe and the Giggler in the WH. Projections - nothing will get done - good or bad.

Even though the Republicans will only be able to control one level of the government, this will be a golden opportunity to either show off their stuff - or stub their toe. If the Republicans go  strictly into investigation mode, with hearings planned every day they are in session, this will probably backfire. Will hearings be important? Absolutely. But first and foremost, we will need legislation proposed which will turn this ship around. Even though most of it will probably die in the 50-50 Senate, the Republicans will need it on record what they are proposing to do. It will be the foretaste of what is to come. If they play their cards right, the real "red wave" will happen in 2024. If they don't, in January 2025, we will see a President Gavin Newsom, and a deep blue House and Senate. 

All that being said, the new House will need to impeach Mayorkas right off the bat. He is truly an enemy of the state. What he has done to this country, is unfathomable. Besides being impeached, he should stand trial as an accessorily to murder. The blood of hundreds of young people, who have died from the fentanyl which he allowed to cross the border, is on his hands.

Many will also want AG Garland impeached. He certainly deserves it. He has worked hand in glove with Biden in weaponizing our Justice Department. He has turned a blind eye in going after anyone who is friendly to the administration, and has turned into a rabid dog in going after conservatives. He might be the worst AG we have ever had. 

But wait! Don't all roads lead to Biden? Should we not go after him also? We should - but we can't. If we did try to impeach the President, two things would happen. It would make the Republicans look like they are just out for revenge for the Democrats have done to Trump, and - remember who is VP. 

Having Harris as our President would make us look worse than a banana republic. After one month of President Harris, we would be praying for the asteroid.


Sunday, October 16, 2022

Let loose, the dogs of war!

"Bottom line? We have ancient idiots running the world right now. Biden, who is 80 and senile, Putin, who is 70 and has megalomania, and Xi, who is 69 and wants to play king of the world." 

This is shaping up to be the perfect storm. All eyes are on Ukraine, and all ears are on Putin,  as he almost daily threatens the western world with nuclear Armageddon. But this is the classic shell game, only on a global scale. As we focus on Russia, Russia, Russia - there is much going on in Asia. The Dragon is flexing its muscles. The threats are becoming sharper. As we see the storm clouds raging in Eastern Europe, and other storm clouds starting to gather in Asia, we, the "Guardians of the Universe", are sound asleep under Joe Biden. Like I said - it is a perfect storm.

With Xi Jinping at age 69, getting ready to give himself another 5 year term, his gaze is still and evermore fixed on Taiwan. Just like Putin firmly believing that Ukraine should be part of Mother Russia, Xi is convinced that Taiwan is nothing more than a break away colony of China, which needs to be brought back into the fold. Even if it means war.

Of all times for the United States to act weak and woke, this is maybe the worst. The balance beam we have been on since World War II ended, might finally be ready to tip. Joe Biden, who has waited his entire life to be President, might be ready to lead this country into war. Not just a little war, maybe a world war. 

Xi told his ruling elite, in the next five years he wants a big uptick in his military. More missiles, more ships, more ports worldwide. So much for his Belt and Roads program. Now it is on to burn, destroy, kill and maim.

The path to nuclear Armageddon has never looked so clear. Invade another sovereign country, if the invasion does not go smoothly, use tactical nukes, when NATO fights back, use heavy nukes on large cities. BOOM! And then everybody loses. 

Bottom line? We have ancient idiots running the world right now. Biden, who is 80 and senile, Putin, who is 70 and has megalomania, and Xi, who is 69 and wants to play king of the world. While we are at it, we might as well throw in Ali Khamenei, Iran's Supreme Leader, who is a sprite 83 years old. The nut ball from North Korea, Kim Jung-um is the kid of the group, being only 40 years old. That being said, he is just as dangerous as the rest of these old geezers.

What are the dogs of war doing right now? Growling and hissing, getting ready to fight. Are there any sane voices on Planet Earth which can talk us down from this cliff? Control the dogs? I can't think of any right now. The closest is probably Macron, who recently said if Russia uses nukes, France will roll over and play dead. Hmm - I think we have seen THAT movie before. 

In any event, if you are the praying type, keep praying for not only our country, but also our world. We are about to let the old geezers wreck the place. Why? Ask them.      

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Time to reinstate the draft?

"The United States has always had a good and qualified fighting force. Now is not the time to change that. Even though Joe Biden is trying to reshape and mesmerize our fighting forces with new age crapola, we can retake what we have lost."

Yes, I can remember the last days of our selective service. It hung over many young man's head like the sword of Damocles. The exemptions to the draft were few and far between. The most common deferment to keep you out of the draft was the 2S - student deferment. The funny thing is, this deferment only protected a young man for the time he was in college. Once graduation came, you either found another deferment (rare), or you were reclassified as 1A, just waiting to get "the letter".

