Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Is this cruise control, or automatic pilot?

"Our country right now is a plane flying on automatic pilot. A car on cruise control. If there is somebody in charge, most don't know who it is."

What is the most asked question today by the smart people? Is it wondering who Kamala's Veep will be? Nope. Will it be wondering if we are headed into a recession? No, but closer. How about what is going on in the Middle East. Are we headed into a much wider war with Iran? Now that question has a lot of traction, especially after the Americans were wounded yesterday in Iraq. But that is still not the right question.

The correct answer is, who in the "bleep" is running our country right now? Biden is on his retirement sabbatical on that beach in Delaware. Why is he there? By popular demand. The country does not want grandpa driving the car anymore, so we took the keys away from him. But wait - is he not still the president? Yep. Has Kamala taken over? Nope. Then, if the ship hits the sand on just about anything, who is flying this plane? Who is driving this car? Who is running the country? Anybody?

We do have enough leadership, via winken, (Tony) Blinken and nod, to continue to chastise Israel. Don't do too much if the rockets start to fly. Be restrained. Even though we have moved a ton of assets over to the war zone and repositioned some troops, who will give the green light to do something if push comes to shove? Anybody? 

Our country right now is a plane flying on automatic pilot. A car on cruise control. If there is somebody in charge, most don't know who it is. Maybe the solution would be to hire Donald Trump as a fill in president until the real election comes. He is not afraid of tough choices. He does not back down to bullies. Unlike Obama, who would write a nasty letter to bad guys, unlike Biden who only says "don't" to bad guys, and unlike Blinken who only chastises our allies - Trump speak softly and carries a big stick. And like Teddy Rosevelt, Trump will use that big stick if he needs to. 

Meanwhile, back on the beach, Joe Biden is about ready for nappy time. With all that is going on in the world, Joe could care less. His anger is directed only towards one person in the world - and that is another American named Donald Trump. And Joe Biden is technically still our president. Let that fact sink in. We are in deep do-do. Maybe it is time to head to the bunker.  

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