Saturday, March 8, 2025

The Daylight Savings Solution

Does anybody really know what time it is?

Does anybody really care? 

From a song by Chicago

For a change, President Trump is flummoxed on what to do on this very pressing issue. Daylight savings. Most people in this country hate the "spring ahead, fall behind" nonsense we have to do twice a year. Each year, the clamoring masses have demanded that we (the USA) fix our timekeeping methods. In other words, many want DST to be scrapped, and roughly the same amount of people wants DST to be in effect all year round. Thus, it has become a 50-50 issue. Half want DST all the time; and the other half wants the government to scrap it all together. What do both sides agree on? Changing clocks twice a year is a pain in the butt.

By the way, it is not only the fact that most states still have to change their clocks twice a year, when taking a road trip, some (few) states have voted to stay on DST all year long. So, knowing what time it is in each state you travel through, can be a mystery. I am reminded by that song from Chicago, does anybody really know what time it is? Especially the first two verses:

Does anybody really know what time it is?

Does anybody really care? 

My response to that song, is we have to care. Otherwise, we could be an hour early or an hour late. And that my friends, is the rub.

Thinking deep thoughts about this vexing problem yesterday and knowing the President would also like to do something about this issue, I came upon a solution. It would involve a very easy Executive Order. Effective with this time change on Sunday, the United States would recognize DST year-round until 2027. In 2027, the EO could either be extended, or ended, depending on how people liked it. If it was ended, then for the next two years, there would be no state which recognized DST. At the end of those two years, the people could choose - DST or no DST. Whatever the solution, we would be DONE with changing our clocks twice a year. BRILLIANT!

Not that I would want any credit or anything, but a nice name for this EO would be the Very Angry Bird Act of 2025. Just saying...

Friday, March 7, 2025

Are we on the cusp of magic?


"President Trump wants the United States to be the leader in AI. Why? Because AI will change just about everything. From the very large to the very small. When I say very small, I am talking about things like protein sequencing. Why is that important? For a starter, many diseases could be cured if we understood the correct proteins to use to combat them."

Every now and again, I have trouble falling asleep. One of my natural cures for those times, is finding something on YouTube which might be so boring to me, I will only hear the "white noise" and ignore the content. Quite often that does the trick. Recently, I found one on YouTube which could be a doozy. It was about how AI could help in protein sequencing. Wow! I should doze off in about five minutes with that one. Was I ever wrong! This was one of the most fascinating things I have seen on that channel in a long time! It was about true science moving so fast right now, it is almost like magic.

President Trump wants the United States to be the leader in AI. Why? Because AI will change just about everything. From the very large to the very small. When I say very small, I am talking about things like protein sequencing. Why is that important? For a starter, many diseases could be cured if we understood the correct proteins to use to combat them. But here is where the tricky part comes. The permutations of proteins are almost endless. Without AI, it could take the average computing many lifetimes to get this right.

Using AI and quantum computing, it is possible to have the right proteins identified to cure autoimmune diseases by the end of Trump's term. Maybe even cancer. Maybe AIDS. Maybe many diseases we have made progress on but still have not discovered the magic bullet which will cure them. What does this mean? AI has put us on the cusp of medical magic.

Besides medical solutions, protein sequencing could also help in fixing different types of pollution, agriculture, energy, and so forth. With the possible combination of different proteins being almost endless, as the saying goes, "we don't know what we don't know". Translation: we might discover many things which we had not expected to find. 

One scientist said we are now falling down the rabbit hole of discovery at an increasing fast pace. Knowledge builds on knowledge, and the speed of discovery seems to increase every day. Is it good that Trump wants us to be the biggest and brightest in AI? For sure it is. But it is also good for mankind that other countries are also doing research on this. Finding cures for diseases which have plagued mankind for generations, is a good thing, and should be shared. 

Are we on the cusp of magic? Might be. But we are definitely on the verge of a Golden Age of America. The America we see out the window right now, will look and act much differently in 2030. And again in 2035. And 2040. 

Change is not only coming, but it is here. The new "roaring twenties" are really about ready to live up to their nickname. This is a great time to be alive.   

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Why is hate so harmful?


"President Trump knew what he was getting into when he ran for president again. Does he like the country being so divided? Not a bit - but this is the current landscape in America. He knows the hatred in the Democrats - he feels it each and every day. But his love for country is stronger than the hatred he feels directed at him, his family and his voters."

I love this country. Always have, always will. But I am ashamed of part of this country. The part which divides us. And that is hatred. The hatred that one party has for the current president and those who voted for him, belies the very foundation of our melting pot - E pluribus unum. Our new motto could be I hate Trump and MAGA. Hate them so much, it affects everything they say and do. Hate them so much, it made them look small and foolish at Trump's speech on Tuesday night.

If Democrats had more of a faith-based foundation, they would realize how toxic hate is. It has been called the battery acid on our souls. Hate is destructive because it never hurts the person or people who are hated - it only hurts the hater. If more of them went to church, they would learn that. Hatred left unchecked; can actually cause medical issues within the hater. It can destroy a person from the inside out.

Tuesday night was a night for America - not for Donald Trump. President Trump just happened to be the person behind most of the wonderful things which have happened to and for our country during the past six weeks. A kid with cancer, a kid going to West Point, Gold Star families, heroes, and on and on. These were American stories.

The kid with cancer who wants to be a cop is from Houston. So is Al Green. The kid acted like a hero and was recognized for it. Al Green acted like a hateful, spoiled child and was tossed out of the room. Instead of being there to help honor this wonderful kid from his district, Al was in the other room, wearing a dunce hat. 

Maybe many of the Democrats missed that lesson growing up. "Be the better person". Or the lesson we learn from going to church - "Forgive 70 times 7". Or can't they just act like adults instead of contrarians? If I say black, they say white. If I say no, they say yes. Not some of the time - all of the time. 

The other day, a commonsense bill was but forward on the Senate floor regarding woman's sports. It was a simple bill - nothing complicated. All it said was biological woman should compete in woman's sports and biological men should compete in men's sports. Easy peasy. Well, not that easy for some. 100% of the Republicans voted for this "duh!" bill, and 100% of the Democrats voted against it. It this same bill had been proposed by either side twenty years ago, it would have passed 100-0. Not today - the hatred in the Democrat Party has spoiled even a biological bill like this one. Men are men, and woman are women. Period.

President Trump knew what he was getting into when he ran for president again. Does he like the country being so divided? Not a bit - but this is the current landscape in America. He knows the hatred in the Democrats - he feels it each and every day. But his love for country is stronger than the hatred he feels directed at him, his family and his voters.

