Saturday, August 31, 2019

I want, no I DEMAND!! (blah, blah, blah)

"If you don't like it here, if you think you are getting screwed royal, the door is open for you to live somewhere else and try your luck. I will tell you this however. There are very few places on this globe which will coddle you more than these United States."

Will this ever end? Ever? Yesterday, our favorite pipsqueak from THE SQUAD was in town with that rocket scientist from Texas (that be Shelia Jackson Lee). They were here to offer a stinging critique on how messed up we are in Minnesota. We are beset with institutional racism. It runs deep here in the northland. How so you might ask? Look at our achievement gap. Or, been to the fair lately? It is really on display there. Huh? How? Food vendors. Way, way too many WASP type food vendors. We are becoming more diversified as a state, so we want, no WE DEMAND - more diverse food at the fair!

Wow! This is interesting! We better establish a "blue ribbon commission" to investigate this travesty. Even SJ Lee chimed in by reminding us hayseeds, that this nation has benefited from getting 250 years of free labor. Huh? Get ready folks - here comes the "r" word again. Racism? Nope - reparations. No matter how good we get, how liberal this state has become, no matter the fact we are known world wide as a mecca for maximum welfare benefits - we are not good enough. 250 years of "free labor" has caused deep, deep institutional racism in the northland. 

I'm sorry if you are bored reading this. Try writing about it - I am really bored in doing so. So, here is the truth. Better buckle up for this one folks. This is from an article in Forbes from a few years ago. It was an article which was explained how American poverty compared to  world poverty.

The bottom 5% of income earners in America, live better than almost 70% of the rest of the world. Fine Bird! You are talking about all the poor countries being in that 70%. Not really. The article also said the bottom 10% in our country live better than the bottom 10% in Germany and France. Plus - our bottom 10% are just as well off as the bottom 10% in socialist type countries like Denmark and Finland (Take that Bernie!).

The citizens and patriots who live here (yes, we are really a diverse group) - are sick to death of all this bellyaching done by the chattering class. We have it good in this state - very good. If you want to open up an ethic food stand at the fair - go for it. There is no law, nor "invisible boundary" which will keep you from doing so. Be warned however - most of the vendors return every year. Getting a seat at the vendor table is a hard thing to do - for all of us. 

One more thing, and this really does need repeating. If you don't like it here, if you think you are getting screwed royal, the door is open for you to live somewhere else and try your luck. I will tell you this however. There are very few places on this globe which will coddle you more than these United States. And in these United States, Minnesota is the closest to a nanny state that one can find. Translation = life outside the United States (especially Minnesota), can be very tough. Life or death tough.

Well, it is Saturday. Time to venture out in this repressive society to grocery shop and run errands. How do I really feel? Every minute I spend in this great country is a blessing. A HUGE blessing. I have been to other countries. I have seen real poverty. We have it better than good. Better than great. We seriously do. For those who constantly wail "I want, no I DEMAND", I respond to you this way. I want, no I DEMAND - for you shut up. My ears are tired of hearing you.  

Friday, August 30, 2019

"The wheels on the bus go round and round..."

"I continue to grieve for the forgotten youth in this state. Victims of idiots who run (ruin) our government schools. They deserve better. The taxpayers, who are funding our schools, deserve better."

Those of us with youngins running around, be they kids or grandies, know this song. We hear it so much, it has become embedded in our heads. What does that have to do with anything Bird??? After reading the all too familiar story in the paper this morning about 1) test scores declining and 2) achievement gap not budging, this song popped up. Why? Failure merchants like Taxing Timmy, will say the answer is more funding. So the minions continue to vote for people who will increase our already hefty education budget. Then six months later, there will be another article like the one today in the paper. "The wheels on the bus go round, round, round..."

I suppose it is time to bring up that age old saying - "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." The way we do education in this state is insanity. What? We are the education state! Look at our results! True - for some. But for others, our government schools are failure traps. Kids don't learn, they fail, they quit, or graduate without knowing anything. Wait - the graduation rates are up! Yippee! Hats off to the dumbing down of America!

Yesterday, there was another article about the enrollment in Minneapolis declining again. Why? People who can, are getting the heck out of Dodge. Large percentage of those leaving, are kids of color. Headed to the 'burbs. Trying to get a better chance of learning SOMETHING while in school. Why leave Minneapolis rather than sticking around to help fix it? Because, as most know, the city is "unfixable".

The hand wringers who waste their days at the Department of Education will come up with all kinds of gobble gook on what the issue is. Usually, the cause according to the wizards of smart, ends up being institutionalized racism. (yawn) The corrupt organization known as Education Minnesota is already planning for the 2020 election. Yard signs galore, DEMANDING more money. "It is for the children." To that, I cry out with the loudest possible voice - BULL CRAP! If we really cared about the children, we would fix the system. Of course, the fix, the future, does not involve the Department of Education, nor Education Minnesota. Shame...

I continue to grieve for the forgotten youth in this state. Victims of idiots who run (ruin) our government schools. They deserve better. The taxpayers, who are funding our schools, deserve better. Every kid who fails is one less member of society who can be successful. But who cares? So long as the "wheels on the bus go round and round..."

Thursday, August 29, 2019

And how DO they sleep at night???

"Some still wonder the how and why we have Donald Trump as our President. We have him because the the "New Left". A cookie cutter RINO would have been run over in a matter of weeks by this crowd. Not President Trump however. He is a tough fighter."

Sometimes I try to imagine myself as a Democrat. Why? To try and show some empathy (maybe sympathy). I have tried - I really have. If I had done this exercise maybe 30 years ago, I might have been successful in taking a trip through the head of a typical Democrat. No longer. Trying to get inside the head of today's Democrat (socialist, progressive, or whatever), is like getting into the head of Hannibal Lecter. 

