Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Supreme Injustice

"Roberts has turned out to be a pig in a poke. And we are stuck with him for many more years. If he was Ginsburg's age, there might be some hope. All we can do is hope that President Trump is re-elected." 

What in the Sam Hill has happened to John Roberts? Did he get abducted by a UFO and had his brains scrambled? Or are he and Ms. Nancy having a "thing"? Whatever it is, this Supreme Court Justice, that was hand picked by G. W. Bush, has turned out to be a, well, turn coat. His latest rulings have been nothing short of a disaster. DACA, Gay and Trans Rights, and now abortion. None of his rulings on these most important cases make any sense what-so-ever.

Truthfully - I have never really been high on this man. He always has a "shit eating" grin on this face. But, he was "W"s guy, so we had to work with him. But we have seen this before. A justice is nominated by a Republican President, confirmed, and then as time passes, any conservative credentials start to evaporate. What we are stuck with then is a big fat RINO. But with Roberts, some think besides being a RINO, he is also a "Never Trumper".

His ruling on abortion was really a punch in the gut. It brought back memories of what bad law Roe v Wade is. First off, abortion should be a states rights issue. Period. Then when states decide on abortion, most churches have gone to sleep. ALL CHURCHES should be outraged that this nation kills millions of its babies! "Baby Killer" at one time was next to an invective. Since the Roe ruling, Democrats look at that term as a badge of honor. What Roberts did with his vote, was to codify this mess all over again.

One more thing about DACA. This was bad law when Obama wrote the order. He even admitted it was not legal. DACA should be solved by Congress. Everyone knows that. If Roberts had voted with the normal justices to toss this order out, it would have allowed the President to task Congress to fix it. Right now, Congress has no incentive to fix DACA, since the illegal Obama order has been codified by Roberts.  

Roberts has turned out to be a pig in a poke. And we are stuck with him for many more years. If he was Ginsburg's age, there might be some hope. All we can do is hope that President Trump is re-elected. 

The EMP Mystique

"So here we sit, still vulnerable. If an EMP happens, only the most ardent preppers might survive. The rest of us will be toast."

I have recently started receiving the Epoch Times. It is a good, smart read, with one heck of a lot of research going into most of their articles. But yesterday, as I was catching up on the editions of the Times which came while we were gone, I started reading an article and then quit in disgust. Oh, it was not the fault of the paper - it was the subject of the article. It was on the danger of an EMP, and the damage it could do to this country.

I am sick to death of this subject. Why? Nothing ever gets done. I have addressed this issue many times before. When I was still in the Navy in the 1980's, we knew that an EMP event was part of the Soviet order of battle. We also know it is part of the North Korean plan. And terrorists. We have know this for decades, and what have we done? Zip. Nada. Zero. And an EMP event, either natural or not, would destroy this country - much more so then the virus.

We have known for years how to ruggedize and upgrade our electric grid. It would cost under a trillion dollars. Think of what we have spend on the Wuhan Flu so far. More than a trillion. Maybe two trillion. And worse case, this might kill 1 or 2 percent of our population. And EMP event could kill 90% of our population in one year. And astronomers tell us that every decade, we have better than a 10% chance of getting hit by a solar flare, which would cause an EMP event.

We had an EXCELLENT chance to build it during the "stimulus bill" which resulted from the Great Recession. The bill was to inject a trillion dollars into the economy, so the funding was more than adequate. We could have put people to work, and the grid would be all fixed and upgraded by now. But no. Instead the Democrats under Ms. Nancy, filled the stimulus bill up with a bunch of useless crap. All political. 

So here we sit, still vulnerable. If an EMP happens, only the most ardent preppers might survive. The rest of us will be toast. So I don't want to hear, see, or read about any more EMP stuff. We know all of this. It will be bad. But it would not have to be if we had done the right thing. 

If someone knows of a good reason why this country would not spend money to protect 90% of the population, please let me know. I have nothing. No clue, what so ever. 

Monday, June 29, 2020

Our "New" Cops

"But what about the big blue cities? What is to become of them if they get rid of their police? Normal and sane folks will not venture into those cities. Major companies will leave. Pro sports will leave."

Before we built our house, we lived in Coon Rapids. We had some good neighbors who turned out to be good friends. One of my neighbors (Doug), had a great sense of humor. If ever someone did something exceedingly dumb, Doug would call that person (or refer to that person as), "stupid-o". I have not thought of that term for decades, but as of late with these initiatives to eliminate police (which are going on in so many big blue cities), it is on the tip of my tongue.

The biggest example of "stupid-o" that I have heard in my lifetime is to "re-imagine" policing, defund police forces, or simply disarm them. If any of the big blue cities any one of those things, the "new" cops will emerge. And who would that be? Grab a mirror and look deeply into it. There is your answer. Since police would no longer be around to enforce the laws, then the only remedy to counter law breakers - would be us. We would be going back to the 1800's in the wild, wild west. Only Wyatt Earp would not be there to help us.

Right now, even though no city has yet de-funded their police department, some cops are sensing the writing on the wall. Retirements are going through the roof. In NYC, retirements are up 49% over this time last year. Cops want out, and fast. I mean, who wouldn't? In big blue cities, you get little to respect from the citizens, and the mayors and city councils think you are rogue. What we have seen in the riots this past month, is just how small cops are in the eyes of the big city citizens. To go out every day, and then put your life on the line for these ungrateful socialists? No thanks.

As more and more cops retire or quit, that leaves only us to guard and protect ourselves. I have seen signs that some protesters have carried during the recent riots which are chilling. They refer to today as being the new Haiti. In Haiti, during the period of 1802-1804, there was an all out race war. White against black. At first, the whites were trying to kill off all the blacks. But the black won the war, and the price of defeat for the remaining whites was to be slaughtered by the blacks. It was a horrible time in Haiti history - it was a horrible time in world history. For anyone in modern day America to be carrying signs which relate to that dreadful time, makes my blood run cold.

Where in the world will this end? Fighting a pandemic as well as each other, is a perfect storm for misery. Now more than ever, we need our police forces. Where I live, our Sheriff and his deputies are our friends as well as our protectors. They are revered. There is no way on this green earth that we would EVER think about getting rid of them. Ever. 

But what about the big blue cities? What is to become of them if they get rid of their police? Normal and sane folks will not venture into those cities. Major companies will leave. Pro sports will leave. All that will remain will be the war lords, who can do what they want, to whomever they want. The Utopian vision of socialism will quickly devolve into survival of the fittest, or the most heavily armed. Like what is going on in Chicago these days? Get used to it. It is coming to a big blue city near you.    


Sunday, June 28, 2020

Hating America

"It is time folks. It is time to wake up to see what is really happening. This is not just a bunch of kids off on a joy ride. This is a planned event, funded by people like Soros, to crash our system."