Most importantly, Donald Trump feels God spared his life to fix what has been the unfixable. To make America great again. Stronger again. Healthier again. That is his purpose, that is his quest. Hatred belongs to the Democrats - not to Trump.  


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The pink ladies, all tied up in knots (again)


"But be that as it may, the Trump Train is headed full speed, on down the tracks. The Democrats? They are still on the side of the road, hitchhiking."   

He did it again! They did it again! Anybody who saw Trumps (unofficial) "state of the union" speech to Congress saw it happen again. Trump, with the help of the Democrats, made the Democrats look small. Not only small but confused. How so? Many came to the event dressed in pink. Why? To show solidarity to women's issues. 

Yes, but I bet they all stood and clapped when Laken Riley's mom and sister were honored. That is a woman's issue. Nope - they say on their hands. How about when Angel Mom Alexis Nungaray was honored because her daughter Jocelyn was killed by two Venezuelan illegals. That for sure is a woman's issue. Nope - they again sat on their hands. I guess maybe the only woman's issue they care about are women who are still hung like men. 

But wait - what about the young boy with brain cancer who wants to go into law enforcement? That young man could melt any cold heart. Or the young man who just got an appointment to West Point? Nope - Democrats sat on their hands. 

By far and away, the best spectacle of how unhinged the Democrats are these days came from the always greasy Al Green. Against House order, good old Al got up and started yelling at the president. What did he say? Nobody could understand him (as usual). But nevertheless, the Speaker had to have him ejected. Was it a big splash like Al wanted? Nope - hardly a ripple. Again, the Democrats showed their hand, and as Trump would say - "you have no cards".

What about the president? How did he do? On the downside, it was a bit long. On the plus side, it was awesome! All bases were touched, all current subjects addressed. The entire time he was speaking, I kept thinking - nobody does this better. Comparing Trump to just about any other president is not a fair comparison. But coming in right after Biden, makes Trump look almost superhuman.

What is going on in America these days? Just about everything. To fix every moving part in this country which needs fixing, takes a CEO of vision and multitasking. Even though Trump and his team seem to be going pell-mell and crazy, trust me, they are not. While the Democrats continue to obstruct and resist, the Republicans are making America great and greater again.

I wonder what Trump thought of last night. Part of me thinks that Trump delighted in the Democrats looking like stooges. For Trump, making Democrats look weak and foolish is like shooting fish in a barrel. Hardly any sport in it for Trump.

But be that as it may, the Trump Train is headed full speed, on down the tracks. The Democrats? They are still on the side of the road, hitchhiking.   


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The best deal in town...


"This is the best deal in town. Trump knows it, and the smart folks in our country know it. As I have said, time is not anyone's friend right now. Well, except the Grim Reaper. He is having a heyday right now in Ukraine. He has been for three years now. Let's put an end to it."  

I really don't understand why Zelenskyy does not understand. Rather than being coddled and supplied with numerous weapons of war which will continue to kill Russian soldiers and allow Russian soldiers to continue to kill Ukrainian soldiers and civilians, Donald Trump had a better idea. And it was nothing less than brilliant. For some reason however, the simplicity of this very strategic move towards peace, escaped the Ukranian logic.

Ukraine has said for a long time now that they are loaded with rare-earth minerals. Like maybe $15T of them. That may or may not be accurate. Some are spread all over non-occupied Ukraine, and some are within the Donbas area of occupied Ukraine. Because of their locations in non-occupied Ukraine, should Zelenskyy had signed the agreement in the Oval Office, as soon as Putin agreed to a cease fire, American technologists and miners would have been crawling all over Ukraine. Trump would have warned Putin that Ukraine is now off-limits for any more fighting. Not one bullet should be fired in Ukraine now that Americans are living and working there.

How do you get American boots on the ground security without putting boots on the ground? By having a joint mining agreement such as the US presented to Ukraine. It was also step one. Trump could not approach Putin until this agreement was in place. But hold on - it is not just the Ukrainians who did not understand the pure logic in signing this agreement - it was also the loony left who live in this country. And the loons who live in the EU.

Because over 1,000 soldiers are being killed every week, time is not Trump's friend. Trump needed to step up the pressure a bit. Yesterday, he put a halt to anymore weapon deliveries to Ukraine until this matter is settled. That will put pressure on Ukraine as well as the EU. Why the EU? They can't fill the void of not having the US on board. If Zelenskyy was smart (and I am really starting to wonder about that one), he would be on a jet headed to Washington on Wednesday to apologize to the American people and then sign the agreement. But he would let Trump know today, so Trump would announce it in front of Congress tonight.

This is the best deal in town. Trump knows it, and the smart folks in our country know it. As I have said, time is not anyone's friend right now. Well, except the Grim Reaper. He is having a heyday right now in Ukraine. He has been for three years now. Let's put an end to it.  


Monday, March 3, 2025

America is changing - now more than ever

"Hang on and hold on tight. Some things which will coming at us on the high-tech highway will amaze us. Other things will confuse us. Still other things might disturb us. But big changes are coming. As sure as the snow is melting and spring is coming, so are big changes."    

Before I start, just a word about the price of eggs. Why are they so high right now? Is it Trump's fault? Of course not! But never mind the facts - the Democrats are blaming the high cost of eggs on Trump. Here is the truth - eggs might remain high for the rest of the year, until the egg producers can get their flocks of egg layers repopulated. But some of this is our fault. How? Some states have mandated that only "cage free" hens be allowed. That changes the equation. Not as easy nor cheap as restocking the old hen house. But even with that, we will get there. Just be patient.

Starting this year, keep an eye on the developments with both AI and quantum computing. What was expected to be rapidly developing technologies, are all of a sudden going to changing at light speed. Even with the changeover from AI to AGI, and some of the "spooky" results generated by the new quantum chips, the desire develop these two wonder technologies quicky are like a drug for humanity. The promises of "good" things to come have far outweighed the danger signs which have been posted by some technologists. 

I have addressed this before, but not for a while. I saw a video on YouTube this weekend about the "army" of humanoid robots which are being developed by China. They looked and acted almost like humans. But they were machines, loaded up with AI. The same is happening here. More and more companies are entering the race to produce humanoid robots. Why? Are they a novelty? More than that. They are the new workforce. Some people will soon lose their jobs to machines. You think there is a howl going up from government workers who might lose their jobs to DOGE? Just wait until the machines start to replace humans.