I mean, how in the world has this political party, once known as fierce protectors of the working man (and woman), suddenly become defenders of everything wrong or wacky? This is now the party that has booed God at a convention, would love to embrace infanticide, shown antipathy for law enforcement, has tolerance for NAMBLA and other lewd organizations similar, love open borders, somewhat tolerates our veterans, and has not had a solid economic thought for years. Yes, that is our NEW Democrat Party.

By the way, the Secular Coalition of America has signed on bigly with the Democrats. So much so, they have helped write their platform. Whereas most conservatives have God in the middle of their mix, the socialists and progressives are just fine with a god or gods. The image of Jeffery Epstein comes to mind. Debauchery, hedonism, self satisfaction. Once again, on the wrong side of every issue - especially moral.

Even the state fair was not immune. The crime that MN GOP was guilty of at the fair, was supporting their President for re-election. That was unacceptable to the party apparatchiks on the Left. Beer was poured on GOP merchandise, supporters were spit on, invective language hurled with great abandon, and an allegation of sexual assault on a female GOP volunteer. All brought to you by the New Left - the party of hedonism and lawlessness.

I have heard more than one GOP supporter ask, "Why don't we fight back? Go kick some a**, and break some skulls!". The answer is always the same. That is not the way we roll. Conservatives are far from perfect, but they do try to come down on the right side of most issues. And this God thing? Yes, we do recognize the sovereignty of God. For a party (or nation) to not recognize God, to demean Him, or besmirch His Holy name, does so at their own peril. He is, King and Creator of the Universe, and should be revered as such.

General Mattis just released a book in which he shows great concern for our nation. Great concern that our two party system has become so poisoned, that our political division is now dangerously deep. He is right. But there is no way on this green Earth that I could EVER subscribe to some of the loony, secular, or socialist dogma that the other side is preaching. That is the problem. The other side has consumed so much kool aide (compliments of our education system), they think we are as goofy as we know they are.

Where do we go from here? Civil war? I don't think so. When Abraham Lincoln said, "A nation divided against itself cannot stand", I wonder what he would have thought about modern day America? About the "New Left"? 

Some still wonder the how and why we have Donald Trump as our President. We have him because the the "New Left". A cookie cutter RINO would have been run over in a matter of weeks by this crowd. Not President Trump however. He is a tough fighter. When someone from the other side asks how we could have elected a guy like Donald Trump, I tell them to look in the mirror.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A day in the life at the fair

"A day in the life at the fair. Our state fair is the best state fair - don't miss it, don't even be late. Yes, our state fair IS the best state fair. Sorry Texas - yours is bigger and longer, but ours is better."

Yesterday at the fair, was military appreciation day. For vets, it is a fun and very special time to be at the fair. For my family who went with me, it was special for them also. This was not my first rodeo - we often times go on opening day and/or military day. The weather started out good, the traffic light (for a fair day) and off we went.

The day started out nicely. A close by parking spot (by the new north end entrance), and when I went up to buy our tickets, I got a nice surprise. I asked for two military rates and a normal adult rate for my daughter (grandson got in free). The man looked up and said, "Here - take all three at military rate. Enjoy the fair." That started the day off just right.

Even though military appreciation day, this trip was mostly for the boy. On our way to the butterfly house (which he really wanted to see), I stopped by the MN GOP booth. While there, I chatted with some old friends. One thing was different this year however - there was a cop on duty, sitting by the front door. Why? DFL children who don't know how to act like adults while attending to the fair. So the management of MN GOP had to spring for the money to rent a cop, just to stay safe. That was a blot on the day.

While waiting outside the butterfly house for the rest of the family, I bumped into some more friends. We had a nice visit, and for a change, we went to the fair and bumped into people we knew. Usually, we don't. It is just a sea of faces coming towards you on Underwood street.

The military area was once again done up right. Lots of booths with lots of information. We stopped by and talked with the Believet folks. They had a nice pooch with them (in training), and that was a hit with my grandson. As we were getting ready to leave the area, I stopped by the USAA booth just to chat. I told the young man I had been with USAA for years, and have always been very happy with them. Now, that pleasure has been handed down, as both my daughters are with USAA. When asked how long I had been a client of USAA, I told him 40 years (actually, 41).

As we were walking away, headed towards the kiddie rides, the young man from USAA came running up behind us. "Sir, sir - I just wanted to shake your hand and thank you for all the years you have been with USAA." I reach out to shake his hand, and there was something cold in his palm. It was a 40 year anniversary challenge coin from USAA. As good as my day had been going, that took the cake.

The last stop was for the boy to go into the Angry Bird Universe exhibit. I had enough, so I took the stroller over to the beer garden and had a Lift Bridge lager. The sky started to cloud a bit, so I checked radar on my phone. I sent a text to my daughter - time to go, storms are moving in. We left the fair, got out to the car, and were barely on the way home when the first drops fell. The rest is history. Stormy afternoon (again).

A day in the life at the fair. Our state fair is the best state fair - don't miss it, don't even be late. Yes, our state fair IS the best state fair. Sorry Texas - yours is bigger and longer, but ours is better.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Beware of 1619!

"Is this our new 'consciousness'? To be factually incorrect to ensure nobody has hurt feelings? The 1619 Project is The Greening of America on steroids. Lord help us." 

Back in 1970, there was a best selling book called The Greening of America. It was an excellent collection of psycho-babble. It defined how the country had been divided into three "consciousness" periods. The first was when the country was founded. Heavy into hunters and gatherers. The second was industrial - World War II and depression era. The third and final period in the book was sort of a Nirvana. Total enlightenment for the "heads" of that era. It was enough to make one puke. 