I had a brilliant idea last week. I was motivated by listening to all the morons who were trying to wreck the country. Tear things down, deface things, occupy things. You know who I am talking about. Now, couple them with some of the recent immigrants from parts unknown, who can also give a rat's ass about this country. The benefits, the money - they love. Our faith, our way of life - they hate. Then my mind wandered back a few decades. When the Hippies were doing something similar. Hating the establishment. Hating on "The Man". Many citizens and patriots started putting bumper stickers on their cars and trucks. "America - Love it or Leave it". Time to dust those babies off. We need then now more than ever.

Who am I? Nobody special. Just a member of the silent majority, who has had it up to here with the lot of them. All over the world, there are people who live in shit hole countries, who would give anything to come here and live. And yet, we have this very loud and obnoxious minority of misfits who are trying to tear the great country down. Defund our cops. Rename everything. Erase our history. And politicians, who have balls the size of peanuts, are just allowing them to do it. Want Exhibit "A"? Jacob "Man Baby" Frey. Our answer to a modern day Nero.

If Biden somehow cheats his way into the White House in November, the inmates will not only be running the asylum, they will BE the asylum. Right now, we are a whisker away from losing this country so many have fought and died for. Losing it to a bunch of radicals and thugs. Losing it to those whose idea of Nirvana more closely resembles Dante's Inferno. And yet, most of the normal people in this country have no time for this BS. They are too busy trying to provide for their family during this COVID induced recession.

It is going to get worse folks. After they finish tearing down all our American icon statues, this Godless bunch is going after God himself. They want to tear down statues of Jesus. And why not? They have no time for our faith. The sooner Christianity is gone, the better. Then they can rule by Sharia Law, or maybe something worse. By the time the silent majority wakes up to what is going on, the misfits will be holding the levers of power. Life in America will devolve quickly from a representative democracy, to anarchy or totalitarianism. And when America is gone, the world will slip into a very, very dark place.

It is time folks. It is time to wake up to see what is really happening. This is not just a bunch of kids off on a joy ride. This is a planned event, funded by people like Soros, to crash our system. Why? America is an affront to the powerful. It may be a safe harbor to the powerless, but the powerful hate it. Our land of opportunity, equal opportunity, is about to come the land of no opportunity.

We did not pick this fight, but it will be ours to finish.


And about that Green Line Extension...

"What does this portend for the Green Line Extension as well as the rest of these losers on rails? They will sit as monuments to the stupidity of reckless government spending."

As we crossed from South Dakota into Minnesota on Friday, both my wife and I immediately noticed how crappy I-90 became. I told my wife it is hard to believe when our gas taxes are so much higher than South Dakota's, how so many of our roads need repair or upgrading. She asked why that is - I told her trains and bike trails. That this state (Minnesota) is so STUPID, they peel away much needed dollars to go into choo-choo trains which very few ride.

That brief conversation gave me pause to think. We have not heard "boo" for a long time about our newest boondoggle - the SWLRT, also known as the Green Line Extension. It seems (once again), Minnesota taxpayers got stuck with a lemon. Putting COVID, the business downturn, and the social unrest aside, the projected ridership on the SWLRT has always been suspect. Now, in our current environment, ridership on all the choo-choo trains is down 80%. That is, except for the Northstar, which is down almost 100%.

Let's be truth tellers. Many LRT stops had become magnets for thuggery. Fact. Taking the train, especially after dark, took a large amount of courage. Now, taking the train, with the sanitary conditions going from atrocious to worse, is also high risk. The Met Council said they clean the trains every night, but we all know the Met Council is often at odds with the truth (aka lying scum bags).

COVID has changed our world, Changed the way we do business. More and more folks are now working from home. Many will stay there. Fewer and fewer people want to venture into downtown. Once the police become de-funded by the City Council, downtown will look more like a ghost town, than the city Mary Tyler Moore fell in love with. 

What does this portend for the Green Line Extension as well as the rest of these losers on rails? They will sit as monuments to the stupidity of reckless government spending. Only these monuments will not be torn down by the wacky left. Instead, they will be worshiped by the progressive clueless as to what could have been. Meanwhile, the rest of us got stuck paying for these pigs in a poke. At lease we will not have to pay for operating costs. They will all become literally - the trains to nowhere.

It is funny. The logo for the SWLRT is "green means go". I think they forgot a word at the end. Like "away". That is exactly what is going to happen to this money trap. It will go away - that is, everything except the sunk cost. Well played Met Council. Now you people can also go away.  


Saturday, June 27, 2020

And when will it, or will it - ever end?

"Am I going back into my basement to hunker and bunker? Not a bit. But I will give this virus a bit more respect that I recently have. Being in South Dakota was a respite. But now that I am back of the highly infected state of Minnesota, it is time to get serious again."

We just returned from a "freedom trip" to South Dakota. Except for the Smithfield meat packing plant in Sioux Falls, it is a state which has been only lightly touched by the COVID - 19 virus. The state never shut down - been open the entire time. And it has worked for them. Their numbers back this up.

However, in the short week we were gone, the rest of the country was going bonkers with outbreaks. Like three days in a row of record setting infections. For some reason, the worst of it seems to be in the south eastern and south central states. So much for the virus hating hot and sunny weather. 

Right now, the country is trying so hard to open up, and get back to normal. Normal - how life used to be prior to March. But the virus is saying, "not so fast. I am not done with my first wave as yet." Any good news to report? The death rate. Even though the number of new infections is through the roof high, the hospitalizations and death rates seem to be much less so. One possible reason? Hitting more young people than older folks.

Many are asking the same question - when will it end? Or will it end? Oh, it will end. These viruses all end one way or another. If they did not, we would all be extinct right now. We will either come up with one or more vaccines, develop some kind of herd immunity, or the virus will mutate into something more benign. But that is sometime for the future. Right now, COVID - 19 is the proverbial "turd in the punch bowl". It is ruining many things for many people. It is going to ruin the 4th of July for some - maybe many. And it is still putting the hurt on our economy. 

Some states have tried to ignore it, and maybe it will just go away. That did not work well. Just ask folks in Florida, Texas or California. Throwing caution to the wind will not win the day for us. As much as it pains me to say this, I think we all need to treat this uninvited visitor from China with more respect. Give it a wider berth. Why do I say that? What we have been doing with the gradual "opening up", might not be working. The numbers back that hunch up. 

Am I going back into my basement to hunker and bunker? Not a bit. But I will give this virus a bit more respect that I recently have. Being in South Dakota was a respite. But now that I am back of the highly infected state of Minnesota, it is time to get serious again. Dr. Oz was on one of the channels we watched while out west. He said we could all do ourselves a huge favor just by practicing "6-15". Stay six feet away from others (mostly inside), and if inside, and you can't be six feet away from others, only stay there for fifteen minutes. He believes that alone would take the number of new infections way down.

Oz did say another thing about masks. He thinks (as do I), many still are misinformed about masks. Cloth masks do NOTHING to keep you safe. Zip. Only medical N 95 masks can protect you to a degree. Cloth masks however, can protect others FROM you. Remember that when a mask is required. It is not for you, but for others. 