Also, this weekend I saw a new lawnmower, which can be operated by your cell phone. It is robotic in nature and has enough battery power to mow over an acre of grass. No more getting home from work being dog tired and then having to go out and cut the grass. Now you just pull up the app on your phone, set a time to start, and by the time you get home, the grass is cut, and the robotic grass cutter is recharging. Or, in the next year or so, just have your at home humanoid robot go outside and cut the grass with a regular lawn mower.

I read an article about a well-known technologist recently. The technology changes we will see between now and 2030 will be simply amazing. Every year's changes will build upon the last year's changes. But the changes for the rest of this decade are nothing compared to what awaits us in the decade of 2030 to 2040. Those who think of terms of "today" are really thinking in terms of "yesterday". Yes, things will happen that fast. 

By the way, our knowledge of physics might be changing also. How so? Physicist Michio Kaku was asked to comment about the abnormal things which were happening with some of the newer and more powerful quantum chips. He blamed the odd read outs coming from these newer machines, the "spooky" things, on parallel universes. Not there might be parallel universes - he talked about them as if they were a fact. If it is ever proven that parallel universes, or the "String Theory" are real, they will be game changers. 

Hang on and hold on tight. Some things which will coming at us on the high-tech highway will amaze us. Other things will confuse us. Still other things might disturb us. But big changes are coming. As sure as the snow is melting and spring is coming, so are big changes.    


Sunday, March 2, 2025

And the hard part is yet to come...

"I once read that starting a war was easy, but brokering a peace to end it is very hard. Right now, we are in the very hard stage. The easy part is over. The hardest part is yet to come. Zelenskyy needs to grow up and smell the coffee. He can save his nation. He can keep this war from spreading. But the next part with take guts. It will take vision. It will take leadership."   

Uff-da. The easy part is behind us (yet to be finished), and the hard part remains to be tackled. But here is the rub - the easy part must be done first. And from the sounds of Zelenskyy, there is no give in this Ukrainian President. He still wants the United States to make some kind of NATO type guarantee before he will sign the mineral deal. I mean, Zelenskyy would sign it tomorrow, if some strings were attached. Trump's position has not changed one inch. The mineral deal is as deep as we will go. It is time to end this bloodbath. But without the deal from Zelenskyy, there can be no deal with Putin. 

Here is the grim reality. The ONLY reason we are at this juncture right now is Putin has thousands of nukes. Period. If Putin did not have any nukes, this war would have been over in weeks, not years. Why? The NATO nations of Europe would have stepped in to help Ukraine. But Russia does have nukes. And he has threatened to use them many times. If he uses just one, it is game over. The fuse would be lit, and WW III would be in full swing. And it would be over in about one day. Then, nuclear winter. A poisoned planet. The end. 

I don't know if Zelenskyy fully grasps the magnitude of the situation we are in right now. We have been lucky so far. We have poked the bear by supplying Ukraine with ATTAMS and Storm Shadow missiles. Now F-16 fighter jets. And intelligence. Any of which could have dragged us into this bloodbath and then accelerated it. But Trump knows how close to the edge we are right now. And he wants this endless war to stop. Now.

Anybody who thinks that Putin will agree to a cease fire without keeping Crimea and the Donbas Area he occupies, is not reading the tea leaves nor the room. Already, Putin is hinting that he might like some more territory than he already has. This is Trump's challenge. IF Zelenskyy gets in line with this cease fire agreement, and signs the mineral agreement then Trump needs to convince Putin that stopping this war is in Russia's best interest. Is this fair to Ukraine, that they need to give up some land to a tyrant? No, not a bit. But war is not fair. Never has been.

By the way, to those on the left who are chanting "Russia, Russia, Russia" again, like Trump is in Putin's pocket - grow up. If Putin thought for one second that we were aligned with Ukraine and not neutral, there would be no deal to be had. Trump knows Putin is a thug and a murderer. He knows Putin started this war. And Trump also knows if the war drags on much longer, this WW I type of trench warfare would eventually end up with Kiev falling into Russian hands. And the streets with Kiev would be running with innocent blood.

I once read that starting a war was easy, but brokering a peace to end it is very hard. Right now, we are in the very hard stage. The easy part is over. The hardest part is yet to come. Zelenskyy needs to grow up and smell the coffee. He can save his nation. He can keep this war from spreading. But the next part with take guts. It will take vision. It will take leadership.   

Saturday, March 1, 2025

"Spare the rod and spoil the child"

"Here it is Mr. Zelenskyy. Your way out of this mess. Come on bended knee and ask for the forgiveness of Donald Trump as well as the American people. Sign the Rare Earth deal. Agree to the cease fire once Russia does. This is your way out. This is your way out of the hell which has gripped your country for the past three years."


Somebody said this is what happens when you elect an average comedian to be your leader. Somebody else said it was amazing that Zelenskyy could not read the room yesterday. Finally, another voice was heard saying that Zelenskyy just looked a gift horse in the mouth and then walked away. People who know Donald Trump said this was the maddest they have ever seen him. Why? After Biden had given Ukraine everything but our kitchen sink, and none of which was paid for, Zelenskyy had the stones to come into the Oval Office and ask for more. Not sign the Rare Earth mineral deal - ask for more security.

First off, yesterday America had a chance to see the real Volodymyr Zelenskyy. No gratitude, no thank you to the American people, just arguing with our president and vice president about not getting more. At first when I saw this, I cringed. Trump should have not let the American people see the sausage making of a negotiation. But then I changed my mind. This event yesterday went far and beyond any negotiation. It was almost a temper tantrum. Biden had spoiled this young leader rotten, and Trump wanted no part of it. All Trump wants is peace. Now.

But here is the thing which I found most amazing. I really thought that Zelenskyy was smarter than what he showed yesterday. With this deal in place, which would make the United States a partner in the mining of Rare Earth minerals in Ukraine, that in itself would be a security guarantee. Even though we would NOT have "boots on the ground", the fact the Ukraine landscape would be crawling with American miners should be guarantee enough. Putin would know that non-combatant Americans were present and would not dare to try any incursions because of that fact. Why? If Putin did, that would open the door for our boots on the ground to respond to that threat. 

Trump has said many times he wants his legacy to be a peace maker. The first and biggest target he has to restore world peace is Ukraine. Trump really thought to broker the peace in Ukraine, the easiest part would be the Rare Earth deal in Ukraine. Once that was in place, then get Putin to sign a cease fire agreement. That would be the opening to the road to peace in Ukraine. For Zelenskyy to balk at this deal, was unfathomable to Donald Trump. "You are gambling with World War III" Trump told Zelenskyy. And he is. No hyperbole - just a fact.