But just for the sake of this article, I am going to continue on that theme. I will call this the final "consciousness". It will be defined by revisionism. We don't like the facts of our history or civics? No problem - we will just revise them. Make them different. The latest assault on our history is this thing called the 1619 Project. And it is scary. 

Here is a immutable fact. In 1620, the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock (or there about). That was the start of the colonization of the Americas. But the 1619 Project, states that year should be the founding year of our country. Why? The first slaves landed here. Landed a year before the Pilgrims? How does that work? Who was going to own the slaves? Search me. 

In any event, from 1620 until our independence after the Revolutionary War, we belonged to England. All those years that slaves were or were not in the colonies, that was on England - not the US. Why? The United States did not exist as yet. So why in the world should we redefine when our nation started? On a date which makes no sense? Because PC trumps logic and facts.

This is one which should be laughed off by us all. But it will not be. Too many knuckleheads are buying into this nonsense. So, is this our new "consciousness"? To be factually incorrect to ensure nobody has hurt feelings? Get ready, as The 1619 Project is The Greening of America on steroids. Lord help us. 

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Are any wars "winnable" these days?

"I yearn for peace. But peace is not a one sided issue. It has to come from all sides. Until that happens, this country needs to stay strong and well prepared."

Recently read an article about how bloody a war with Iran would be. Oh no doubt, they would lose in a shooting war with us - but would we win? I mean, we won the Second World War - but at a huge price. Since then, other than the first Gulf War, this winning and losing thing has become somewhat blurred. And every year, the battlefield gets more complex and more confusing. That is why I am wondering if a war is even "winnable" any more.

Not too long ago, Vladimir Putin said the next war would fought with "ones and zeroes". Meaning - get ready for digital warfare. Taking down a nation's electrical grid for an extended period of time is as good as pin point bombing raids. Taking down a nation's defense net by the use of some type of malware, could leave a nation defenseless just long enough. The possibilities are almost endless as to the mayhem a cyber attack could unleash on a country. 

If the truth be known, wars involving an exchange of nuclear weapons have not been "winnable" for decades. They might not ever be. Without a doubt, the scariest thing on the battlefield right now, is the notion by some that a nuclear exchange using hypersonic missiles, might be "winnable". It would not. Our triad of nuclear defenses would ensure a powerful counter strike should we ever be attacked with any type of nukes. At the end of a few hours, both countries would lie in ruin, poisoned for decades, maybe centuries. 

Even fighting a asymmetrical war in Afghanistan has proved to be a chore. After being over there for almost two decades, we have spent over a trillion dollars, lost over 2,000 troops, and had 20,000 come home wounded. And the war still is not over. ISIS is still present.

President Trump said he could end the war in a week - but he does not feel like killing 100,000 people. No doubt he could. Carpet bomb the entire country 24 X 7 until not even bacteria survives. But is that really winning? We were suppose to liberate the locals from the war lords and Taliban - not exterminate them.

One lesson I hope we have learned very well by now is simply this - war is easy to get into, very hard to get out of. Heck, South Korea and Japan are still at odds over the treatment of Koreans by the invading Japanese from over 70 years ago. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are  still looked upon as a blot on our history by some. Old wounds are hard to heal. Some never do.

Someone penned an article a while back on how tired Americans are of war. We have become a "war weary" people. I know I am. I yearn for peace. But peace is not a one sided issue. It has to come from all sides. Until that happens, this country needs to stay strong and well prepared. War weary or not, if a war is "winnable" or not, we must stay prepared. That is our duty to those who will follow us.


Saturday, August 24, 2019

The China Syndrome

"My strategy going forward? Live my life, enjoy the State Fair, and when I shop - buy American. Yes, to pay more for a product, made by Americans in America - I will do that with a smile on my face, stretching from ear to ear." 

Okay - for those nay-sayers who thought this was only bluster and show, now do you think this China thing is real? The President raised some eyebrows the other day when he said he was the anointed one. Some wondered where that come from. It came from this. There are few (if any) other people who could be living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, who have the guts, the cahonas, to take the dragon head on. To win the China trade war, President Trump is the anointed one.

This trade war is something which is long, long overdue. The United States and China are like two street gangs who have had bad blood for years. Finally, a rumble ensued, to fix some bad blood issues. This is our economic rumble. Once it is over, we will either be totally divorced from China as a trading partner, or we will have a fair trading deal. There simply are no other outcomes.

Now is the time for all Americans to "man up". This is not going to be a fun ride, especially if you live off a 401k. However, as we have seen in the past, IRAs and 401k accounts can take a beating, yet still keep on ticking. I thought after the 2001 terror attacks, mine would never come back. It did. Same with the Great Recession.

Speaking of "manning up", the President is right on his call concerning the Fed. They are of zero help right now. If they had lowered the prime by 100 basis points (could have been phased in), or done some quantitative easing like they did for Obama, the market would not have nose dived. But the Fed did nothing (again). The market tanked, and the President blew a gasket.

Could it be the Chinese are going to stall and wait out the 2020 election? Maybe. Hope against hope to get rid of Trump, and have him replaced with another weak kneed Democrat, with round heels in trade negotiations. Then the status quo would be retained. Huge trade deficits, and IP theft galore. China would win, the United States would continue losing. 

How do I feel towards the Chinese? I have gone from apathy to antipathy. I never have liked or tolerated bullies. And these guys are world class economic bullies. "Eff em" is what I say. Pull our stuff out of China and either bring it home, or find a trustworthy and fair trading partner to set up shop with. If I were Trump, I would tell Xi that our best offer has already been on the table. Every subsequent offer will not be as lucrative as the last one. If he does not like that - "see ya, would not want to be ya."

