Friday, August 9, 2024

The age of ideas, or the idea of age

"So far, no ideas put forward. Only talking smack about Trump and Vance. Reagan always said you beat the other guy by having better ideas. We still have better ideas than the Democrats. But beware! The fog of BS is about to descend on all of us. We will get an earful of January 6th crapola, and not much else."

"Sharp as a tack, he is!" Or, "He has not lost a step". Or my favorite, "His staff can hardly keep up with him". That was then, and this is now. Now all the crap and gaslighting we heard about Joe Biden has stopped. Nancy Pelosi convinced Joe he was too old and needed to step down off the re-election campaign trail. And now we understand that just about everyone, including his Veep, knew Biden was a few fries short of a Happy Meal. But now Biden has semi-retired to his vacation beach home, and age is no longer an issue. Or is it?

Already the drums of agism are starting to beat once again. Against Kamala? She is only 59. And her running mate Tim Walz is one year older at 60. Is this age thing being thrown their way? Nope. It is directed towards Donald Trump. Trump who recently turned 78, is in better shape than I am in at 74. In fact, most 78-year-old men I know are way behind Trump in energy or mental acuity. But no. Now that the DNC has bulldozed Biden out of the race, the lapdog media is going to use Trump's age like a cudgel against him.

What about Vance? Way too young. Oh my gosh! This young squirt is only 39 years old! That is Kennedy like! We can't have a guy that young manning the nuclear suitcase should something bad happen to Trump! Are you crazy? 

And so it starts. One of our guys is too old, and the other one is too young. Whereas the Democrats have two people who are in the "goldilocks" age - 60. They both may be dumber than doorknobs and supreme gas lighters, but the age thing is perfect. 

Can we set this age thing apart from our discussion and simply talk about issues. My issue with Joe Biden for the past 50 years has always been his nutty ideas. And he is a phony. And a supreme liar. It just so happened his nutty ideas, phony persona, and Walter Middy lives got worse as he aged. But still, I was primarily interested in his ideas (or lack thereof).

I feel the same way about Harris and Walz. So far, no ideas put forward. Only talking smack about Trump and Vance. Reagan always said you beat the other guy by having better ideas. We still have better ideas than the Democrats. But beware! The fog of BS is about to descend on all of us. We will get an earful of January 6th crapola, and not much else. Trump on the other hand, is going to address the past four years, and how it has crippled this great nation. 

For those who do not believe the media is in bed with the DNC, go grab some popcorn, get comfortable and watch. You will see live in and in color why nobody believes the media anymore. Their credibility is somewhere under a gutter. Soon, the "War on Trump" will begin (again). And his age might be one of the first bullets fired.   

1 comment:

  1. Admit it, media mouths: Those Republican candidates are way too Republican!
