Thursday, August 29, 2024

Well, at least she is not Joe!

"Want a ray of hope? A financial advisor to the Harris/Walz team was on CNBC defending the unrealized income tax that Harris wants to adopt. Let me put it this way - I have faith once again in CNBC. They bounced this moron from the Harris camp around pretty good. Without calling him an idiot, they sure made him look like one."

Watch an interesting snapshot of the most current polls for the presidential race. Before Biden was "replaced" due to Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump was beating Joe Biden. Not by much, but enough. The race was Trump's to lose. Then all of a sudden, the most amazing thing happened. Joe Biden was replaced as the 2024 nominee by his Veep. His Veep who was polling lower than Joe Biden was. His Veep, that when she ran for president in 2020, did not earn one delegate. Now this most unpopular person is the nominee, and along with her very strange bedfellow from Minnesota - are leading Donald Trump in most polls. Not by much, but enough.

When these poll numbers were discussed on a news show this morning, one of the pundits asked this very good question - "Wait a minute - what has changed?" Translation - none of the Biden era programs have changed. As a matter of fact, Harris has thrown in a few whoppers on top of them. Like, tax on unrealized income. Higher tax on capital gains. Higher corporate income tax. To answer this question "what has changed", the answer is not a dang thing. Then how in the world can she be leading Donald Trump?

First off, she is not Joe Biden. That is huge. She is the new shiny penny. And she could be historic as the first black woman president. But wait - she is an idiot. Her Veep is an idiot. How can this be? Voting blocks. Who will vote for her? Black folks. Brown folks. Jewish folks. Muslim folks. Illegal immigrants. Union types. TEACHER UNIONS. Atheists. Agnostics. GBTQ+ (and so forth) types. Who will vote for Trump? All the rest of us. 

In 2020, Americans were stupid to vote for Biden. He was a poor choice and made a very poor president. The country has suffered under Biden. Will Americans be that stupid again in 2024 to vote for a couple of morons? Two people who don't have a clue about economics. A couple of socialists? I have said this before - if Harris gets elected, she can hurt retired folks. But - that hurt is NOTHING compared to what she can do to middle-aged, middle-class folks. They will bear the brunt of a Harris/Walz empire. And young people just starting out? Good luck to them. The American dream will only end up being American insomnia.

Tonight, Harris and Walz will be on CNN, having their first interview. Hard hitting questions from Dana Lash like, what is your favorite ice cream? Or what kind of underwear do you wear? Or who is your favorite Hollywood star? How do I know? Not my first rodeo. I know how the cabal works. Don't dust up the Democrats - skewer the Republicans. Same stuff, every cycle. 

Want a ray of hope? A financial advisor to the Harris/Walz team was on CNBC defending the unrealized income tax that Harris wants to adopt. Let me put it this way - I have faith once again in CNBC. They bounced this moron from the Harris camp around pretty good. Without calling him an idiot, they sure made him look like one.

My opinion still holds. Those who put party over country are destructive people. They are the "Yellow Dogs". On the other hand, some people will vote for Trump, and not like Trump at all. Why? Because Trump is flawed. I said this the other day to a doubter - Trump is not a perfect man, but he is the perfect man for what this country needs right now. That is a cold hard fact. Full stop.    

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