Do you think the Russians were watching this play out on their TV sets? That is a safe bet to say yes. After seeing this spat, Putin might think it is time to put the pedal to the metal, as peace is nowhere close. As Trump told Zelenskyy, if they walk away from this deal, Ukraine might have to just "fight it out" with Russia. Bottom line? If that happens, after much more bloodshed, Kiev will fall. 

Here it is Mr. Zelenskyy. Your way out of this mess. Come on bended knee and ask for the forgiveness of Donald Trump as well as the American people. Sign the Rare Earth deal. Agree to the cease fire once Russia does. This is your way out. This is your way out of the hell which has gripped your country for the past three years. Your people deserve this deal. Our people deserve this deal. Be smart about your next move. Your country depends on you to do the right thing.  

Friday, February 28, 2025

Trump and the killing fields of Ukraine

"Where Putin could have become a true world leader with a country on the cusp of greatness, instead he is a war criminal and a pariah. Russia now has the same reputation that the Soviet Empire had in its heyday. What was gained? Not much. What was lost? Blood and treasure."

Donald Trump hates part of Ukraine. Not the country itself, but the nonstop fighting which has taken place over the Ukrainian landscape. To Donald Trump, to see thousands of dead bodies on the battlefield, of both Ukraine and Russian heritage - is an abomination. A travesty. A crime against humanity. Through the eyes of Trump, he would like to see the fighting end immediately, and the process of healing to start. Healing means to bury the dead and start the massive cleanup. The rebuilding of ruined cities. A partnership with Ukraine to mine their Rare Earth minerals. In other words, move on from the hell the past three years brought, and craft a different future.

Today, President Zelenskyy is coming to Washington to meet with President Trump. Even though bullets are still flying in his homeland, and people are still dying, peace might be around the corner. Rebuilding might be sooner rather than later. With the help of the United States, mining for profitable minerals might be very close. In other words, just like Trump did with Kim Jong Um during his first term, Trump is trying to shape the future for a land which until recently, had no future. Unfortunately, this failed with North Korea. Hopefully, this will work with Ukraine.

Is Trump then a pacifist? Against all killing no matter what? Nope. He believes in peace through strength, having the military muscle in case he ever needs it. Most can remember what happened to General Qasem Soleimani. If you are a purveyor of death, a threat to America, a disruptor of world peace, Donald Trump will unleash our military on you. But if you cherish peace, and want goodwill for all, you can live in Donald Trump's world, unscratched and untethered.

It will be interesting to see how this fragile peace in Ukraine will play out. First and foremost, it means that Russia will have to behave itself. No more incursions into Georgia, Crimea or other parts of Ukraine. Those days are over. The hangover for Russia, when this Ukraine war is over, is a more muscular and broadened NATO. It also means a new US base in Poland called Fort Trump. Ukraine may not become a part of NATO, but NATO will be all around Ukraine. Plus, the United States will be in Ukraine - not as boots on the ground, but miners of Rare Earth minerals.

The past three years have been regrettable. Someday even Putin will realize what this needless war cost him. Hundreds of thousands of his troops - dead. A big chunk of his armored weaponry - destroyed. Goodwill of most of the people in Europe - gone. No, where Putin could have become a true world leader with a country on the cusp of greatness, instead he is a war criminal and a pariah. Russia now has the same reputation that the Soviet Empire had in its heyday. What was gained? Not much. What was lost? Blood and treasure. Lots and lots of blood and treasure. 


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Strange times with quantum entanglement...

"Some fear that AI will be the runaway science which will put us all at risk. Maybe - or it could be the parallel universes discovered (or not) by quantum entanglements. In any event, we are about to enter a brave new world. Ready or not, it is coming. If not us, then China."      

What the Sam Hill is going on? Just when you thought this new type of computing would take us to new levels and speeds, the unexplained happened. And not just once. Now I am the last person to try and explain quantum anything, as it is way, way over my head. I do know this however - one of the constructs of quantum physics is something called quantum entanglement. This is so bizarre, so "out there", that in 1935 renown scientists such as Boris Podolsky, Nathan Rosen and Albert Einstein called quantum entanglement "spooky action at a distance". 

Now we will take a trip down the wild side. Google recently came out with a new quantum chip called Willow. It was going to be a game changer. Faster than fast, it was going to light up the industry. It would be the first of many faster and better quantum chips in this developing industry. But then the unexpected happened. During testing of Willow, some odd things happened. Some things started appearing on the readouts which first appeared to be errors. So, the techs tried it again. And again, strange and unexpected results started to appear in the printouts. So strange, they stopped the testing.

The big cheese at Google AI computing, the founder of quantum AI at Google, really shook things up with his take on what is going on with Willow. In so many words, he said the unexpected results were proof of parallel universes. To him, that was the only logical reason for the types of returns the testing revealed. Wait - what? Is this what Einstein was trying to warn us about? That our knowledge of physics would be turned upside down with quantum entanglements?

Where does that leave this blossoming industry? Will it be shut down? Just call it a mistake. Nope - it is full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes. Amazon just came out with their new quantum chip called Ocelot. Microsoft came out with a new chip called Majorana 1. Will China be left behind? Nope - they have come out with a 504-qubit quantum chip. Will China start to see the same "spooky results" that Google did? If they do, China might keep that finding to themselves. 

Some fear that AI will be the runaway science which will put us all at risk. Maybe - or it could be the parallel universes discovered (or not) by quantum entanglements. In any event, we are about to enter a brave new world. Ready or not, it is coming. If not for us, then for China.      


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

As the battleship starts to turn...

"By the way, the cost of eggs will come down again. As soon as we figure out how and why this strain of the Avian Flu keeps spreading. We will figure it out. But the 100,000,000 egg laying chickens that Biden had culled before the election will take some time to replenish. As the saying goes, inflation goes up like a rocket and comes down like a feather."

Hey! What about the cost of eggs? Why have they not come down as yet? Come on Trump - you have been in office now for 36 days or so! Do something! Welcome to the country of America. Land of instant gratification. But here is the reality - you can't turn a battleship on a dime. The MASSIVE mess that Biden left the country in is going to take some fixing. Actually, for those who are paying attention, tons of stuff have been done during the first month of Trump's administration.

This week is yet another example of how fast things are moving. Last night, there was a vote in the House on the first Trump budget. It passed by a whisker - but it passed. Why is this important? First off, it extends the 2018 Trump tax cuts. If they are not addressed by the end of the year, most Americans will receive some kind of tax increase (except the lowest bracket). Also, Trump promised the American people he would address taking federal tax off of tips, overtime and social security for seniors. Spoiler alert: Democrats HATE each and every one of these items, including making Trump's tax cuts permanent. Why? They each hurt the largesse of government. Hurt people, help government. Get the picture?