The Viet Nam war was so very unpopular, that without the draft back then, we would have trouble staffing our armed forces. The draft gave us some willing and many unwilling participants. I had already enlisted in the Navy, and many draft dodgers used a program the Navy offered to keep the selective service off the backs for young men who wanted to just get it over with. It was called the 2 by 6 program. Two years active, followed up by four years reserve time. It didn't work out very well. I was happy to see the program end. 

With our recruiting goals being missed in most every service (Army was really hit hard), I can see the hand writing on the wall we might be headed back to drafting young folks. Only this time it will be different. The draft will be for both men and women. Truthfully, serving in the military would be good for man young folks. Help them grow up. Teach them to serve something greater than themselves.

I know. I know. Even under the best of circumstances, the draft is not popular. Especially by youngins who are about to have their lives put on hold for three years.

Currently, there are four countries which have the draft for both young men and women. Israel, Norway, Bolivia, and (gasp!) North Korea. BTW - both Russia and China have the draft for men only. What does all this mean? Our enemies, North Korea, Russia and China all have a draft. We do not. And our recruiting process is starting to fall apart.

What is happening right now in Ukraine should be a wake up call for most freedom loving nations. It has shocked many Euro nations into thinking the right way about their defense. Many of which are NATO members.

When the bad guys are at your door step, trying to figure out pronouns or what sex you are, will not cut in in an armed force. You need men and women who are lean and mean fighting machines. Young people, if the need arises, can kill people and break things to protect the homeland. Don't believe me? Let your gaze drift over to Ukraine. This bunch of "farmers and bookkeepers", formed a defense force which has bested one of the best armies in the world.

The United States has always had a good and qualified fighting force. Now is not the time to change that. Even though Joe Biden is trying to reshape and mesmerize our fighting forces with new age crapola, we can retake what we have lost. We have to. The enemy is at the gate. Maybe even, coming over our southern border.    

Friday, October 14, 2022

The coming crash and crush

"I have addressed this issue many times before. All the pain and suffering we have right now, could have been avoided by Biden doing only one thing. And that would be nothing. Just don't change anything from the past administration."

How are you all doing? Are you flush with cash? Living the dream? If you are, you are in the minority. Here are the facts. At one time, making over $100K landed you on easy street. Today, according to US New and World Report, about 45% of those making $100K are living paycheck to paycheck. And that percentage is higher than it was last year! If you are making $50K a year or less, your chances of living paycheck to paycheck are about 75%. Many retirement dreams have been altered or crushed during the past two years.

That being said, if we don't fix this economy and do it like yesterday, the worst is yet to come. As the old song crooned, "These (might be) the good old days". Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan had a dire warning for us. If we don't take some evasive action like tomorrow, we are going to hit the iceberg.

First, the Fed needs to really step up their game. Dimon thinks to really cool this red hot inflation, interest rates will need to go up another 4 to 4.5 percent. That might save the economy, but would all but kill the housing market. It would make getting a mortgage as expensive as it was in the post Jimmy Carter days. But the inflation fire is that hot. 

Next, when the real recession comes in 2023, he is prepared to see stocks go down another 30%. Now that is a real correction! Those who are living off a IRA or 401k - beware - very rough seas could be in the offing. The number of people living paycheck to paycheck will skyrocket, and the great American dream might be just getting a decent meal for many of us.

More and more really smart people I listen to on media or read in print are saying the same thing. We need energy like nobody's business. How much? As much as we can possibly extract. We need to drill everywhere. We need more refineries. We need more natural gas liquification facilities. We need all types of renewables. We need more nukes. In other words, someone needs to tell Aviator Joe, that the time for playing these stupid games are over. It is time to get serious. Is it too late to turn this ship around? Might be.

I have addressed this issue many times before. All the pain and suffering we have right now, could have been avoided by Biden doing only one thing. And that would be nothing. Just don't change anything from the past administration. The economy would be better right now, and maybe, just maybe, we could go into 2023 holding on to some hope.




Thursday, October 13, 2022

Inflation Nightmares!

"How bad is inflation right now? For government programs (like SS), which have a yearly COLA, this next year will be the highest increase since 1981. That is right after I got married." 

I am going to try to get this off my chest. Hopefully, I will not just be shouting into an "echo chamber". Yesterday, the new inflation stats came out for September. Because of the games which are being played with our strategic reserve (oil), it was thought that the inflation rate would have come down (slightly) from 8.3% to 8.1%. The President was so confident of that, he was ready to do his goofy little run, up to the podium, to take credit for this monstrous news.