Will it end? Yes, but probably not this year. 2020 is going to be a loser - a year to forget. But we are smarter than this virus. It is not a living thing with a brain - but we are. Until its time comes (hopefully early into 2021), we need to outsmart COVID - 19. We need to be able to live our lives as fully as possible, without falling victim to it. Until then, lets get our number back down - way down. 


Friday, June 26, 2020

Distance this!!!

"A good friend of mine told me that going from Minnesota to South Dakota is like going from East Germany into West Germany. All I can say in response to that is - AMEN!!"  

We just got home from our "Freedom Tour". No, we are not a rock band. The Bird (and Mrs. Bird), needed to get out west to South Dakota to see what all this non-fuss was about. Non-fuss? What the what? Well, they have the virus out there, but not that much. And most of it has been centered around that Smithfield packing plant in Sioux Falls. In Pennington County, where Rapid City is located, COVID - 19 is very rare indeed (except for the long term care facility). In fact, the COVID count is so low in the entire state, that yesterday, Florida had more new cases than South Dakota has had since the get-go.

In know, I know. This was a bad week for the country with COVID. I wish it was not. However, in South Dakota, it was "ops normal". And we had a blast! Going out to eat in a restaurant, sitting at a table. Not being forced to wear a mask anywhere (but you could if you wanted to). Oh, did I mention that South Dakota never shut down? Unlike Minnesota, which did shut down, and has terrible numbers to show for it, South Dakota stayed wide open. And the Fourth of July weekend coming up? It is going to be a hum dinger out there. POTUS, fireworks, parties - all in Rapid City and the Black Hills.

Here is what we noticed during our week in South Dakota. Even though their Governor is not a "tin horn" dictator like Minnesota's Governor is, people out there still act with some common sense. In other words, Governor Noem did not give her people dictum's, nor orders. She only told the public what the recommendations were to stay safe. And even though the state was wide open, we saw people acting responsibly. I guess this is what happens when your Governor treats you like adults instead of infants.

It is funny now, how people in South Dakota view Minneapolis. Forty some years ago, when my wife and I went out to South Dakota to be in my best man's wedding, I had a lot of questions from young folks about Minneapolis. Most thought it would be a cool place to visit, and asked what it was like to live there (yes, at that time, we were living in Minneapolis). Today however, I would imagine that most folks in South Dakota would like to remain about 10 states away from all the socialism and nuttiness which goes on in the Twin Cities. I know I would. 

In any event, we are home now, and safe. It was a wonderful trip, and we saw some wonderful things. I have been to South Dakota maybe 15 to 20 times in my lifetime. It NEVER gets old! I absolutely love that state for so many reasons! A good friend of mine told me that going from Minnesota to South Dakota is like going from East Germany into West Germany. All I can say in response to that is - AMEN!!  

Thursday, June 25, 2020

A POTUS Independence Day!

"In any event, this is summer. The best part of summer. As Americans, this is our day. Our collective birthday. Time to enjoy. Yes, we will be COVID cautious. If someone decides they don't want to be an American anymore, and ruin things for the rest of us, remember one very important thing. There are more of us than there are of you. A LOT more of us."

Oh boy! Are they ever excited about July 3rd out here in Rapid City! Why? POTUS will be here, at Mount Rushmore, getting down with the celebration of our independence. Fireworks, speeches, festivities - you name it. The best part is what the Governor said on the news yesterday was really good and to the point. Some of the juvenile delinquents are thinking about coming to Rapid City to try and wreck it. They better not!

They might try that? Really? In South Dakota? Well, this is not Minnesota. They don't have Tim Walz in charge. They have a real Governor. Plus, we had lunch in Hill City yesterday, and the place is already crawling with bikers. If the trouble makers come here and try to disrupt the event, OR harm Mount Rushmore - I hope they have their final affairs in order. It ain't going to be pretty for them.

The 3rd is going to be a raucous affair. Fun, fun and more fun, in a state which still believes in freedom. And, after it is over, POTUS will climb back aboard Air Force One, and head back to DC. Why? On the 4th, he is having a celebration in our nation's capitol. And the Democrats hate it. They are doing everything possible to derail it. Well, they can't. But once again, it exposes the left for what they are. America haters. And our POTUS loves this country with a deep, and true passion.

How will the party in DC go, compared to the one in Rapid? Unknown at this time. The Mayor of DC is a tool of the DNC. She gets played by the lefties, and is scared to stare them down when they trash her city. The President, on the other hand, is not. Tonight at seven, the malcontents are threatening to topple another monument in DC. The National Guard (unarmed) has been called out to help protect our monuments. The way these anarchists play however, this might be a fake. They might have threatened to take down one monument, and in reality, head towards another one. 

Each year, every year, Americans from coast to coast love to celebrate Independence Day. It is a big deal. There is no way on this planet, that a bunch of malcontents will be allowed to disrupt it. If they do try, it will bring things to a head real fast. Our President has had it up to his gills. As have the patriots and citizens. There is only one battle we should be fighting right now - and that is against COVID - 19. We should not be fighting each other. And we should not be tearing down the history of our country.

In any event, this is summer. The best part of summer. As Americans, this is our day. Our collective birthday. Time to enjoy. Yes, we will be COVID cautious. If someone decides they don't want to be an American anymore, and ruin things for the rest of us, remember one very important thing. There are more of us than there are of you. A LOT more of us.



Wednesday, June 24, 2020

"With malice towards none, and charity for all"

"I am sorry Abe, that it has come to this. Yes, we would like to get back to having malice towards none, and charity for all. But first we need to do some long overdue housecleaning." 

Ah, those were the days! Lincoln's second inaugural address. The horror of our Civil War with state against state, sometimes brother against brother, was finally over. It was time to rebuild. To heal. Lincoln's one sentence summed up so much. Since a nation divided cannot stand, Lincoln wanted to have no more malice - for anyone. And for the nation to rebuild, charity needed to be ingrained in everything we did. I was thinking how that is working out today. Maybe it could be restated to say, "With hatred towards all, and showing charity towards none."

But who cares about Lincoln? After all, his statue was one which was defaced. The anarchists today want NOTHING to do with Lincoln. Anything good and pure must be destroyed. It must be destroyed and replaced with mayhem, destruction and embers. The contagion of COVID is nothing compared to the contagion of social unrest and out and out rioting which has gripped our large blue cities. It is hard to think of any place in the nation which has not been affected or threatened to be trashed.

Yesterday, the Chief of Police in Seattle was interviewed. He is beyond pissed towards the so called Mayor. She wants CHOP to end, but peacefully. That is in line with her "re-imagining police" initiative. The protesters have said over and over they are not leaving. Certainly not peacefully. No, they want the cops to come in swinging, so they can have "an issue". And the Chief of Police? What say you? "This has gone on too long. It is going to be ugly when we go in to remove them." One of the reasons it will be ugly, is the clueless Mayor has forbidden the use of tear gas. Looks like rubber bullets, tasers, batons or worse will be needed.