Like I said, this trade war is going to hurt. No sunshine in that remark. But one thing which as not been stressed enough, this trade war is really going to hurt China. If this ends in divorce with China and the United States each going separate ways, that will leave a gaping hole in China's economy. 

My strategy going forward? Live my life, enjoy the State Fair, and when I shop - buy American. Yes, to pay more for a product, made by Americans in America - I will do that with a smile on my face, stretching from ear to ear. 

Friday, August 23, 2019

Brazil - world's newest bad guy

"Every year, we add less and less carbon into the atmosphere. The world's bad guys who are getting worse however - get very little press. So I will help out. China, India and Brazil." 

Want to become vilified these days? Just do something - anything - which is considered to be detrimental to the climate. Like Brazil for example. Burning some of their rain forest. And who is the baddest of the bad right now? Newly elected President Jair Bolsonaro. Or as his nickname goes - "Captain Chainsaw". The charge by the world press? "Captain Chainsaw" is ruining the "world's lungs". Try living with that reputation! 

I remember as a lad, doing a research paper on Brazil. How Brasilia, its capital since 1960, was going to be the city of the future. I found this large South American country to be fascinating. Loaded with natural resources, and plans for growth which were out of sight. It was going to be the country to watch as we headed towards the 21st century.

What is the issue then? For this country rich in everything, why have so many fires been set in the now sacred rain forests? Land. Plain and simple, land. The rain forests are pretty to look at, good for tourism, and home to some exotic species - but the land is not good for putting food on the table. Now to clear cut some of those forests, let the land dry out and then burn it to let the ash fertilize it - now we are talking. Great for cattle country.

So now "Captain Chainsaw" has two strikes against him. Not only is he ruining the "world's lungs", but he is doing it so he can raise more dreaded meat products. For that, he might just be worse than Hitler.

Here is the issue. Sovereignty. The world may think he is a jackass for letting the farmers set fire to land which belongs to Brazil, but - it is land which belongs to Brazil. What does the UN want to do? Send in the blue helmets and take over? Stage a coup from outside of Brazil? Basically, there is nothing the world can do other than bitch and moan. Plus - plant more trees in other locations. I mean, I have done my part. I have planted over 100 trees on my lot since we have moved here 30+ years ago.

The only good thing I read in the press about this issue in Brazil, went like this - "With the Amazon rain forest fires, it might be game over for climate change." Really? Does that mean we can stop hearing about climate change, 24 X 7 from the press corp now? Or, here is another angle.

I have railed about this for a long time now. WE, the UNITED STATES, are the good guys in "man made climate change". How so? Every year, we add less and less carbon into the atmosphere. The world's bad guys who are getting worse however - get very little press. So I will help out. China, India and Brazil. 

How will this end? I have no clue. Brazil's reputation however, especially under "Captain Chainsaw" will take years to mend - if ever. As that old Chiffon Margarine saying goes, "It is not nice to fool (or mess with) Mother Nature."  


Thursday, August 22, 2019

A day in the life...

"Half the fun of being there, just to watch the rest of the Minnesotans just being Minnesotans. Was the people watching good? Absolutely. Worth the price of admission, and then some."

A week ago today, I was so crippled up from my minor surgery, I could hardly move. If the fair had started that day, I would have only been watching the highlights on TV. But time is a healer, and it worked on my back and neck. So much so, today I was just about as fit as much as a 70 year old fiddle can be. So we were off to Day One, opening day, of the Great Minnesota Get Together.

First - a confession or two. Putting Minnesota's weather aside for a minute, as we all bitch about the cold in January and the heat and humidity in July - this is the nicest place to live, much of the time. Today was no exception. THAT IS - with the exception of nut balls who are now running (or ruining) the place. We need right sized, efficient government, with commiserate taxes, to make this place much easier (and nicer) to live in. Taxing the socks off of seniors - does not make it so. Enough about that (for now).

Even though I know not all Minnesotans feel the same (politically) as I do, I love most of them. They are good people, some with bad ideas. And every year, for twelve days at the end of summer (which many say are the best twelve days of the year), Minnesota show its best on everything.

Wait Bird! Are you saying that Minnesota has the best state fair in the country? Seriously? Well - maybe. Some say it does. The Insider online pub in a 2018 article ranked Minnesota the second biggest behind Texas, yet (drum roll please), the BEST State Fair in America!

Every year we go, I sing the same old song in my heart - "Our State Fair is the best State Fair - don't miss it, don't even be late." Once you get in the doors, it is awesome to the max! Whoops - did I say "Once you get in the doors?" That is the bugaboo in the past few years - especially this one. It took us an hour an a half to get to a very crappy parking spot to get in the doors.

Today, many of the "park and rides" were totally full. Shortly after noon, the parking lots at the fair were also all full. Then the question begs to be asked - if you come here at mid-day, how do you get here? Where do you park? By the way - the parking this year is up to $15!!! Come on Taxing Timmy - give us a break!

Enough about getting here. Like I said - once here - it was awesome. Half the fun of being here, is just to watch the rest of the Minnesotans just being Minnesotans. Was the people watching good? Absolutely. Worth the price of admission, and then some. However - (for as change), not too many politics today. Great food, with maximum taste, and minimal nutrition - typical State Fair. And - it was all good.

Am I satiated until next year? Not really. Or should I say - not quite. Going again this Tuesday on Military Day. Wander around the fair grounds with my brothers and sisters in arms. But - this time we will have the boy in tow. Will we like it as much as the first day of the fair that we went? Maybe. Probably. But will the boy like it? Oh, heck yea,,,


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A greenish welfare magnet? Or strategic prize.

"The Chinese are also looking into it. It seems the heavily Lutheran island of Greenland, wants nothing to do with having Godless landlords from Beijing running the joint."