What else is happening this week? An agreement was reached with Ukraine we would trade a future security agreement (and weapons) in exchange for some of their Rare Earth minerals. Why? Trump realizes that many European countries have given Ukraine loans (not grants) over the past three years to help the war efforts. We gave them gifts and not loans. Trump, as well as most Americans, have said enough is enough. On Friday, Zelenskyy will travel to Washington to meet with Trump and sign the agreement. Why do we need Rare Earth minerals from Ukraine? Because right now we are buying most of what we need from China. That is not good. Rare Earth minerals are way too important for tomorrow's industry and defense. 

Fixing the Pentagon, fixing our border, achieving a cease fire in Ukraine, defeating Hamas, getting the "big, beautiful bill" through Congress and signed into law, cutting the size of government, bringing inflation down, making us energy dominant, bringing more industry onshore, and so forth, and so forth - this is quite the "to-do" list. What are the Democrats doing to help? Na-da. Singing. Protesting. Chanting. Resisting. Caterwauling. In other words, to make America better, to make America greater, Democrats are about as useless as a screen door on a submarine.

By the way, the cost of eggs will come down again. As soon as we figure out how and why this strain of the Avian Flu keeps spreading. We will figure it out. But the 100,000,000 egg laying chickens that Biden had culled before the election will take some time to replenish. As the saying goes, inflation goes up like a rocket and comes down like a feather. Have patience folks - things will get better. Trump's plan will work. Just keep remembering, Trump is already working about 14 hours a day. And you can't turn a battleship (nor the ship of state) - on a dime. 


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

What is up with this Fort Trump?

"President Duda has a grand idea. He would like a US base in Poland. A base which could be mostly for US forces but still have some joint operating capabilities. Why? Having a US presence, especially with Donald Trump in the White House, will help keep the Russians behaving."

With everything going on these days, some newsworthy items might fall between the cracks. For example, the resounding victory for the conservatives in Germany. The number one issue for German voters? Immigration. It seems that train has left the station long ago. Countries now realize what a wrecking ball that out-of-control immigration has been. But the good news, is a conservative government might be more closely align with the US as we trudge forward into a post war Europe.

It is no secret that Poland's Andrezj Duda and Donald Trump have a very close relationship. That is a good thing. Poland has emerged as one of the real stalwarts in Europe. Butted up close and personal to Ukraine, Poland has been a whisker away from being pulled into this mayhem for three years now. The relationship between Russia and Poland? Not good - not good at all.

Much discussion is going on all over Europe now about how to maintain the peace once this bloody war in Ukraine is over. Why? Nobody trusts the fact that Putin might make a play for the Balkans (or more) in the near future. Maybe even Poland. Ukraine is very nervous about the upcoming cease fire. After the land grab for Crimea, they knew the Russians would be back - and they were. Now that Russia will probably get control of the Donbas area of Ukraine, many are wondering what is next. 

President Duda has a grand idea. He would like a US base in Poland. A base which could be mostly for US forces but still have some joint operating capabilities. Why? Having a US presence, especially with Donald Trump in the White House, will help keep the Russians behaving. Duda's suggestion - Poland will call the base "Fort Trump".

This is not a new idea. Duda came up with it in 2018, during Trump's first term. But that was before the Russians launched their all-out war in Ukraine. Now, it will happen. Construction has started. "Fort Trump" will become a reality.

Will having a United States base in Poland help keep the peace? It sure can't hurt. Does Donald Trump like the name of this new base? Three guesses on what the right answer is. 


Monday, February 24, 2025

Our new crimefighters

"To quote the Gipper, 'It is morning again in America'. How are things going? Better question is in what direction are things going? In my opinion (as well as many others), they are going in the right direction. Full speed ahead Mr. President! Let's get 'er done!"  

For those who mourned the loss our law enforcement instead of the lawfare unleashed during the regime of Sleepy Joe Biden, brighter days are now here. Having Pam Bondi in charge of our DOJ instead of the very inept and corrupt Merrick Garland has been like having your teeth cleaned. All of a sudden, we are back to only one system of justice, instead of two. And then to take the FBI and have Kash Patel in charge - WOW! Could anything make that change better? How about Dan Bongino as the Asst. Head of the FBI to boot? This is a crimefighter's dream come true. 

Now let's talk about Homeland Security. That is a term which has meant nothing for the past four years under Mayorkas. Instead of our homeland feeling secure, we felt insecure with illegals coming over the border from every country on Earth. President Trump promised on day one he would put an end to this treason - and he did. Having Kristi Noem as the new director of Homeland Security, but the meaning back in that title of that department. Then to have Tom Homan be the Border Czar? Homan is a cop's cop. He is no nonsense and 100% dedicated to the rule of law. 

Speaking of Homan, is he cowed by these lefties who run our big blue cities and have turned them into "sanctuaries" for illegals and thugs? Not one inch. His sights have been on Chicago, New York and LA. But this weekend, he let it be known that Boston has been added to his hit list. (His words) - "I am coming into the sanctuary city of Boston, and I am bringing hell with me." (My words) - And no doubt, he will.

What Trump is doing is nothing less than a major housecleaning on ALL the corruption and largesse which has plagued our government for so long. It was not until we saw the lawfare and lawlessness which happened under Biden's watch, that we knew just how bad it had become. When you have a bad disease, and go to the doctor, he gives you some strong medicine. That is exactly what "Dr. Trump" is doing. Strong and highly disciplined people are just what our country needs right now. If you are a person who likes to commit crimes, better move to Mexico, as we will no longer tolerate bad behavior.

On another note, by the end of this week, we could actually see a cease fire in Ukraine. I know - hard to believe. But ending this war is at the top of Trump's "to-do" list. He wants the killing stopped - like yesterday. This war needs to stop, and the Gaza war needs to continue. Why continue? Because Hamas cannot be trusted. They need to be gone. Period. Full stop. Israel now has the green light from the United States to take care of business at the end of Phase One of the cease fire. 

To quote the Gipper, "It is morning again in America". How are things going? Better question is in what direction are things going? In my opinion (as well as many others), they are going in the right direction. Full speed ahead Mr. President! Let's get 'er done!  


Sunday, February 23, 2025

GS work force - From the gravy train to the firing squad

"The gravy train is being replaced with the firing (like getting fired) squad. Outside the Washington bubble, few tears would be shed. But inside the Washington elite, Donald Trump is like Satan. HOW DARE HE come in and do such a thing! Short answer - he can because over 77,000,000 of us asked him to do it."    