Can we be honest on one point? Our cold civil war (part 2), has become hot. Sometimes, very hot. The American hating, America bashing anarchists, are so emboldened right now, all they want is to destroy the old, and rebuild with something horrible. Some people are going to die. Not our choice, but right now there might not be a choice. It pains be to say this, but it might be time for a purge. We will need to choose which is more valuable right now - our heritage, or this splinter group of youth. When the ship hits the sand, it will hit the sand hard. The now silent majority will become the loud, proud (and armed) majority, and the anarchists will find themselves without the aegis they once had. Then it will be over.

I am sorry Abe, that it has come to this. Yes, we would like to get back to having malice towards none, and charity for all. But first we need to do some long overdue housecleaning. Not our choice, but it is a choice which needs to happen. Why must we do it? America is too valuable to most of the world to lose it. And there are way too many of us who will not tolerate America being lost. Not now, not ever.   

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Your freedom ends here!

"You take over our cities, you ruin our monuments, you sucker punch old people - all that was your ticket to be noticed. We have allowed you to swing your fist as hard and wide as you want. But has hit the jaw of the rest of us. And the nose. Those days are over. You are done." 

Wow Bird! Harsh! Most thought you were a freedom lover, so what gives. I guess it might be time to mangle one of your favorite quotes. "You have the freedom to swing your fist as hard and wide as you want - until it touches the tip of my nose. That is were your freedom ends." Let me first be clear as a bell. This is addressed to any anarchist group, no matter what they call themselves. Today, the President you hate so much - has ended your reign of terror.

What right, do you think you possibly have, to ruin part of our national heritage? We agree, some of it is smudged - but most is not. Senator Tim Scott (R-NC) was on the news this morning. First, let me mentioned he is black. And he has been discriminated against earlier in his life. But what he said was poignant. "This is part of our history. The uncomfortable parts, are not ones we celebrate - we learn from them. When we destroy those monuments, we can no longer learn from them". BINGO! 

This country is good. We have done good. However, we have had some growing pains. And we have fixed them. All of them? Not yet, but we are working on them. The best way to further divide this country, and erase what has been fixed, is doing what you are right now. You are sandblasting any social progress you have made in the past, and replaced it with anarchy, treason and sedition. 

Today for the umpteenth time, we visited Mount Rushmore. This is hallowed ground not only for the people from all over this country, but especially the folks who live in South Dakota. Their state motto has been "Great Faces, Great Places". If for some reason, you decide to take a run at our most famous monument - be warned. The Park Police, the FBI, the anything - will be the least of your worries. Worry more about the armed citizens and patriots. 

You take over our cities, you ruin our monuments, you sucker punch old people - all that was your ticket to be noticed. We have allowed you to swing your fist as hard and wide as you want. But has hit the jaw of the rest of us. And the nose. Those days are over. You are done. If you have a first aid kit, keep it handy. Your days of being "tough" are over. Time to back into hiding. 

Monday, June 22, 2020

Frey-baby - unplugged

"We have spent much time as of late, worrying about contagion from the COVID - 19 virus. Meanwhile, we have suffered under another contagion. Urban lawlessness. It is now in most bug blue cities and still looking to claim more victims." 

Oh my! And we thought it was just happening in CHOP in Seattle. Oh no, my friend. It is also happening in good old Minneapolis. And why is that? Seems the vocal minority of residents have chosen lawlessness and anarchy over law and order. And the Minneapolis Police Department? They have turned out to be as welcomed in certain parts of the city as a case of shingles.

No this is bad, really bad. The sleepy little village of Minneapolis is turning out to be a smaller version of Chicago. And why not? Seems we have many refugees from Chicago living here now. The once peaceful folk of the City of Lakes have decided to mix it up a bit. How much so? In the last week, 44 people have been shot. And that includes the mayhem which happened in Uptown where it was the biggest mass shooting just happened that most folk can remember.

Who is responsible for all this? Three guesses. First guess, the Governor. Next guess, the Mayor of Minneapolis. Third guess, the Minneapolis City Council. Which guess is correct? They all are. It is a tie for first place. However, I might have to give a slight edge to the Mayor of Minneapolis - better known as the Frey-baby. At the end of the day, it is the Mayor who is responsible for the health and well being of the citizens of the city he governs.

When John Donne wrote "No man is an island", he must not have known about Jacob Frey from the future. Frey is a definite island. He is not thought of very highly by the citizens and patriots in Minnesota, and the socialist goof balls in Minneapolis think he is a turn coat as he sided against getting rid of the cops. Instead, he wants to disembowel the cops, but still keep them around. Make them into unarmed Bobbies, like in London.

Okay - here is the punchline. Minneapolis is a mess right now, and there is no end in sight. There is no hero on the horizon (other than our President), who can restore law and order. For sale signs are popping up all over town, and the unfortunate folks who are now trying to escape might be too late. Why? For a sale to conclude, there must be a willing seller and a willing buyer. Who in the world these days, is going to be a willing buyer? Nobody, unless that person is Rip Van Winkle.

We have spent much time as of late, worrying about contagion from the COVID - 19 virus. Meanwhile, we have suffered under another contagion. Urban lawlessness. It is now in most big blue cities, and still looking to claim more victims.

Jacob Frey - you will be tagged with the loss of Minneapolis. It is now inches away from becoming totally hollowed out, with all memories of our national and local history destroyed. Nice job young man. Now get the hell out of here and go back home.   

Sunday, June 21, 2020

The test in Tulsa

"My question is this - love him or hate him, we all know Donald Trump is the better man, six ways from Sunday. Who in the world could vote for a confused idiot like Joe Biden over Donald Trump?"

Last night, the campaign really kicked off in earnest. The President went down to Tulsa to rev up the crowd. And that he did. In fact, there will probably not be any argument on this point. Very few Presidents from our history can work a crowd better. Why is that? This real estate guy from New York, who became a billionaire, never talks down to the crowd. He is one of them. He is "Every-man". The crowd feeds off of him, and the President feeds off of the crowd. It is a perfect symbiotic relationship.

He called out all who needed to be called out. "Sleepy Joe" Biden, and his lack of vision for America. The Democrats, who have turned into nothing but obstructionists. And of course, the pansies and pussies who have allowed their cities to become either trashed or occupied by the anarchists and socialists. 

My favorite part of the night however, is when he worked over the press corps, once again. This time it involved the misreporting on how he had developed a disease such as Parkinson's. Why did they assume that? The President explained at the West Point graduation, he wanted to salute each and every one of the graduates. That would be about 600. He also had the wrong kind of shoes on for the ramp leading up to the dignitary stands. So when we was walking down once it was over, he took some halting steps, just so his shoes would not slip on the ramp.