One of the things that many folks on my side of the street love about this President, is his ability to keep things fresh. Just when it looks like things might be getting a bit boring or stale, BAM! - here comes something unexpected from left field. The latest of course, is Greenland. Most are scratching their heads right now, wondering where THAT one came from. 

What is up with this Greenland thing? Is it the weather? Uh, no. Not unless you are an Eskimo. Must be the booming economy. Uh, no. It is a welfare magnet for the Dutch. Then it has to be all those new people we can soon call Americans. Wrong again, breath-o! This massive island, three times the size of Texas, only has 56,000 people. What in the world is the attraction then? For that, we might need to ask the Pentagon.

Greenland is one of the many places in the world in which we have military presence. It is home to our only base north of the Arctic Circle. Plus, this base has a wee bit of mystery attached to it. It is small, and run by the Air Force. It is called the 12th Space Warning Squadron, and it's main purpose is to keep an eye on anything coming over the Arctic Circle which should not be. It also has a radar to keep an eye on low orbit satellites.

Here comes the wee bit of mystery. Some rumors have it, this station might also be keeping an eye on our space neighborhood. In other words, to keep an eye out for ET, should ET show up here for the wrong reasons. In any event, what would liberty be like if stationed there? Nil heard. Brutal. 

Of course, there is that relic from the Cold War called the GIUK gap. Many of my compatriots who served during my time period might remember it. The GIUK gap stands for the Greenland, Iceland, and United Kingdom gap. During the Cold War, this is where the Russian northern fleet of submarines would come through. We monitored that gap closely, 24 X 7. Now that we are in another kind of cold war, the GIUK gap has once again gained some importance. My feeling is this might also be part of the calculus the President is using in his buying decision.

By the way, this seemingly worthless bit of rock and ice in the middle of nowhere is not just the apple of our eye. The Chinese are also looking into it. It seems the heavily Lutheran island of Greenland, wants nothing to do with having Godless landlords from Beijing running the joint. But keep in mind, China does not want Greenland to be a vacation mecca. They also see strategic importance in having it.

Let me close by saying this. If the United States truly feels that having Greenland in its orbit will be of high importance to our national security, this is all but a done deal. Since we are talking about Greenland, think of an iceberg. 10% above the water (what we are reading in the press), and 90% below the water (the back channel negotiations).

Our "Godfather" might be coming up with a "deal the Danish and Greenland cannot refuse." If it is to keep China out of this neck of the woods, we will put a lot on the table to win the prize. This one might not be a joke. It is definitely worth watching in the upcoming months.    

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The mouse that squeaked too much

"For my good friends who live in CD 5 (yes, I have a few), I feel you. I am sorry you only have an idiot to represent you. I would like to tell you that the next election will be better, but it will not unless... we can trade Cedar Riverside for Greenland."    

Anybody tired of seeing Minnesota's national embarrassment? If so, raise your hands. Wow! That is a lot of hands. Okay, you may put your hands down now. It was painful as all get out, but I did manage to watch Omar's presser yesterday. It was great - tears and all. Who were the bad guys in the eyes of these whining socialists? President Trump (Duh!), and Bibi Netanyahu. Actually, the real villain was not even a person. It was the State of Israel for having the audacity to exist. 

Besides being backed up by her squad buddy (that be Tlaib from Michigan), she also had a hodge podge of her "constituents" standing behind her. Not one of them looked happy or normal. There was even a Jewish lady from some radical organization who spoke. She thinks that Muslims and Jews can live together in harmony - just like peanut butter and jelly. Sorry lady - try oil and water. Many Islamists hate Jews. They hate Jews more than they hate Christians. They often refer to Jews as sub-human, vermin, or pigs.

What do I think Bibi considers Omar? A mouse the roared? Not even close. More like a mouse that squeaks - or screeches. Heck, in his lifetime, Bibi has survived eight wars, two Palestinian intifatas, and way worst of all - eight years of Barack Obama. Why bring this up? All the bellyaching from this crew yesterday was less than bothersome to Bibi than a gnat on his arm. Bibi can read Omar like a book. He understands her motives, and they are way less than honorable. No, Bibi did the right thing, and unless Omar goes through a radical transformation - she ain't ever getting into Israel! Nor should she.

Sure - easy for us to say. Israel must hate Arabs. Not even close. Over 20% of the population of Israel are Arabs. Israel welcomes Arabs who are peaceful. Those however, who wish to harm Israel, either through terrorism, rocket attacks, or economic boycotts such as BDS - are not welcome in Israel. Israel has not survived this long living in a very tough neighborhood by being PC - they have survived by being smart.

If I could meet Bibi Netanyahu face to face, the first thing I would tell him is how much I admire him as a man, and a Israeli patriot. The next thing I would do is (speaking for the normal people from Minnesota), is apologize for our national embarrassment. That he has to put up with her BS. I would tell Bibi that many patriots who live in this state are very pro-Israel. Many Christians who understand the Bible, are very pro-Israel. It is only a loud obnoxious minority who are not.

In any event, I am so tired of this woman I could puke. I really could. For my good friends who live in CD 5 (yes, I have a few), I feel you. I am sorry you only have an idiot to represent you. I would like to tell you that the next election will be better, but it will not unless... we can trade Cedar Riverside for Greenland.    

Monday, August 19, 2019

"Well, at least nobody died..."

"These guys have been around before. Their mommies and daddies were members of the SDS or the Weathermen, who were active back in the 60's. Only Antifa has upped the game."

I guess if you are the mayor of Portland, that is how you gauge success. Nobody died. This was the BIG weekend, where demonstrators and counter-demonstrators were going to come face to face. The demonstrators were some "white nationalists" (the bad guys), and the counter-demonstrators were Antifa (the protected class). The white nationalists were at a disadvantage, both from a numbers perspective, and also offensive and defensive weapons. It really is a miracle nobody was shot.

