Friday, August 16, 2024

It's her time...(to be like Nixon)

"What can Trump do? He can slow down the bleed. He can get the inflation rate back to 2% or less. But Trump can do nothing about the 20% increase in pricing that Biden/Harris left us." 

Stand by. It is really going to happen. Kamala will hold a presser today (no questions, please), and describe her economic program. She will attempt to distance herself from Biden-omics (sort of) and lay out her plan for the future. Or should I say back to the future. Besides sounding like a parrot of Biden when she plans to blame our steep run-up in pricing on big business and price gouging, she will also take a page out of Dick Nixon's play book. Yes friends, rumor has it she will introduce price controls.

I know, I know. Fewer and fewer of us are still around who lived through the 70's. Dick Nixon did some positive things while president. He also did two boners. One was Watergate - the self-inflicted wound. And the other was price controls. Price controls really backfired badly. Why? Prices were frozen, yet costs kept going up. Some businesses failed because of it. It was a bad mistake; it did not work at all. It was never to be repeated again.

However, the DEI crowd, also known as the Democrat Party, is loaded with stooges who never studied history. Either that or they re-write it. Anyhow, the head DEI mistress (Harris), who thinks work is a four-letter word, knows nothing of why price controls failed before. Heck, she ran it up the flagpole with her DEI focus groups and received a unanimous "thumbs up". Let's do it! (as Pete the Cat would say). 

Yesterday, Trump had a presser which he exhibited different products to show how much they have gone up since Slow Joe took over. Let's just say this without getting into the minute details - most everything is at least 20% more expensive than when Biden took the oath of office. And that 20% WILL BE BIDEN'S AND HARRIS' LEGACY. Let that marinate for just a minute. The good old days of affordability - are gone forever. We are stuck with the legacy of these two nincompoops. 

What can Trump do? He can slow down the bleed. He can get the inflation rate back to 2% or less. But Trump can do nothing about the 20% increase in pricing that Biden/Harris left us. And what will happen should the unbelievable happen, and Harris wins? MORE OF THE SAME - OR WORSE. That is what "It's her time" really means - more of the same - or worse. 

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