Then came the water issue. "The President struggled to drink out of a water glass". Crap, said Trump. His hands were shaky from 600 salutes in the hot sun. With that, someone had put a glass of water on the podium. He then took it, drank from it twice (no shaking), and then tossed the rest of the water (with glass) off the stage. The crowd went wild. Like I said, Donald Trump can work a crowd.

One do better, however. Seems some pranksters from the other side got a bunch of seats reserved for no shows. So for the first time in forever, Donald Trump was in front of a venue which was not full. Rest assured, that will not happen again. President Trump is not the type to sucked into the same practical joke twice.

One final thing about last night. No masks. Oh, I am sure there were some, but if there were, they were few and far between. No social distancing, no masks. Hopefully, there were no "super spreaders" in the auditorium. Why? Neither Trump or Pence had masks on either. In any event, it was good to see things look "normal" again.

By the way, some of the "polls" show "Sleepy Joe" up as much as 14 points right now. My question is this - love him or hate him, we all know Donald Trump is the better man, six ways from Sunday. Who in the world could vote for a confused idiot like Joe Biden over Donald Trump? My conclusion - only those who don't care about America. Like the President has said - if Biden gets elected, the rest of America will start looking like Minneapolis. God help us. 


Saturday, June 20, 2020

A deep secret which needs to be told

"How much crime do I want in our big cities? Zero. No white on black, no black on white, no white on white, and no black on black. Is that to much to ask? For humans to treat other humans as humans instead of targets?"

Right now, our country is being torn apart by racial strife. As we know by now, the spark which lit the fire was the George Floyd incident in Minneapolis. Whenever a black person is killed by a white cop under murky circumstances, all hell seems to break loose. And yet, there is usually two sides to every story. Even with George Floyd, where the camera was on the incident the entire time, there is more to this story. We will hear about it during the trial. Or the black man who was killed after he stole a cop's taser and then pointed it at him. Much more to that story also.

But here is the story which is seldom told. In fact, to many it is a deep secret. The other day, someone posted a video of the Chief (sorry, I am not suppose to use that word anymore) of Police in Milwaukee. He was getting questioned about some incident where his cops might have used too much force on somebody in the community. He was asked why he was not there, where the incident took place. Then the Chief exploded. He said he was on the phone with one of his officers who was with a young child who had just been shot in the head.

Then he really exploded. "80% of all black homicides are due to young black men causing them. Same with 80% of many of the other crimes." After seeing that, I did some digging. Here are the facts. Nationwide in 2017 and 2018, about 200 black people were shot by police (all races) each of those two years. This is according to Statista. Unknown how many who were shot were innocent or not. The stats for white people for the same period are about twice as high. Yes, more white people are killed by cops than black people. Here is the real kicker. According to the Daily Wire, even though 200 black people where shot by police in 2017, 6,000 blacks were killed by other blacks. In other words, 93% of all homicide in the black community is black on black crime. 

Why bring this up? Am I trying to justify unwarranted killing of a black person by a cop? Absolutely not! But we need some perspective here. In Chicago, over 200 of the homicides this year have been black on black. What does the media say about this? Crickets. BLM? Again, crickets. Democrats? Mayor Lightfoot? Once again, crickets. But have a cop involved in the death of George Floyd, then all of the sudden, the town is on fire. 

How much crime do I want in our big cities? Zero. No white on black, no black on white, no white on white, and no black on black. Is that to much to ask? For humans to treat other humans as humans instead of targets? The vast majority of cops are good people. Good servants of the community. Some are not, but the system is suppose to take care of that issue. 

Do black lives matter? Absolutely. Do white lives matter? Ditto. Brown lives? Again ditto. Blue lives? Yes. Until we can agree on that one simple concept, that ALL lives matter, we will continue to live in the goo. We will be at each other's throats, and buildings will burn. All crime is bad. Period. Now let's heal and move forward. 

Friday, June 19, 2020

Juneteenth researched

"If we are going to do a day of recognition, let's do it right. We have a lot of ground to cover. I think a point of total agreement for all of us is this - no matter the year, the country - slavery is wrong. Terribly wrong. To end slavery forever, we need to call it out."

Today is Juneteenth. It is a fairly recent recognition day, and soon it will probably be a national day of remembrance. It marks the day the final state (Texas) freed their slaves. At the peak, the United States had about 500,000 slaves. To end this practice of slavery, this country fought a civil war, in which somewhere between 600,000 and 700,000 Americans died. So many died, it is still our bloodiest war. How did the folks in Chicago celebrate this day of remembrance a bit earlier in June? They burned a statue of Abe Lincoln - the President who freed the slaves.

Even though 500,000 is a lot of people to be enslaved in pre-civil war United States, it was only 4.4% of the number of people who were sold into slavery in the Americas. True story. Why bring this up? I think the scope of Juneteenth is much, much too narrow. I think it should be about the evils of slavery - past and present. If the 500,000 is only 4.4% of the more than 10,000,000 slaves brought to the Americas, should we not remember them also? 

In addition, slavery never ended. Today, it is estimated there are still somewhere between 20 and 40 million people who are enslaved. Many are children, sold into the sex slavery business. Those people should also be remembered, as there are precious few in the world today who are looking out for them.

What I am saying is simply this. I see nothing wrong with Juneteenth. I don't even object to it becoming a national day of remembrance. What I would correct however, is the scope. I would not only recognize the 500,000 slaves in the United States, but also the up to 700,000 people who died in a war to end our slavery. I would recognize the 95.6% of the slaves who came to the Americas but did not end up in the United States. And I would recognize the tens of millions who are still enslaved today.

If we are going to do a day of recognition, let's do it right. We have a lot of ground to cover. I think a point of total agreement for all of us is this - no matter the year, the country - slavery is wrong. Terribly wrong. To end slavery forever, we need to call it out. And do it in the loudest of voices. Maybe even having this day not only be a national day of remembrance, but also a global one. 

The more I think about this, the better I like it. In fact, we also need a genocide recognition day. This would recognize not only the holocaust from WW II, but also the forgotten genocide, the Armenian genocide from WW I. Plus there have been plenty more which are slowly being forgotten. Genocide, as well as slavery, are both vile and evil. They should be ended, and their past sins should always be remembered. Thanks Juneteenth, for getting us off on the right foot.  

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Era of the "Blue Flu"?

"Where does the fault really lie with this war on cops? Look in the mirror folks. WE elect morons to be the mayors and city councils, who in turn, appoint neutered police chiefs and commissioners."

Headlines in this mornings Strib: "Nine people shot in separate shootings, continuing the violence streak." I bet nobody could see that one coming. Many are starting to think that Minneapolis, just like many other big blue cities who are run by idiots and socialists, are showing signs of the "Blue Flu". Actually, instead of an isolated case due to isolated incidents, this could end up being a nation wide epidemic of "Blue Flu".