What do we really know about Antifa? This group of jack booted thugs, who hide behind black, childish masks? First off, they have their roots in the Nazi storm trooper era. Tactics are the same, and both groups are socialists. Second, they are cowards. Third, they are protected by the socialist mayors in the cities in which they live. The police have been given a "hands off" order. Amazing.

Now if the truth be told, most of the 2A folks who I know, hope and pray they will never need to un-holster their weapon, and use it in anger. That being said, if most any of them were downtown for a social event, and one of these dirt bags came after them with a hammer, club, or bear spray, the dirt bag might get ventilated. Just saying.

It is nice that our President has just about had it with this crew. He wants to have them designated as "domestic terrorists". Bout time. Actually, that would have been an un-necessary step if the local police had been allowed to enforce the law. But since they have been allowed to run wild in the streets, it has been up to the President to fix this all by his lonesome.

These guys have been around before. Their mommies and daddies were members of the SDS or the Weathermen, who were active back in the 60's. Only Antifa has upped the game. Much more gutsy, much more violent.

Too bad law enforcement in large Blue cities have become neutered. We need some of the "head crackers" back from the past to retain order. In other words - let cops be cops - not Bobbies.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Our binary conundrum...

"Why has no third option been put forward? Simple answer - there is none. It is Option One or Option Two. Right now, it appears we are going to play out Option Two until the end game." 

OMG!!! Run for the hills! This is worse than the asteroid. We are headed for the financial cliff. We are all going over, never to financially recover. What is it? Why it is the media fueled recession. Media fueled? Sure. If the economy had been this s**t hot under Obama, the media would have been fawning all over the economy. But because it has happened under the hated Trump, they are telling us we are going to hell in a hand basket.

Before I go any further, a bit of personal privilege please. I have been alive during more than one recession. I was alive during the very unique "stagflation". Why do I bring this up? For a long time, before the wizards of smart declared the economy to be in a "recession", it felt like a recession. However - in this economy, the economy feels nothing like a recession. That being said, I want to get to the meat of the meat in this article.

China. The newest economic bad guy in the world. For years, we have made a pact with the devil. We will give them tons of offshoring jobs. In return, we get stuff made cheaper. Sounded good, except for one minor thing. Trade deficit. Our annual trade deficit was enormous. About 1/2 trillion a year. Many have talked about this during the past few years - big problem, yet nobody did a thing. Until, that is - Donald Trump. He first asked the Chinese to (in good faith) hammer out a new trade agreement which was fair to both parties. That did not go well.

From China's perspective, why bother to make a new deal? They are making money hand over fist with the current one. So they stalled, reneged, and pulled every other trick in the book. All tricks which Trump the negotiator has seen a zillion times before. So, Trump pulled out this last card. Tariffs. And thus the trade war.

One thing which the Lefties and the media have not done as yet, is give us a third option. Third option? Option One - status quo. Go back to gargantuan trade deficits with China. Option Two - play the trade war out. This trade war is hurting everyone. Trump knew that going in. He feels that our economy is so strong, we can withstand some incoming from this war. China will blink first. Meanwhile, the media is going crazy. Blaming Trump for the upcoming "recession".

Why has no third option been put forward? Simple answer - there is none. It is Option One or Option Two. Right now, it appears we are going to play out Option Two until the end game. That is fine with me. China are not fair arbiters. They are crooks. They steal IP with great abandon. They are like a naughty child who needs to be spanked. And Donald Trump is now spanking them. Too bad he has to do it by himself. 

If we get a new trade agreement out of this trade war, this will all have been with it - and then some. Of course, the lap dog media will still blame Trump for something. Maybe climate change again. Or lack of reparations. They will think of something. They always do. 

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Our days of wine and roses...

"The citizens rioting in Hong Kong however, can see that closing door. Soon the vision of our freedom, for which they yearn, those days of wine and roses - will be nevermore. Crushed by the jack boot."

Editor's note: Relax folks, although an excellent move from 1962, this has NOTHING to do with the award winning movie staring Jack Lemon and Lee Remick.

When I look at our life in America these days, I have a hard time doing anything but smile. Although not perfect, living in this great country comes about as close to perfect as one can get. Some days, when my feet hit the floor once getting out of bed, I sit for a while and ponder. Ponder what? How blessed we are - all of us - to live in this country. As the saying goes, the poorest of the poor would be well off compared with everyone in the world. Yes, we have it that good. And yes, these are the days of our wine and roses.

Before too long, my wife and I will be going on a cruise of the WestPac. Kind of like a "50 years after" reunion for me. Fly to Japan, cruise to Viet Nam, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Okinawa, and then back to Japan. Should be quite an adventure for many reasons.

Right now, part of the trip is looking somewhat sketchy. I would not be the least bit surprised if our port visit in Hong Kong got scrubbed. Why? Social unrest. Why social unrest? The good people of Hong Kong have an infection. It is called liberty. Freedom. The thought of being under a jack booted thug like China is antithetical to their beliefs.

Right now, the citizens of Hong Kong are looking to the United States for help. For support. Why us? Because, whether the socialists in this country like it or not, America is still seen as that shining city on the hill. The beacon of hope. The land of opportunity. The land of our wine and roses.

The students in Iran during the Obama Administration. Rioting in the streets. For more free stuff? Not hardly. Rioting for freedom. The students in Tiananmen Square 30 years ago. Rioting in the streets. For more time off? Again, not hardly. Rioting for freedom. Each time the jack boot came down on their throats. Why? Once power is ceded to the government, and the pet becomes the master, it is very hard to get your freedom back. It is easy to slip into serfdom. 