Forget the 8.1%. It was 8.5%. Let that sink in for a minute. If we were not playing games with our strategic reserve, who knows how much higher it would have been. Lately, when we have been at the grocery stores, I have been dumbstruck while looking at some of the prices. I can only imagine what a family with two or three kids is going through right now. Food, utilities, gasoline for the car - hard to believe this is still America. 

How bad is inflation right now? For government programs (like SS), which have a yearly COLA, this next year will be the highest increase since 1981. That is right after I got married. When Jimmy Carter mucked up the economy. And the Fed has been getting their butt kicked as of late. Why? They were late to the party. But now they are here, and trying to catch up. Stand by for a big rate hike coming up soon. Followed by another. And maybe another.

Being old, I remember the days of stagflation under Jimmy Carter. It was painful. It was awful. The only way to buy a house, was to sign onto an ARM type of mortgage. Back then, if you could get an ARM for 10%, you were doing well. Then keeping your fingers and toes crossed so the interest rates did not go higher. Why? Your 10% ARM had an upper cap of 16%. Try those interest rates on for size!

Where do we go from here? Anyone have ideas? We have Slo Joe for another 2 plus years, unless something happens to him. Then we would have Carmela. For some reason, a former waitress named AOC, has captured the imagination and will of both our POTUS and Veep. Even Bernie Sanders said the other day the Dems need to address the economy. Why? Because everyone with a functioning brain knows it sucks right now. If Joe had a functioning brain, he would know that also. 

To you younger folks, as a veteran of the Jimmy Carter economic wars, I am sorry you have to go through this. Tough times lie ahead. The saddest part, is our current economic malaise is a self inflicted wound. The cure for this wound is not that difficult, but the will needs to be there.

For Joe, the "Great American Storyteller" (or great American Walter Mitty), he is too busy to worry about our economy. He is coming up with the next story about beating the hell out of that racist villain, Corn Pop.    

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Our war on words (and numbers)

"Here are the facts. Not my opinion, just the truth. We will not get out of this downward spiral until something changes. Energy is driving much of our inflation. Inflation is driving the interest rate hikes."

Tomorrow, the CPI is due out for September. Because gas was still coming down for most of the month, it probably helped blunt some of our high inflation. It offset some of the other things which are driving the numbers. That being said, it is estimated to be 8.1% instead of last months, 8.3%. That is still enormously high. A "healthy" inflation rate should by about 2%.

Just wait to see what happens. Joe Biden, or one of this talking heads, will tell us the inflation rate is coming down. It is getting better. Ah - no it is not. The Fed knows that also. Expect the Fed to follow up this news with another 1/2 to 3/4 point rate hike.

All we get with our current administration are lies and fairy tales, all wrapped up in word salad and number blizzards. Never the facts, just the BS and blarney. I know Gary, I know - both sides do it. But Joe Biden and Company have taken this "art form" to new heights. So much so, with a straight face, they can tell us up is down and black is white. In other words, don't believe your lying eyes - listen to what WE are saying!

Here are the facts. Not my opinion, just the truth. We will not get out of this downward spiral until something changes. Energy is driving much of our inflation. Inflation is driving the interest rate hikes. Interest rate hikes are meant to cool the economy, maybe even to the point of recession. So what is the lynch pin. Energy. If so, we need to come up with a plan to produce so much energy, it will tip the scales. OPEC wants to reduce supply by 2M barrels a day? Go ahead. We are going to make up for that, and then some.

Right now, the price of a barrel of oil is about $90. If if goes to $100/barrel, the world's biggest asshole (Vladimir Putin), will make billions more selling his dirty oil to the Indians and Chinese. All that extra money will go into his war effort, which is now directed at killing civilians in Ukraine. WE could fix that, simply by increasing the world's supply of oil to such an extent, the price would come down. That would hurt Russia (starve their war machine), and humble OPEC. 

This is the kind of straight talk we need out of an administration. Not word salad. Not number mumbo jumbo. Honest (thanks John McCain), straight talk. Remember one very important thing however - as bad as Joe Biden is (and he is very bad), what is waiting in the wings is ten times worse. Now have a nice day!

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The father of all False Flags?

"And Vladimir Putin, was a Soviet and a Russian. He was KGB. He is ruthless. And he is fully capable of setting up a False Flag event to serve his purposes." 

Our military experts have been pouring over the photos and eyewitness testimony concerning the bridge bombing. The shadow of a doubt, is starting to creep in. Like, the size of the bomb to take out this bridge, might have been (dare I say it), a bridge too far for the Ukrainians. Kind of like the bombing of the Nordic Stream pipeline(s). Too heavy of a lift for the Ukrainians. So - if the Ukrainians didn't bomb the pipeline nor the bridge, who did? 