In certain cities, cops are turning in their badges. Quitting, to look for either another profession, or another law enforcement opportunity away from the metropolitan socialist regimes. Or, some are retiring earlier than previously planned. But then there is something else. The ones who are staying, might be calling in sick with the "Blue Flu". Or, they might be on duty, and practice the opposite of "broken window" policing. In other words, just turn away from minor crimes and be on their way. 

If our cops take a back seat to crime in our larger blue cities, it will not go well for the few law abiding citizens who still live there. The hoodlums, the thugs, the punks however - will love it. It will be a free for all. Now I must first say this about most law enforcement folks I have run across. Turning a blind eye, calling in sick when they are not, or just plain quitting - goes against every grain in their being. This is NOT why they wanted to become cops in the first place. They truly wanted to protect and serve. But enough is enough!

What is a leading cause of the "Blue Flu"? How about this war on cops which is getting worse every year. In Atlanta, we are seeing one of the most egregious acts of bull crap ever perpetrated against a police officer. The cop who had to take down the bad guy, after the bad guy stole his taser and fired at him, is being charged with murder. In fact, this officer could face the death penalty. No. Wait. What? Wasn't this cop just doing his job? Acting within the lines? Many of us think so. If I punched a cop, and then stole one of his weapons, I would expect the same outcome for me. Race had NOTHING to do with this.

This sickens me that each day, every day, our law enforcement leave home to protect the innocent by enforcing the law. All our cops want to do is a good job, help their community, and at the end of the day - go home. But last year nationwide, almost 100 cops did not get the chance to come home at the end of the day. This year the pace is even faster. In some states, cops have become no more than targets for the evil doers.

Where does the fault really lie with this war on cops? Look in the mirror folks. WE elect morons to be the mayors and city councils, who in turn, appoint neutered police chiefs and commissioners. Minneapolis for example, has more nut balls running it, than you could shake a stick at. How are the cops revered in Minneapolis? The council just voted to disband the police department, and replace them with community organizers. No folks - I am not making that one up.

As for my house, we love our Sheriff and his Deputies. They are good and loyal servants to the community and upholders of our law. Minneapolis has a mess on their hands right now, and I don't see any way out, short of a total house cleaning in city government. There is nothing wrong with the cops in Minneapolis - so long as they can be allowed to be cops. But when the city wants them to be spectators instead of cops, that is when the thugs and punks rule the day.     


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

This might not end well...

"This a good time to stay hunkered and bunkered if you are outside of the big blue cities. If you are trapped inside a big blue city, this might be a good time to have a 'bug out' plan. When the 'ship hits the sand', it ain't going to be pretty. Not pretty at all."    

What is the latest goofy news which is surrounding our "summer of love" (thanks for that, Seattle Mayor)? Speaking of Seattle, as most know by now, CHAZ has been renamed CHOP. Seems the word "autonomous" was a bridge too far for some of the more cerebral thinkers in the CHAZ crowd. And - Seattle has just removed temporary barricades and replaced them with cement ones. Just trying to help out the cause, as the Seattle city leaders are also "down with the struggle". Meanwhile, CHOP is being run by a home grown "warlord", who extorts money from some of the more well healed who are stuck in CHOP. The President has threatened to put an end to this mess, sooner rather than later. 

Portland was in turmoil again last night, as for the umpteenth night in a row, unruly crowds have shut down a bridge. With squishy mayors and do nothing governors, cities who allow their highways and freeways to be turned into parking lots, are becoming common. Too common. Look for this fuse to grow very short, very soon. 

Atlanta might soon be charging the cop with some kind of crime for shooting the young black man who stole his taser. News flash. Not only will this cop get off with no conviction, no matter what he is charged with - he will also be re-instated. Why do I say that? As unfortunate as this situation was, the cop really did nothing wrong. If the young man who was passed out drunk in his car had only cooperated with the police, he would be drawing breath right now. Punching a cop, and then stealing one of his weapons, usually does not turn out well for the bad guy.

The four cops in Minneapolis will not be convicted of crimes which will suit the community. In fact, some or all of the three of the cops which did nothing but watch, might just get off with a slap on the wrist. Derek Chauvin will get more than a slap on the wrist, but not a conviction for second degree murder. Look for the drugs in Floyd's system at the time of his death to be the lynch-pin to this trial. Better have the National Guard at the ready. 

How is this all going to end? Not well, I am afraid. When the cops in Minneapolis or Atlanta don't get the punishment the community wants, look for riots and burning once again. When CHOP becomes too much of a pain for Seattle to put up with, look for a major battle to take place in that not so hallowed ground. It could get ugly and bloody, as many guns are rumored to be stashed in and around CHOP. But at the end of the day, CHOP and its warlord are going down.

If America really wants to heal from this COVID - 19 invasion, and have some things go back to sort of normal, we need our cities back. Crime in many of our big blue cities is skyrocketing, as the thugs and punks have become very emboldened. In St. Paul right now, there are broad daylight car jackings, by gangs of armed thugs. And the cops are not as aggressive as they once were, since nobody in their city seems to have their backs. So each of our big, blue cities have become powder kegs. Great places to stay far, far away from. As the summer gets hotter, the fuses will get shorter.

This a good time to stay hunkered and bunkered if you are outside of the big blue cities. If you are trapped inside a big blue city, this might be a good time to have a "bug out" plan. When the "ship hits the sand", it ain't going to be pretty. Not pretty at all.    

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Making the 40% Club

"In any event, my goal is to become smarter on this stuff every week. I want very much for my wife, myself, my family, my friends, to make the 40% club. That is it. I will try to stay informed, and stay prepared." 

I know that many of my chums think this COVID - 19 BS is just that - BS. However, many doctors, some of whom I respect, say we should not to take this thing too lightly. In fact. Dr. Michael Osterholm from the University of Minnesota (who has a worldwide reputation for knowing about viruses), said right now, this virus has only infected about 5% of our population. His words - "This virus is not going anywhere. And without a viable vaccine, before this virus is done with us, where we can develop a herd immunity, 60% of us will become infected."

Let's assume just for a minute that Osterholm is correct. That because the way this virus spreads, it is going to be a different animal than other viruses, such as SARS and MERS. I have not talked to one person who is interested in becoming infected with this disease. In other words, our main objective right now is staying out of the 60% group, and becoming a member of the "40% club".

