Wednesday, August 14, 2024

War drums? Maybe

"Where are the nation's eyes right now? Not on Iran. Certainly not in Ukraine. All eyes are on Chicago, with the DNC convention happening next week. If the politics might bore you next week, you can turn in for the riots." 

Two very unusual things have happened in our world as of late. One is all over the news, and one would have to be living under a rock not to know about it. That would be the large armada of ships which have congregated around Iran and their proxies. Not only do we have a ton of assets on station, our Sec Def has ordered the USS Georgia, bristling with cruise missiles to also be stationed close by. Plus, he has ordered the Abraham Lincoln to "speed up" its voyage from the Western Pacific to the Med. This kind of reminds be a bit of Desert Storm, seeing all these assets moved to a troubled region. 

So - what is up? Iran, what are you going to do? Are you going to try and overwhelm the Iron Dome in Israel by firing over 1,000 Katyusha rockets, cruise missile and drones? If that is the case, Israel and its allies, would knock most out of them of the sky. And then what? The return "punch" from Israel will not be an insect bite as in before. This punch could take out Iran's nuclear program. Or it's fuel terminals. Or worse.

But the second thing which has happened is far less reported on, and truthfully, more disturbing. Ukraine. The war has taken an interesting twist. The Ukranian Army has gone from playing strictly defense to some offense. The Ukrainian Army has taken over 400 square miles of western Russia. Taken it, occupied it, and have some Russian prisoners to boot. Why is this disturbing? Mr. "itchy finger" Putin might decide if the war is starting to turn, it might be time to use a tactical nuke or two. That could cause an immediate escalation and draw NATO into the fray.

Where are the nation's eyes right now? Not on Iran. Certainly not in Ukraine. All eyes are on Chicago, with the DNC convention happening next week. If the politics might bore you next week, you can tune in for the riots. It seems the mutts who like to dress up with hoodies and masks, will be out in Chicago in great numbers. "From the river to the see" and so forth. It could be a mess next week. Like, this time, a REAL insurrection.

By the way, if we get pulled in deeper to either Iran or Ukraine, who is our Commander in Chief right now? The real person with his or her "finger on the trigger"? Do we have someone who will try and keep us out of war, or do we have a "hawk" who will take us into WW III? Everything is fine and dandy until the ship hits the sand. And folks, our ship of state is ready to hit the sand.   


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