But why do other countries look to America? Is it because of our generous welfare benefits? Unfortunately, some countries do, but I will not go into that here. The important countries however, do not. They look to this country for the same reasons that Bono articulated. America is no longer just a country - it is an idea, which has now been shared with the world. To use a medical term, this freedom has caused contagion. As we know, freedom is very contagious. The good people in Hong Kong also know that. They would give their eye teeth, and much more, to have our kind of freedom.

The days of wine and roses
Laugh and run away like a child at play
Through a meadow land toward a closing door
A door marked nevermore, which wasn't there before 

Great song written by Henry Mancini and sung by Andy Williams. But in reality, our freedom allows us to live in the days of wine and roses, allows us to laugh and run away like a child at play. The citizens rioting in Hong Kong however, can see that closing door. Soon the vision of our freedom, for which they yearn, those days of wine and roses - will be nevermore. Crushed by the jack boot.

Freedom is not free. Our freedom has been earned by patriots who gave it all. Patriots from yesterday and today. They gave it all so our land can continue to be a beacon for the world to see. To give the world hope. I wish the socialists in this country could see that. I really do. What they see in America right now is not wine and roses - not even close. It is vinegar and weeds. Sad. Very sad. 

Friday, August 16, 2019

Time to grow up little girl...

"Here is a newsflash for our diminutive Congresswoman from CD 5 - you are not Trump's nightmare. He could care less about you. But you certainly are Minnesota's nightmare."  

We have a neighbor who lives on another street. I have never been to his house, so I decided to ask him if I could come over. He had heard about me by reputation (which by the way, he did not care for), but he agreed to allow me over. A couple weeks before I went over to visit him, I decided to throw a bunch of shade on my neighbor's house via social media. I knew my neighbor would read it, but I did not care. I also said I thought his presence in this neighborhood was illegitimate, and he should move. Then right before I was to go over to visit, he rescinded the invitation. What nerve! What a jerk!

No, this of course is not a real story. But who does it sound like? Maybe Omar? Minnesota's national embarrassment? Her intentions in going on this visit were far from honorable. She hates Israel. She hates Jewish people. She hates America. She hates our Constitution (the one she swore to live by). And she hates our faith. Then why in the Sam Hill is she living here? Because she loves our welfare. To quote this little girl from Northern Africa - "It's all about the Benjamin's baby!"

She may be loved in CD 5, but when you get outside the bowels (good word) of Minneapolis (besides for a few mutton heads), she is looked upon as a huge mistake. In fact, some even think she might be an enemy at the gates - or now, inside the gates. The very idea that she had the audacity to request a trip to Israel (who is paying, by the way?) for her and this nut ball from Michigan, is a show stopper to most clear thinking Americans.

Is there hope for her once she grows up? Not a bit. She will never change. This is the way she was raised. The sad part is, the minions who live in the deep blue part of Minneapolis will re-elect her. Over, and over, and over again. Why? She is a democrat. And a socialist. AND a Muslim - which makes her somewhat unique when you get outside the Twin Cities. Inside the Twin Cities or St. Cloud - she is but only one of 150,000.

So, here we are. This is only the latest of her embarrassments. She went to Washington to (in her words), "Confront Trump." Or, "Be Trump's biggest nightmare". Here is a newsflash for our diminutive Congresswoman from CD 5 - you are not Trump's nightmare. He could care less about you. But you certainly are Minnesota's nightmare.  

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Bob Dole syndrome - again...

"For most of Trump's supporters, there is not one ounce of worry about the Clown Car. Nada. Zip. Zero. Any worry has been replaced by entertainment. Let's face it - the Clown Car is fun to watch."

If I were a Democrat, I would be thinking back to 1996 right about now. That is when the Republicans really had Bill Clinton on the ropes (so we thought), and we were going to make Clinton a one term President. Sure, the economy was strong, but that blue dress! How this hick from Arkansas had sullied the once sacred Oval Office! All we need do is pick someone from our vast array of good candidates to run against Clinton, and he would be toast. Instead, we picked Bob Dole.

Now don't get me wrong. I am a HUGE fan of Senator Dole. A genuine war hero, and a servant to these United States for decades. That being said, Bob Dole's time to be a viable Presidential candidate had come and gone. In other words, his ship had sailed. It was decided that Dole would be our candidate because it was "his turn". Big mistake.

Turns out, we really did not have anyone ready to assume the position in 1996. Kind of like when we also had Obama on the ropes in 2012, and we chose Romney. Weak candidate for sure. By picking Dole in 1996 and Romney in 2012, we ceded the Presidency for another 8 years to two flawed Presidents. 

This has got to be how the Democrats will be feeling in 2020. They know Donald Trump has done some very bad things - they just don't know what. Zero proof. So, in a year when they feel they can make this real estate guy from New York into a one hit wonder, along comes the Clown Car. And in that Clown Car, there is not one, not even close, candidate who can beat Donald Trump - warts and all.

However, someone has to be chosen. Out of the Clown Car, will come a clown to run against Donald Trump. That clown will be the 2020 version of Bob Dole to run against the President. Even if this recent slide in the market, portends a long anticipated recession, do I think the American people would NOT pick a clown over another 4 years of the President.

Here is the main reason why Donald Trump's base has stayed so loyal. Donald Trump is not afraid of work. He is not afraid of challenges. He is not afraid to try something new, which has never been tried before. He is not afraid of the press. AND - he sure the heck is not cowed nor afraid of the Democrats. As much as the Democrats have tried to de-throne this President since November of 2016 - they have not laid a glove on him.