In this state, the curves are finally starting to flatten out. Other states, not so much. Maybe in Minnesota, COVID - 19 is going to take the summer off a bit. Still be active, but not like earlier in the spring. If that is the case, and if predictions are correct that COVID - 19 is going to re-visit late this fall along with the common flu, how can we better prepare ourselves? Some thoughts:
  • Immunity - The best way to ensure our immunity is the best it can be, is with a good diet and supplements. Most nutritionists say that Vitamin "C" is a must. Also zinc, Elderberry, Vitamin "D3" and so forth.
  • Smoking - If you still smoke, and would like to quit, this might be a good time to do it. Since COVID attacks your lungs, smoking is not a good plan.
  • Ultraviolet lights - Good thing to have around. Good thing to take with you when you travel. Viruses don't do well in UV light.
  • Cleaning - Light cleaning might need to be replaced with deep cleaning. Bathrooms, kitchens, doorknobs and railings. 
  • Hand Washing - the 20 second hand wash is a good idea (we learned that on cruise lines), virus or no virus.
  • Hand Sanitizer - great idea to carry some with at all times. It is back in the stores now, and it is not expensive. Use liberally.
  • Pray - always a good idea to pray for safety and protection - for everyone. 
Other things also might make sense. Don't shake hands. Stay away from large indoor crowds. Keep your hands away from your face. If a store requires you to wear a mask, and you don't believe in masks, just leave. Or suck it up, and put on a mask. My feeling is come fall, more and more places will require masks. Please - no mail on how bad they might be for you. I understand. When I have to wear a mask to shop, I am in and out in a flash.

In any event, my goal is to become smarter on this stuff every week. I want very much for my wife, myself, my family, my friends, to make the 40% club. That is it. I will try to stay informed, and stay prepared. 


Play Ball! (or not...)

"I have already prepared myself for a summer without baseball. Heck, we lost just about every other summer pleasure." 

We finally get into summer, and just about everything is cancelled or toned down. No state fair, no county fairs, no beaches, limited park fun, and so forth. But at least we have baseball. Baseball? Where is it? We are rapidly approaching the 4th of July, and not one pitch has been thrown as yet! And about a week ago, the commish promised us that have a season was "about 100% certain". I guess his 100% figuring and the rest of our 100% figuring, are not the same.

This morning on one of the news shows, a baseball writer was interviewed. When asked if there would be a season this year, his answer was a simple "no". Any why in the world not? Don't the fans deserve some sense of normalcy? Yes, we do. But it is that decades old argument between the player's union and the owners. You know the one - millionaires fighting billionaires. Over money. Meanwhile, most of the fans who are neither millionaires or billionaires, might end up with zilch.

What is the issue? That is the issue. Way too many unresolved issues. I guess playing in front of empty stadiums with the players making their current salaries is a money trap for the owners. Some want a shortened season, others want a normal season stretching out into November. My take is this - the current recipe for baseball that we have used for many decades, is the one we need. Fans in the stands, normal spring training, season starting in April, and concluding with the World Series. Can't do it this year. Start preparing to make it happen for next year.

Okay - what about the NFL? Any issues as yet? Probably some, but bets are there will be some kind of a football season. Maybe hockey and basketball also. Will there be fans in the stands? Maybe. Depends on how big of risk takers people are. According to Dr. Osterhome of the University of Minnesota, COVID - 19 is far from over with us. If there is no viable vaccine, this fall could be brutal. Or not.

Back to the baseball writer. His big concern about baseball, is the fan base is aging and waning. Of all the professional sports, baseball is the one which is the least interesting to the new generation. No hate mail please - just repeating what the sports writer said. Losing this season may not kill baseball, but certainly might injure it.

I have already prepared myself for a summer without baseball. Heck, we lost just about every other summer pleasure. Truthfully - I am more of a Viking fan than a Twins fan. In fact, I am somewhat of a fair weather Twins fan. Like, I really loved them in 1965, 1987, and 1991. When they play mediocre, so is my enthusiasm. The Vikings however, are a different story. Even though I have "gone down with the ship" many seasons with the Vikings, I am ready to do it again. You can color me foolish, just so long as you also color me purple.


Monday, June 15, 2020

The aftermath in Minneapolis

"COVID, riots, inept government. Welcome to the summer of 2020 in Minneapolis. If you are looking for great place to vacation in Minnesota this summer, there are many of them. Minneapolis is not one of them."

It is coming up on a month soon, since the unfortunate event happened outside of Cup Foods in South Minneapolis. Did it change the world? Probably not. Did it change Minneapolis? Absolutely. Will Minneapolis ever be the same again. Maybe - but not in many of our lifetimes. The burned out mess around Cedar and Lake will be a testament to how lawlessness can trump lawfulness, when the local police are told to stand down. And Minneapolis is just a whisker away right now, from becoming a town without cops.

How did we get here? How did we get to such a place that Antifa, with all their cruelty and mischief, garners more respect in South Minneapolis than the police do? Are some cops in Minneapolis racists? Maybe. I suspect the majority however, are not. But that does not matter now. One bad cop, for reasons which may never become known, killed a black man by kneeling on his neck for over eight minutes. And that was the straw which broke the camel's back with city leaders. All cops bad. All cops got to go.

It is reported in the press that seven cops in Minneapolis have resigned since the George Floyd incident. Some say there will be more. For a city who is woefully short on the cops needed to maintain any semblance of peace in a city like Minneapolis, losing four due to termination, and then seven more due to resignations or retirement, is a punch in the gut. Actually, I am surprised that more have not gone. Being painted as pariahs every day in the press, coupled with zero support from the City Council, is enough to test even the strongest of hearts. There are too many places in this country where law enforcement are still loved and revered. It is just not in big, blue, socialist cities. 

Right before our eyes, Minneapolis is being hollowed out. Some of the great and proud neighborhoods in Minneapolis that I enjoyed as a kid, are now crime ridden, lawless, dumps. People with money, who are still stuck in the city, are now looking at options to leave. The bad news? That train has left the station. The optimal time to leave has long since gone. But staying is not a good option either. A town run by socialists, Antifa, and BLM - is truly a town without pity.

There is an old saying that in the land of the blind, the one eyed king can rule. Well Minneapolis, your one eyed king is Jacob Frey. He is inept and bumbling. He is an overgrown kid. But - in Minneapolis, he is better than most. Scary thought. So, we have a burned out city, becoming more hollowed out every week, run by a village idiot. We have come a long, long way since the glory days of the City of Lakes. Now it is nothing more than a dark and foreboding, nest of loons.

COVID, riots, inept government. Welcome to the summer of 2020 in Minneapolis. If you are looking for great place to vacation in Minnesota this summer, there are many of them. Minneapolis however, is not one of them. Minneapolis does stand for one thing however. What decades of stupid leadership by clueless socialists and progressives will lead to. Sad. Very, very sad indeed.   

Sunday, June 14, 2020

A summer or love? Or not?

"Other than all this defugalty on Earth, mostly perpetrated by pernicious and truculent forces, this could be a summer of love. All we need do is cast our eyes skyward."

Here we are, after living through the month of April which seemed to have eight weeks instead of four, now this month of June is speeding by like a high velocity bullet. In fact, the 4th of July seems like it is right around the corner. And then...summer will start to wane. Just saying, that every year once Independence Day is over, so is the best part of summer. And then the total confusion on how to do school this next school year will start. But we will worry about that later.

