Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The message of Team Blue - what message?

"We used to fear our jobs would be taken over by the Chinese or the Indians. Neither will be true. Many will be taken over by humanoids. Bottom line? If we don't train our kids how to make the makers, many will be sitting around with a whole lot of nothing to do. And that is no way for a country to prosper."    

I have penned recent articles about this issue, and I probably will continue in the future. Why? It is about the future. Things are going to start changing and changing fast. Not just here - all over the developed world. But there is a chink in the armor so to speak. The little bit I have heard on sound bites coming out the Chicago circus, gave me pause to think. And thinking I have been doing.

More and more now, there are written articles on the internet as well as video articles on You Tube. Articles on what? Robots. The closer it gets to "go to market" with the first of the first, the more we will hear about them. Is there really a market for robots to be working in our factories, houses, and cities and parks? The investors think so. The technologists think so. In fact, the market right now is estimated to be over a billion robots. Or, by the time the dust settles, maybe one robot for every three people on Earth. 

Robots which kind of look and act like us, are called humanoids. Jeff Bezos, Open AI and Nvidia have a humanoid which will be ready to hit the market about the same time Optimus Gen 3 (Tesla's humanoid) will also hit the market. Maybe in 2025. Recently, Tesla released a video of an Optimus Gen 2 humanoid driving and parking a Tesla Cyber Truck. Yes, they will be that good. And this is only the beginning. Like I have said before, seeing humanoids working in food establishments, factories, city municipal jobs, and household jobs - will become more common than rare.

One of things I heard repeated from the DNC convention, was we need to prepare our kids for all kinds of jobs, including manual. Some jobs which don't require much training. Here is the bad news for that. Humanoids are going to be a MAJOR disruptor in our labor market. It will start with unskilled jobs. Not my words - the words of many technologists. Preparing kids to work in dead end jobs which will soon go away does nobody any good. Our entire education system needs to be re-done and re-done like yesterday. We need to prepare our kids for tomorrow's jobs, many of which do not even exist as yet.

Somebody should tell that little and very loud Randy Weingarten to sit down and shut it. She is the number one villain for why our kids are failing. Don't believe it? Check out the education stats in Chicago, where the DNC circus is being held. 

We used to fear our jobs would be taken over by the Chinese or the Indians. Neither will be true. Many will be taken over by humanoids. Bottom line? If we don't train our kids how to make the makers, many will be sitting around with a whole lot of nothing to do. And that is no way for a country to prosper.    

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