Does anybody really know what time it is?
Does anybody really care?
For a change, President Trump is flummoxed on what to do on this very pressing issue. Daylight savings. Most people in this country hate the "spring ahead, fall behind" nonsense we have to do twice a year. Each year, the clamoring masses have demanded that we (the USA) fix our timekeeping methods. In other words, many want DST to be scrapped, and roughly the same amount of people wants DST to be in effect all year round. Thus, it has become a 50-50 issue. Half want DST all the time; and the other half wants the government to scrap it all together. What do both sides agree on? Changing clocks twice a year is a pain in the butt.
By the way, it is not only the fact that most states still have to change their clocks twice a year, when taking a road trip, some (few) states have voted to stay on DST all year long. So, knowing what time it is in each state you travel through, can be a mystery. I am reminded by that song from Chicago, does anybody really know what time it is? Especially the first two verses:
Does anybody really know what time it is?
Does anybody really care?
My response to that song, is we have to care. Otherwise, we could be an hour early or an hour late. And that my friends, is the rub.
Thinking deep thoughts about this vexing problem yesterday and knowing the President would also like to do something about this issue, I came upon a solution. It would involve a very easy Executive Order. Effective with this time change on Sunday, the United States would recognize DST year-round until 2027. In 2027, the EO could either be extended, or ended, depending on how people liked it. If it was ended, then for the next two years, there would be no state which recognized DST. At the end of those two years, the people could choose - DST or no DST. Whatever the solution, we would be DONE with changing our clocks twice a year. BRILLIANT!
Not that I would want any credit or anything, but a nice name for this EO would be the Very Angry Bird Act of 2025. Just saying...