Meanwhile, as we do enjoy what many folks think are the best days of summer, the world continues to be a total mess. COVID might be spiking again, CHAZ in Seattle is still an open and festering wound, and in many big blue cities, cops are on the most wanted list rather than the most loved and respected list. The economy is trying to sputter back to life, and the unemployment rate is still way too high. 

HOWEVER - in the midst of all this mayhem, good things are happening. Yesterday, I watched the first part of the West Point graduation. That was an upper! The young men and women who graduated yesterday are the best of the best in our youth. Quite a contrast from the haters who dress in black and red and seek to destroy this country. The President was there, and addressed the brand new "butter bars". The day was gorgeous, the message was strong, and the entire event was wonderful.

Elon Musk is staying focused like a laser beam on what he thinks needs to be done. His time is split between his Tesla car company, his SpaceX program, and his Starlink program. SpaceX is not resting after the wonderful launch it had a few weeks ago. That was important, but not the final stop in Elon's space venture. He is already eyeing a trip to the Moon, trips up to the ISS for civilians who can afford to pay a high tourist fee, and of course - a manned Mars landing.

Lost in the shuffle with all this other madness happening, is Elon's Starlink program. How is it going? Full speed ahead. Elon keeps sending Starlink satellites up in the heavens, to fill out his broadband network. His first goal is 400 satellites to give minor coverage to the northern United States and southern Canada. Then 800 satellites for moderate coverage. Then 12,000 for worldwide coverage, and maybe up to 30,000 satellites so he can offer different kinds of services. Most of that by the end of 2021. For those who like reliability while surfing the net, this could be a real game changer.

Will our summer go speeding by? Of course - it always does. Will we still have to learn to live with COVID? Yes, just like we learned to live with Swine Flu, H1N1, SARS, MERS and so forth. Will any of our big blue cities disband their police departments? Not a chance. Other than all this defugalty on Earth, mostly perpetrated by pernicious and truculent forces, this could be a summer of love. All we need do is cast our eyes skyward. Bad things may be happening on Terra Firma, but good things are happening aloft.    

Saturday, June 13, 2020

And now our beloved Lake George??

"Up here, we believe in the rule of law. Who else does? Our President. And his fuse has become very small on lawlessness. Actually, all of our fuses have gotten very small on lawlessness. Bottom line? If you come to Anoka County, you best behave." 

What the heck is going on these days? Have we collectively lost control of our senses? It seems last night, for the second time this week, the Sheriff's Department had to be called out to Lake George Regional Park to quell a disturbance. A big one. Where a few hundred young folk got into a party gone wrong. Drinking, fights, mayhem. Kind of like a little version of the Minneapolis riots, only nothing was torched.

Up to 300 young people were involved last night. When the Deputies arrived and told the crowd to disperse as the park was going to close early, many in the crowd refused to leave. Disobeyed our law officers. The Sheriff's Department had to resort to using a smoke bomb and tear gas to clear the park. Finally, peace was restored.

I have no idea who these young people were. Where they were from. Even their ages. I do know this. If they think that playing chicken with the Sheriff's Department up at Lake George will be good fun, think again. Unlike Minneapolis, where the cops will stand down when ordered to by city leaders, our Sheriff's Deputy will not. And our Sheriff and his Deputies have the full support of Anoka County. I have said many times, if you are an evil doer or a law breaker, this is NOT the county for you. We will catch you, arrest you, prosecute you, and incarcerate you. It really is as simple as all that.

If Lake George Regional Park becomes a magnet for the unruly and ruthless, because other beaches and parks in the metro are closed, Anoka County will simply close Lake George Regional Park for the season. And then the innocent tax paying folks who live up here, that use that park the right way, will become very, very pissed. So pissed, that if these trouble makers venture up here again, it might not be safe for them. Why? The good folk who live up here, do so for a reason. It is peaceful. We respect our cops. We don't go into other areas of the metro to cause trouble. By the same token, we don't abide with trouble makers coming up here from the city, or parts unknown.

Up here, we believe in the rule of law. Who else does? Our President. And his fuse has become very small on lawlessness. Actually, all of our fuses have gotten very small on lawlessness. Bottom line? If you come to Anoka County, you best behave. If you don't, be prepared to stay for a while in the Sheriff's guest room with bars. 

Friday, June 12, 2020

The Battle for Seattle - Part 2

"If we had Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden for President rather than Donald Trump right now, we could kiss Seattle good-bye. As well as other blue cities who are run by folks (hello, Minneapolis), who don't know their ass from a six pack of beer."

It was November of 1999. 9/11 had not yet happened. Nor had the Great Recession. Nor had the invasion of COVID -19. Bill Clinton was our President during that time, and it was our turn to host the World Trade Organization (WTO) get together. I won't get started on what a sorry bunch of globalists the WTO was made up of back then. In any event, Seattle was chosen to be the host city. Big mistake.

As far left as the WTO was, it was nothing compared to the lefties who made up the protesting class in Seattle. The WTO was an easy target for the socialists to pick on. Trade = money = wealth = capitalism. You know the drill. Instead of a rising tide raises all ships, the socialists believe that capitalism is zero sum. Somebody wins, others lose. The rich get richer, and so forth. 

Seattle turned out to be a mess. Violent protests. Tear gas. Mass arrests. Mayhem. What? Sounds like today? Sure does. Welcome to the Battle for Seattle, Part 2. Only this time the WTO has nothing to do with it. They are so yesterday. Today, there are bigger fish to fry. Like, getting rid of the cops. I know, I know. This is now going on in 30 blue cities across the country. BUT - when it comes to protesting and out and out lawlessness, few do it better than the nut balls in Seattle.

The socialists and anarchists have taken over the Eastern Police Precinct in Seattle. All that, with the blessing of the libtard Mayor, and their clueless Governor. Not only have the cops been booted out of their own precinct headquarters (sound familiar Minneapolis Third Precinct?), but the nut balls who did it have declared the area around the headquarters to be Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). They are declaring themselves to be free from the United States (except however, for all the welfare checks rolling in).

Whereas the Mayor and the Governor are just fine with the largest city in the state being eaten away by drifters and grifters, but our President is not. He has been very clear to the leadership in Seattle. Either you fix this, or I will. The trajectory of all of these anti-cop protests going on in blue cities will hinge on how much Seattle can get away with. My vote? Time to crack some skulls and call in the National Guard. Time to establish a curfew with teeth in it, and maybe even declare martial law.

What is happening in our blue cities with this anti-cop crapola, is no worse than a cancer eating away at the body. I was going to say we were foolish to let it get this far, but the spineless morons who run these cities are just that. So now that the disease has spread, the treatment needs to be stronger and quicker. Like, when does this need to be fixed? Like - today.

If we had Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden for President rather than Donald Trump right now, we could kiss Seattle good-bye. As well as other blue cities who are run by folks (hello, Minneapolis), who don't know their ass from a six pack of beer. But we do have Donald Trump. He is our red line which is protecting our thin blue line. Stay tuned to this on folks. We might all be involved in it before long.