Okay. A bit of truth telling here. Following the Soviet Union (and then Russia), was a vocation and an avocation of mine. And Vladimir Putin, was a Soviet and a Russian. He was KGB. He is ruthless. And he is fully capable of setting up a False Flag event to serve his purposes. How so? By blowing up the Nordic Stream pipelines, he can blame anyone and everyone else, and this winter, freeze out part of Europe (NATO). And Mr. "Loud Mouth/No Filter" President of ours, looks guilty as all get out. Why? He promised the press, if Russia invaded Ukraine, the pipeline would cease to exist. 

And the bridge. Putin's beloved bridge to Crimea. Everyone knows this was Putin's pet rock. So what a tempting target for Putin to destroy, and then blame Ukraine. Once the blame was squarely on Ukraine, that would "green light" Putin to rain hell down upon the civilians once again. And Putin would be justified, as this would have been revenge for the loss of his bridge.

Where do we go from here? Zelenskyy is pressuring NATO and the US to get more air cover - NOW! Since Russia cannot beat the Ukrainian Army, then Russia will go back to picking on old people and kids. In the eyes of Putin, a kill is a kill - uniform or not. 

We could up the ante by giving Ukraine bigger and better. Then what? Putin might say that was just the escalation he needed to bring NATO into the fray. That might be the match which starts the fire, which cannot be put out. With Putin's finger just itching to try out his Satan II missiles, nuclear war could be at our door step.



Monday, October 10, 2022

Our wild, wild, everywhere!

"The midterms are less than a month away. The sad thing is, even though close, we might be too late. Humpty Dumpty might be too broken to fix. How bad is it right now? We will be lucky to make it to the end of the year." 

I was going to call this post "our wild, wild, west." But that would not be accurate. Our "wild" concerns our new national persona of ignoring our civil laws. Ignoring our criminal laws. What do I mean? Example - last week, a woman was observed walking out of Home Depot with a shopping cart full of stuff. She decided not to pay for any of it. The store's security team caught her and told her to come back in the store and pay. She did not. She had a partner in crime waiting for her by a car. They loaded it up, and took off. Another crime committed.

Yesterday, the Republican running for Governor of New York (Lee Zeldin), was at a speaking event. While he was there, a two groups of thugs got into a shoot out close to his house (his daughters were in the house doing homework). Two of the thugs were shot, and hid out under Zeldin's front porch. Zeldin is a sitting member of the New York House, and lives in a nicer neighborhood. Bottom line - there is no place, anywhere, which is safe.

What in the world has happened to us? How all of a sudden (it seems like), we are like a bunch of naughty kids who refuse to obey rules? Only this is worse than naughty kids, as the games being played by the thugs can turn deadly. And in cities all over America - they have.

How does this all start? Besides learning from parents not to have any respect for law enforcement. "Broken windows". Not enforcing minor crimes. The new rave is something which seems harmless, but is putting some small business owners in financial jeopardy. A bunch of kids go into a restaurant, order a meal, eat the meal, and then run out without paying. It is called "dine and ditch", and it is spreading. What will these young people do next? Maybe B+E crimes. Maybe carjacking. Whatever. They are entitled to do so. Why? In America we are becoming wild. Wild, wild, everywhere.

Meanwhile, as our law and order system of justice starts to dissolve, the bad guys in the world continue to go to town. Oh, and one of them would love to nuke us into dust, just to teach us a lesson. 

The midterms are less than a month away. The sad thing is, even though close, we might be too late. This Humpty Dumpty might be too broken to fix. How bad is it right now? We will be lucky to make it to the end of the year. 



Sunday, October 9, 2022

Who wants a war? Please raise your hand

"These are dangerous times we are living in right now. The world is on the edge of war, and our service academies are still figuring out pronouns. Maybe, that is why the Army missed its recruiting goal of 25% this year."

Suppose they gave a war and nobody came? That was a little known movie from the 1970's. Lots of anti-war stuff back then due to the Viet Nam War. Remember Viet Nam? That is when we took over for the French to fight off Communism in Southeast Asia. It was mostly America fighting with the help from some allies. We were fighting the Viet Cong and NVA regulars, who were being supplied by China and Russia. Of course, back then we did not threaten to nuke Russia for supplying the bad guys. Proxy wars were just a thing back then.

