Sunday, August 18, 2024

And what will this week bring?

"Meanwhile on the streets outside of the convention center, all sorts of mayhem could be breaking loose. Why? In the eyes of those who pretend to be aligned with Palestine, Joe Biden and Kamala are traitors to the cause."

For those who can stand to watch it, this week will bring Chicago 2.0, or better known as the DNC Convention, take two. During the 1968 Chicago Convention, all hell broke loose. This year might just be more of the same.

During this year's convention, we will hear more vapid enthusiasm for Kamala's goofy idea known as "price controls". And why pray tell, will there be enthusiasm for an idea which can bring our fragile economy to a screeching halt? Ignorance. And the failure to study history. But there it will be - live and in color. That is, if you can hear her above all the violence.

Meanwhile on the streets outside of the convention center, all sorts of mayhem could be breaking loose. Why? In the eyes of those who pretend to be aligned with Palestine, Joe Biden and Kamala are traitors to the cause. HOW DARE THEY, side with Israel. Even though Biden has done his dead level best to light this candle at both ends, he can't. And neither can Kamala. And if you are Jewish, and a Democrat - just try to square that circle.

Winken and Blinken (our patsy of a SOS) is over in the Middle East trying to get some kind of cease fire agreement during the convention. No telling what Biden is willing to give away for those optics. Meanwhile, the war over Gaza continues. Bebe is still insistent that until Hamas is over with (all dead or captured), peace is not possible. I agree with him. Besides all of which, let us not forget that when the October 7th massacre happened, Israel and Hamas were in a cease fire. Bottom line? Can't trust these guys as far as you can throw them.

How about Iran's plan to attack Israel? Will it happen this week or is this just a feint to have our forces stretched too far. It is a heck of a predicament. If we leave the area, and Iran attacks Israel with the help of Hezbollah, the Iron Dome could be overwhelmed. If we stay, it takes our forces away from the Indo-Pacific, where they are also needed. Iran could just wait us out. As they say in the Middle East, we use a watch while they use a calendar. 

How about Ukraine? Will Putin lose his cool now that Ukrainian forces have invaded Russia? Will he resort to using a tactical nuke? Or will the bloodbath just continue, inch by inch. This entire region is a powder keg right now. Maybe more so than the Middle East with Iran armed to the teeth. If Russia does something to pull NATO into this fray, this could be very, very bad for all concerned. 

This will be a good week to stay alert, to stay prepared. Some think we might be close the end of the End Times. If so, listen for the sound of trumpets. Yes, it could be that close.       

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