For most of Trump's supporters, there is not one ounce of worry about the Clown Car. Nada. Zip. Zero. Any worry has been replaced by entertainment. Let's face it - the Clown Car is fun to watch. What the Democrats should be focusing on is grooming some adult to run in 2024. 2020, is a lost cause for them. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Lacking Moral Authority?

"What I would give to trade about 150,000 of our newly arrived (in Minnesota), America hating, our Christian faith hating, our Constitution hating, new comers, and trade them in for red blooded, freedom loving folks from Hong Kong."

Okay. I will fess up. The red, white and blue in me would love to see our President wade into this Hong Kong mess and be the hero. Kick some ChiCom ass (so to speak). As those gun grabbers always love to say - "Do something!" But that will never happen. As much as it tugs at my heartstrings to hear the citizens from Hong Kong singing our national anthem, waving our great flag as they march in protest, and have signs which say, "President Trump, save us!" - nothing will happen. Why? We have no moral authority.

Bird! What the Sam Hill are you talking about? We are Americans! This is Tienanmen Square all over again!! Only this time, there are no tanks as yet, and the bloodshed has not really started. To this point, I nod my head in agreement.

However - should Donald Trump ask for an emergency meeting with Xi, the exchange might go something like this: Trump - "I really think you should listen to what the good people of Hong Kong are asking. It is reasonable. The United States will not look kindly on your troops going in and spilling blood on their soil."

Xi would sit back in his chair with that nonchalant half smile he is famous for. "You might have a point Mr. President. But before we discuss our involvement in Hong Kong, could we first discuss your involvement in Chicago? In Baltimore? Los Angeles? Seems you have a problem by NOT maintaining control in those cities. Is it okay for so many of your citizens to be killed by gunfire each weekend? In China, we would never allow that. Our citizens deserve the right to work hard, and when they go home, live in peace."

"Ouch!", President Trump would think. How am I supposed to respond? I can't just say, "Many of our residents living in large Blue cities, have the right to collect welfare, and then on the weekends, get involved in gang wars. Where is my moral authority to say that? After all, I have offered more than once, to send the feds into Chicago to help restore order. Every time, I get a 'no thank you' - or worse."

Bingo! We lose our moral authority to talk about out of control cities when our cities are just as bad or worse than theirs. It is hard to explain to a socialist or communist that our cities are out of control because they are run by socialist democrats. That would be a head scratcher for them. If the people running these Blue cities are truly socialists, they would go in there, and crack some skulls! Come on! You should know how it is done by now!

Then we would have to confess. We do not really have "true" socialists running our cities -  only posers. In reality, they are nothing but nihilists and anarchists. They just want free stuff without having to work for it. That would be the end of the conversation. Period.

What I would give to trade about 150,000 of our newly arrived (in Minnesota), America hating, Christian faith hating, Constitution hating, new comers, and trade them in for red blooded, freedom loving folks from Hong Kong. I am tired of having these welfare grabbers who hate us, taking advantage of us. We have tried and true "makers" from Hong Kong, who would love to come here, be part of us, and be woven into our fabric.

If you are a praying type - pray for Hong Kong. If you are a socialist who is tired of the "thoughts and prayers" system, be on you way. This is history folks. As much as Tienanmen Square was 30 years ago - this is history. Not just the battle between good and evil. It is the battle between chains and no chains. 


Is Project Orion in our future?

"In any event, we have finally realized the propulsion systems we have used for Apollo and the Space Shuttle program will not cut it anymore. If we stick with the old stuff, we will be stuck in the rut (from a space travel perspective)." 

I get a kick out of reading about the future of space travel. Much of what I have been reading, is almost thinking like a cave man. In other words, it took Apollo 11 four days to get to the Moon. Back then, to get to the Moon, Apollo 11 traveled at a bit over 24,000 mph. That sounds very fast compared to freeway driving back on Earth.

But for space travel, especially interstellar, 24,000 mph is like standing still. Chemical propulsion, be it liquid or solid, is so yesterday. I read an article not too long ago, that to power a spaceship to go from here to Alpha Centauri (using today's chemical fuel), not only would it take 200 years round trip (assuming we could power up to 4.5% of light speed), but it would take just about more chemical fuel than exists in the known universe. Bottom line - we ain't going anywhere, until we get a better and faster way of travel.

Enter Project Orion. By the way, Project Orion is not new. It is a concept which has been considered since the turn of the 20th century. It has been written about in science fiction books. But Project Orion was not science fiction. It was science fact. Project Orion is using nuclear fission to power spaceships.

This might sound like it came out of an H. G. Wells book, or a Tom Swift novel. Since this project had been tinkered around with since the 1950's (and the idea, long before that), it almost had enough traction to knock the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs off the radar - and replace it with something else. Something else? One of the visions back then was using nuclear propulsion to jump start our trips into space. It would be putting 150 scientists to live and explore on the Moon. Also exploring Mars and the moons of Saturn. Well then, what happened?

As they say in Aspen, we were "over-skiing our ski tips". The technology of having small nuclear explosions go off right behind a space ship to propel it faster, was not yet ready for prime time. So Project Orion was put on the back shelf, and we went full speed ahead with chemical propulsion. But hold the phone! The technology might have caught up with time. We now might be ready to travel down this path again. 

In any event, we have finally realized the propulsion systems we have used for Apollo and the Space Shuttle program, will not cut it anymore. If we stick with the old stuff, we will be stuck in the rut (from a space travel perspective). However, the folks at NASA are finally starting to think outside the box. 

I think during the 2020's, different nations from Earth will reach out and touch not only the Moon again, but also Mars, maybe some moons from Saturn and Jupiter, and an asteroid or two. To do so, we will be using some kind of new propulsion - maybe even nuclear.

In any event, we are about ready to close the chapter on chemical propulsion. It was good while it lasted, but it is high time to move on.