Oh my, oh my! How things have changed! Not too long ago, if you wanted a job for life, without having to worry about producing any work product, the US Government was the place to be! Full disclosure - I have been inside the catacombs of Washington procurement. One of my active duties, I was asked to do some work which was not my normal NOBC (Cryptology). My secondary NOBC was Procurement, so for two weeks, I worked some procurement stuff at the old NAVELEX command. I loved it, but I think many of the government workers who worked with me were glad to see me leave. Why? I made them work.

The gravy train seems to have been replaced by the Trump Train. What has hit Washington DC this past month, has been like an asteroid. This "Life of Riley", go along, get along job fair on the Potomac is coming to an end. All those IRS agents that Biden hired are either packing their bags, or have been reassigned to the southern border, working for DHS. The 4,400 employees who work at the Department of Education, have no future. If that department goes bye-bye, so will they go. And the Department of Education is the smallest department of them all.

The humorous thing which happened yesterday was Trump sent Elon a message telling him he is doing a good job, but let's step up the pace a bit. Message received. By the end of the day, Elon sent out an email to all government workers asking them to describe exactly what they have accomplished during the week. You mean work product? HOW DARE YOU ELON! The real kicker was the caveat at the end of the email. "Failure to do so, will be considered your resignation". What a mean guy! How dare he try and run the government like a private business! Work product for a government worker - what the heck is that?

During one of my two-week military tours at headquarters, the workday started at 8:00 am. Well, sort of. I have always been a morning person and like to hit it harder in the morning than in the afternoon. But this group at headquarters, reminded me of a TV sitcom. Guys sitting around, reading the Washinton Post, talking about the Redskins, of just exchanging some other kinds of bs. At 11:00, people could take a two-hour lunch, if they promised to get some exercise. Then by 4:00 in the afternoon, the office was a ghost town. If they had to report to Elon what they got done, it would more fiction than fact. 

Our government workers are lethargic and live in the world of largess. Some are good, most are not. One higher rated GS person I worked with, spend a good part of his day being a day trader. Yes, things were that bad. Here is the long and the short of it. The gravy train is being replaced with the firing (like getting fired) squad. Outside the Washington bubble, few tears would be shed. But inside the Washington elite, Donald Trump is like Satan. HOW DARE HE come in and do such a thing! Short answer - he can because over 77,000,000 of us asked him to do it. Elections do have consequences.    

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Paying too much, getting too little

"Right now, Elon Musk and his DOGE team are just scratching the surface of what needs to be fixed in our government. What is in the future for DOGE? Stay tuned - the Pentagon's time is coming up."     

I hate to blame this on Joe Biden, so let me just say this one of those wild coincidences. What is that? This feeling really started to manifest itself during the past four years. It reminds me of that old cigarette commercial from yesteryear - "Are you smoking more and enjoying it less?" Only today it would be "Are you paying more, but getting less?" We are paying more and getting less, and so is the government.

I remember during the final months of Trump's first term. A new Air Force One was needed. So, Trump asked Boeing for a quote to build a new one. Trump was flabbergasted when he saw the price. Trump, being the master of the deal, told Boeing to go sharpen their pencils and try again. If Boeing could not do better, Trump told them he would find a different solution. All of a sudden, the price to build this new plane came way down.

I think of that story every time I hear of how much we are spending to build a new F-22, F-35, B-21, Virginia Class submarine, or a new carrier. First the good news. We have the best military equipment in the world. Now the bad news. (My opinion) - we pay way, way too much per unit for each new piece of military equipment.

When the contract for F-35 fighter jets was first released, it was estimated the price per unit would be about $40M. However, the reality is different. The price now ranges between $80M and $110M, depending upon variant. The price of a B-21 bomber is also outrageous. It is grown to $700M per plane. And the price of a single Virginia Class sub is an unbelievable $3.8B!

Now again, our subs are the best in the world. The only reason we are building the Virginia Class instead of the Seawolf, is it was determined the Seawolf was too expensive. More expensive than $3.9B per sub? Good grief!

Our Minnesota boy, the new Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth has his hands full with these prices. There simply has to be a way to not have defense contractors bleed dollars on these contracts and also give the taxpayers a fair deal. Where can DOGE make an impact? Right here, right now, at the Pentagon.

I was a defense contractor for years. On some of this, I know of which I speak. Is there waste in the way we do government contracting? Yes. Is it efficient? No. Can it be improved? It must be. 

Right now, Elon Musk and his DOGE team are just scratching the surface of what needs to be fixed in our government. What is in the future for DOGE? Stay tuned - the Pentagon's time is coming up.     

Friday, February 21, 2025

Voluntary income taxes

"I don't care what others do with their share of the DOGE money. If they keep it or give it back, I could care less. By the same token, I don't want to hear ANY opinions on what I should do with my $5,000. On fixed income, I could sure use it right now. If someone does not like that, they can lump it."   

Many years ago, when I was junior in my career, I heard an interesting discussion between two of my more senior collogues at lunchtime. One was more conservative in his values than the other was. And the subject discussed? How much income tax was enough. I should point out that these were the days where people who had different financial viewpoints could disagree without killing each other.

One man (the conservative) said we pay too much in taxes right now. All that money going to the government is stunting the growth of the private sector. The other man (the not so conservative) did not agree at all. He said we need to fund the government for the "common good". The government lets us keep enough to live on, and all the rest should reside in either Washington or St. Paul.

That is when the conservative hit the other up with total logic. Won the argument right there. "Do you know what your income tax bracket is?" he asked the other man. "Sure do" was the reply. "Do you know how much over that limit you are allowed to pay into either the state or federal government?" was the next question. That one had the other man stumped. "I have no clue" was the response. "100% of your paycheck" was the answer. "If you think we are paying in too little taxes, you can contribute your entire income for the year." And then - silence.

Jasmine Crocket, the loudmouth and sassy Democrat congresswoman from Texas, is on the House DOGE subcommittee. What does she contribute to the DOGE discussions? Mayhem and disorder. When asked on a news show what she thought of the $5,000 DOGE dividend, she became very animated and louder. "We are not in the business of handing out money you all!" In her eyes, none of the government's sacred money should be returned to the taxpayer. Not a single dime.

Here is a solution to this vexing problem. Offer up the DOGE dividend to all taxpayers. For those who think the money would be better served paying down the debt, they can refuse the check and tell Elon to stick it in the debt repayment fund. For those who LOVE the largess of our government, can tell Elon to stick it in the "feed the pig" fund. And for those who need it to pay bills or whatever after the 20% runup in prices during Biden, can keep the $5,000.