But who wants a war today? Not Ukraine. They did not ask for this war. Not NATO. This Russian incursion into a non-NATO country hit a bit close to home, thank you. The United States? Nope. We want peace on Earth. How about China? The BFF to Russia? If this war spreads, or goes nuclear, it would be VERY bad for China's Belt and Road Program. And India? They have already told Russia this war is a VERY bad idea.

Then who is supporting Putin's war effort? Besides the Russians, that is. Well hold on. It seems this war is not quite a popular as it once was in Russia. This blitzkrieg war is turning out to be very expensive for Russia, in the form of their  blood and treasure. Like, for many Russians, it was a huge mistake. And the continuance of this war, with conscription of another 300,000 young men? The youth of Russia cannot leave Russia fast enough. 

So what then, is the bottom line. Circle back to the opening sentence. Suppose they gave a war and nobody came. Or if I can morph this sentence just a bit, "suppose Putin gave a war, which nobody wants". Now Putin is hiding in his bunker, not sure who will come after him first. The Ukrainians, NATO, or his own Duma. Putin has put his country of jeopardy of being considered a rogue nation, an impoverished nation, or worst yet, a ruined and radiated nation. All because of Putin's ego.

Everybody is worried sick about Putin's "off ramp". Like, how can Russia get out of this mess without uncorking the bottle which holds the nuclear genie. Some military experts think that Putin might authorize a limited strike using low yield tactical nukes in eastern Ukraine. Even though we have (through back channels), supposedly told the Russians if they do that, we will eliminate his armed forces. Not by nuking Russia, nor by invading Russia with troops. We would only use our air power and conventional missiles to do so. And then what? A full out retaliatory response by Russia? Or would Russia stand down, and call it a day.

These are dangerous times we are living in right now. The world is on the edge of war, and our service academies are still figuring out pronouns. Maybe, that is why the Army missed its recruiting goal of 25% this year. Our feared soldiers, instead of learning how to kill people and break things, are instead learning how to play "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man" at our service academies. Well played Joe, well played.  


Saturday, October 8, 2022

As the Yellow Dogs gather...

"...the majority of Yellow Dogs, would rather stick their arm into a grease fire, than pull the level for anyone on the red ticket."

I will say one thing for Minnesota. It might be the biggest Yellow Dog state in the union. Oh, trust me - I have lived here long enough to know that is an immutable fact. For those who can't remember what a Yellow Dog is, it is the old story that Democrats will vote even for a Yellow Dog over a Republican. Does not matter how paper thin a resume is (Obama), or how inept a candidate might be (Walz), or how medically unfit he or she is for the job (Biden and Fetterman), Democrats will vote for them anyhow. Why? Generational brainwashing.

This is going to be an interesting election for sure. Why? Can anybody else remember when the country was this screwed up? When we were so close to (as Biden put it this week), Armageddon? When inflation was at a 40 year high? When we had to go begging dictators for dirty oil, because for reasons which escape normal people, we will not drill for enough of our own? 

Can anyone remember when the Chinese and the Mexican cartels flooded the border with fentanyl disguised as Skittles? Where one of these fake candies can stop a child's heart? Can anyone remember when the crime rate is most of our big cities are breaking all time records? The list goes on and on, but the result will be the same. Yellow Dog Democrats will vote for the same morons who created this mess. But why would they not vote them out of office? Because the majority of Yellow Dogs, would rather stick their arm into a grease fire, than pull the level for anyone on the red ticket.

I will take a Blue Dog Democrat over a Yellow Dog Democrat any day of the week, and maybe twice on Sunday. Why? A Blue Dog is a centrist who is fiscally responsible. Joe Manchin has shown himself to be a Blue Dog on occasion. But then he folds under the pressure of the socialists, and votes party line. Blue Dogs are not perfect, but are an order of magnitude better than the morons who are Yellow Dogs. Can we get any Blue Dogs to vote with us in the 2022 midterms? I doubt it.

Walz let Minneapolis burn during the Floyd riots. He should have been impeached. In the olden days, he would have been put in irons, and dragged around this burnt out city. But the Yellow Dogs cheer Walz. They love this carpet bagger from Nebraska. But Walz knows the truth about himself. He is so ashamed of his own record, he will not debate Scott Jensen. But he could, and maybe should. He could really "step in it" during the debate. I would not matter. Minnesota Yellow Dogs would still vote for him anyhow. Heck, the Yellow Dogs voted for Walz four years ago, over Jeff Johnson. And as most of us know, Jeff is the most qualified person EVER to run for Governor in Minnesota.

Is there hope for Minnesota? Can we ever turn red again? I don't think that is possible. There are not enough dog catchers in the world to herd up all these Yellow Dog Democrats. No, we are stuck with them. And as such, we are stuck with bad government.