Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Art of Fratricide


"Tell the other side they don't need to vote. We will kill ourselves before the election and do their work for them..."

For years now, I have been interested in politics. However, it is only recently I have become actively involved. I am wondering if I was just late to the party, or smart in staying away. As a former military officer, I am aware of the landscape of the battlefield. I know how important it is to understand our enemy. What I have never been trained in is fratricide. In other words, how to worry about someone on your own team "fragging" you.

Chris Christy is a polarizing figure to some in the Republican Party. I agree with him on some issues and disagree with him on others. However, he is on OUR TEAM. One of the more profound things he has said as of late is this - we can't govern if we can't win. That is a true statement. The most flawed candidate running from our side for governor, senator, or congress would be light years ahead of having another "Hopey, Changey, Socialist" represent us.

It is good to have a robust debate prior to the general elections. On our side, we have good people with slightly differing opinions. As "iron sharpens iron", our candidates will emerge stronger. However, once the endorsing conventions are done, we need to coalesce around our candidates going forward. No more sniping, no more back talk, no more fratricide. We are on the same team, and the starting lineup has been chosen. Failure to do so will result in another third party candidate that will steal victory and hand it to the opposition. Sound familiar? It should.

I have said this many times before, so I will say it again. Our bench strength is very strong this year. I have met most of the candidates and know some of them better than just a handshake. These are good people, really good. Not perfect, but very still good and decent people. We can win with this team, but only if we can stop fragging each other. The Democrats don't do this - they could nominate Bullwinkle the Moose, and everyone will support him. Net result - they win and we lose. For example, if everyone who voted for McCain came out and voted for Mitt in the next election, we would have President Romney right now (and a whole less trouble).

As for me, I am a delegate going forward - and proud to be so. I have done my homework and still have some more left to do. However whatever the preference ends up being, I will support the endorsed candidates (and I expect the other candidates to do that also). If we can't do that, if we insist on looking for better purity than Kigumon Gold, we will lose. There is difference between have an imperfect past, and a future which might be flawed. As an imperfect man, I will always choose someone with a future based on hope, rather than a past which might otherwise haunt them.

I go forward into this fall with one word only - victory. I have no interest in besmirching anyone on our team. I also have no interest in turning this party into "Democrat Light" - that serves nobody. If our party insists on the path of self-destruct, if our party wants to travel the road to fratricide, then I will lost interest fast. As much as I care about our country, I want nothing of being a part of a circular firing squad. I have better things to do.

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