Why is this a good solution? I don't care what others do with their share of the DOGE money. If they keep it or give it back, I could care less. By the same token, I don't want to hear ANY opinions on what I should do with my $5,000. On fixed income, I could sure use it right now. If someone does not like that, they can lump it.   

Thursday, February 20, 2025

DOGE: Cure or curse?

"What is DOGE? DOGE is what happens when you put two of the smartest men in the country on solving a previously unsolvable problem. Even though the Democrats have once again resorted to lawfare, Donald Trump is ready for it. He will not fight liberal judges - he will escalate legal issues right up to SOCUS." 

Not my words, but words of a well-respected person on a national TV show. "DOGE is the most exciting government program I have ever seen!" I will give that statement a ditto and an AMEN! Money has been extorted out of this country's taxpayers now for many, many decades. As such, with no will, and no tracking, our national debt has gone up like a roman candle. In the words of Elon Musk - "We are paying more to service out debt right now than on national defense. If we don't fix out debt and quickly, we cannot survive as a nation. We will go bankrupt."

Elon Musk, whose brain goes full speed 25 hours a day, has come up with another grand idea. To make this real, what DOGE is doing, why not share the good fortune with the persons who ponied up the money in the first place - the taxpayers. In other words, every dollar saved by DOGE, should be split. 80% towards paying down our national debt, and 20% towards a "DOGE dividend" for the taxpayers. The first dividend check is estimated to be about $5,000/taxpayer.

Everybody should love this deal! Right? Nope. The Democrats hate it. With a passion they hate it. Why? Many reasons. First off, they really hate the idea that Donald Trump and Elon Musk are in their rice bowls. Their stash house is being investigated. All the years they have come up with schemes on how to hide money to enrich their side of the aisle, are now exposed to sunlight and disinfectant. 

Another reason the Democrats hate this idea, is Donald Trump has once again beat them to the finish line. Donald Trump has shown (again) he is the working man's leader. And the beauty of this dividend is simply this - it is not buying votes. This is given people back a portion of their money, which has been wasted and hidden. The debt gets serviced, the government shrinks, and people get paid back some of what was squandered. Win, win and win.

What is DOGE? DOGE is what happens when you put two of the smartest men in the country on solving a previously unsolvable problem. Even though the Democrats have once again resorted to lawfare, Donald Trump is ready for it. He will not fight liberal judges - he will escalate legal issues right up to SOCUS. 

Donald Trump has learned quite a bit since his first term. During the 45 POTUS era, Donald Trump was good to very good. In this the 47 POTUS era, Donald Trump is nothing less than golden. 


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

What? A DOGE dividend for all?


"Can the Trump administration walk and chew gum at the same time? Yes, plus it can do many other things at the same time as well. After four years of Biden, time is valuable. Not a second to waste. What is next for Donald Trump's team? I can't wait to find out!"

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. That being said, a new topic has erupted on our landscape. Something to look forward to. It seems the DOGE folks have uncovered so much money, which is unnecessary, fraudulent, or its use is obsolete, that the first utterance of the term "DOGE dividend" has been heard. What does that mean? Send out checks to all the taxpayers who have been contributing to this maze of misappropriated funds. Between claw backs, deletions, and cancellations, DOGE is about to be awash in financial findings. And they, as well as the president, want some of that money returned to whom it came from - us. 

Is this going to be a unanimous decision? To return some of the money to the taxpayers? Oh no, my friends - it will not be. The Democrats will for sure balk at this. Just like some Democrats balk at taking the taxes (both federal and state) off of Social Security, Democrats will balk at a DOGE dividend. Wait - that makes no sense, whatsoever! Why would Democrats care? Because in the eyes of the statists, all money belongs to the state - not to you. However, in the eyes of the patriots, we should only feed the beast (the government) as much as it needs to survive. No more. 

Now that Trump has been in office for thirty days, the clock continues to tick. His whirlwind objectives of jump starting the economy, fixing the border, downsizing the government, and hammering out a peace deal for the Ukraine war continues to roll down the tracks. Meanwhile, all the Democrats can do is continue to practice lawfare, protest, chant, sing, and obstruct. Good on them. They are like the Wicked Witch of the West, right after getting a bucket of water thrown at them. "They are melting, melting. Oh, cruel world, they are melting away."

While all this is happening, anything going on with the Mexican Cartels? Quite a bit. I know this is hard to believe, but CNN actually broke some good news yesterday. The US has been flying some MQ-9 Reaper Drones deep into Mexico. These are the same assets we have used to liquidate some bad apples in the Middle East. But these drones can do other things than kill baddies. The are excellent at intelligence gathering. They can get up close and personal and find out all kinds of things about the enemy. The Cartels may not realize it yet, but their glory days and gory days are about over.

Can the Trump administration walk and chew gum at the same time? Yes, plus it can do many other things at the same time as well. After four years of Biden, time is valuable. Not a second to waste. What is next for Donald Trump's team? I can't wait to find out!


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Elon fights the horrible, awful swamp monsters!


"Flash back to an earlier post I have done. In that post, I said even though Trump promised to drain the swamp in his first term, he had no idea the swamp was as big, wide or deep as it is. Plus, he had no idea of the thousands upon thousands of swamp dwellers who lived and worked there. But now he does - this time he came equipped with a small army called DOGE, led by Elon Musk." 

Elon Musk is a dreamer. He dreams big dreams. He has the ability to turn those dreams into reality. That is what visionaries do. That is what innovators do. Right now, Elon is dreaming beyond his current starship. He is already onto the next version and the version after that. Even though his current version of starship is a monster in size, he is thinking bigger and better. Why? Using the current version, he might need 1,000 of them to colonize Mars. With the version after the next version, he might only need 250 of them. Yes, they would be that tall and that big around. 

Being a patriot, when Donald Trump asked Elon to identify fraud, waste and abuse in the Washington swamp, Elon had only one thing to say - "I'm in!" Now keep in mind this job does not pay a cent. That is why Trump wanted Elon (besides Elon being one of the brightest minds on the planet) - Elon did not need any money. He is making enough from the six companies he owns. 

Elon was put in charge of DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency). The charter of this new DOGE organization is pure; Elon Musk's intentions are pure. It is all good - Elon felt his group could find a trillion or two, without hurting the work the government is responsible for. But that is where Elon's dreams ended, and the nightmares began. What kind of nightmares? Elon and his DOGE group (sometimes called "Big Balls") are fighting the horrible, awful swamp monsters of Washington. 

The swamp dwellers hate Trump, and now they also hate Elon. Why? Elon is about to find out the "book of secrets" in Washington. That is the book which describes how people who have little money, can come to Washington to serve a few years, and then leave rich. How does that work? Unknown at this time, but Elon is going to be relentless until he finds out. Meanwhile, Elon is being sued and protested by the swamp dwellers. To us Elon is a saint, to the swamp dwellers he is an exorcist. 

Elon does not need to put up with this crap. He has plenty to do running his six companies. But like I said - Elon is a patriot. And he is a friend of Trump. Elon and Donald Trump both know this is important - it needs to be done. But the swamp dwellers are like a tumor which has been wrapped around the bone, muscles and nerves. It does not want to be removed nor fixed. 

Flash back to an earlier post I have done. In that post, I said even though Trump promised to drain the swamp in his first term, he had no idea the swamp was as big, wide or deep as it is. Plus, he had no idea of the thousands upon thousands of swamp dwellers who lived and worked there. But now he does - this time he came equipped with a small army called DOGE, led by Elon Musk. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Tales of the always seen, Al Green (Hint: Not good!)

"What did the long working Donald Trump do yesterday while Al Green had his undies in a knot? Trump took the day off and went to NASCAR. Why? Just like going to the Super Bowl, Trump feels it is important that the people see him out and about. Enjoying America. Does Al Green enjoy America? Sometimes I wonder if he even likes it here." 

You have to hand it to that odd congressman from Texas - Al Green. Why? What Al should be doing right now, is working with other Democrats in coming up with a message and a new leader for the 2026 midterms. Why? After the spanking the Democrats got in 2024, they are in deep trouble. But Al, like usual, is way out of step with reality. He just filed articles of impeachment against Donald Trump. If Green were paying attention, he (like Hakeem Jeffries) would know that Donald Trump's popularity just keeps climbing. 

Wait - just hold on a minute! What you mean Green was filing articles of impeachment? Trump has only been in office for less than a month. That's okay - crazy Al found something to use against Trump. What? Trump's offer to take over the Gaza Strip and rebuild it. You have got to be kidding me! Really? The offer that Trump made to really shake things up in the Middle East, is now bad? If Al Green did not have a canard to invent, he would have nothing to do.

Al Green is ubiquitous today. He is everywhere - except at work. His case of TDS is far and away beyond the norm. Just the other day, a very frustrated Dean Phillips was encouraging his party (and maybe soon to be former party), to wake up and smell the coffee. As the Trump Train continues to roll on, some of the clueless Democrats are sticking with their old playbook. The playbook called, "Orange Man Bad". No plans, no programs, no ideas - just anti-Trump. So long as they continue to do that, Trump will continue to roll on into 2026.

What did the long working Donald Trump do yesterday while Al Green had his undies in a knot? Trump took the day off and went to NASCAR. Why? Just like going to the Super Bowl, Trump feels it is important that the people see him out and about. Enjoying America. Does Al Green enjoy America? Sometimes I wonder if he even likes it here. 

This week, after we dispense with the federal holiday nobody cares about, it will be Kash Patel's turn to get Senate confirmation and then sworn in as FBI Director. Another win for the Donald! The rest of the unconfirmed cabinet picks should come tricking in during the last two weeks of February. Meanwhile, peace talks are on the cusp of starting in Saudi Arabia to end the Ukraine War. And the war in Gaza? Unknown. That can go either way at any time. Needless to say, NOBODY trusts a word Hamas utters.

Finally, my advice to the good people in Texas 9th Congressional District. Do a better job in voting in 2026. Al Green is not doing you nor the country any good at all. Time for Al to retire.   

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Why is he such a big deal?

Why is Donald Trump such a big deal? Because he is a unique leader, never before seen on our soil. He will lead us through this very consequential decade of massive changes. He will make NATO stronger and more independent. He will fix our education system. He, with the help of RFK Jr, will make us healthier. We will be the world leader in clean and cleaner energy.

Many people often wonder what in the world is going on in the mind of Donald Trump. What is it? The BIG DEAL? Or the grand bargain? During his first term, POTUS 45 became somewhat of an accidental president. In other words, the entire world almost had strapped the title of POTUS 45 on Hillary Clinton. Then all of a sudden - all that hard work, the constant campaigning, the rallies - paid off for Donald Trump.

Never having been a politician before, Donald Trump had to "drink out of a fire hose." But that he did, and he learned. Some mistakes were made, some missteps happened. But despite all of that, he became one of the more consequential presidents of our time.

After losing in the very mysterious 2020 election, Donald Trump had four years to think and plan. He decided to make one more run at it. As we know, he was primed and ready in 2024. Victory was his, and now he had one more thing going for him that he lacked in 2016 - experience. As the saying goes - he had a plan, man. He had a plan how to end the wars, juice the economy, and right the ship of state. Once he was sworn in on January 20, 2025, Donald Trump was off to the races. He was now POTUS 47 and there would not be one second wasted.

He also learned from the cabinet he had the first time around. Some bad choices held him down. This time, he has the "dream team" in his cabinet. They speak with one voice and travel in the same direction. That kind of support allows Donald Trump to live in where he is the most comfortable. His sweet spot. Mr. "Art of the Deal" is now where he does his best work. The deal maker. The architect of the grand bargain.

The followers of Donald Trump love to watch how he handles the media and the Democrats. Many times, after Trump makes a declaration or signs and EO, it leaves both the Democrats and the media spinning. Sometimes what Trump says is a misdirection, which lets his other hand do his bidding. And sometimes what he says it straight up fact. In any event, Donald Trump is large and in charge, and everybody knows it. He is the TRUE leader of the free world, and our friends and foes know it.

What is coming down the road? Many, many deals. Deals with other countries. Mutual tariffs. Common defenses. More economic opportunities. Working with Elon Musk on AI as well as getting to Mars. Quantum computing, robots, nanotechnologies, you name it. Trump wants us to be the leader in all of it. A world at peace, with our new technologies benefiting all - that is his dream. And he will make whatever deals he needs to be done to get us there.

Why is Donald Trump such a big deal? Because he is a unique leader, never before seen on our soil. He will lead us through this very consequential decade of massive changes. He will make NATO stronger and more independent. He will fix our education system. He, with the help of RFK Jr, will make us healthier. We will be the world leader in clean and cleaner energy.

Donald Trump's vision is to truly have this rising tide lift all boats. In other words, he wants no American to be left behind. That is what his grand bargain will yield - and that is why Donald Trump is such a big deal.