"Turn around and you're two, turn around and you're four, turn around you are a young man going out of the door..."
Turn Around
Yesterday we had a very important family event. Our grandson was baptized. It was right outside a church in a beautiful park next to a pond. You could have not asked for a more perfect spring day. The gathering was small, as it was only immediate family. As wonderful as the event was, it did give me pause to think, and to ponder. As my grandson was welcomed into the family of God through baptism, I thought of all the our family members who were not here to share it.
Time as we all know, is an immovable, unstoppable force in all of our lives. Every day of life is one less day we have in our future. I think of my parents, my wife's parents, my wife's younger brother, my son-in-law's father, all gone from here. It reminded me once again how important each and every day is. How important it is to be there for family and friends. To be true. To love justice. To love our freedom and liberty.
Time is the greatest thief of mankind. If you are not paying attention, or get too busy, time will steal you blind. It will steal your days. Without even knowing it, your days will start to disappear. A long time ago, someone gave me some very sage advice. Make each and every day special. Not just for yourself, but for others as well. Even though we can't stop time, we can laugh in it's face by the enrichment, the joy we can grab and relish each day, every day.
A friend of mine from high school keeps warning me not to shut my eyes with my grandson. I will miss quite a bit. They grow so fast that soon he will crawling. Then walking. Then in school. Time the thief, will steal those moments if we are not careful. As our children and grandchildren grow, I reminded of the old song I learned while growing up:
"Turn around and you're two, turn around and you're four, turn around and you are a young (man) going out of the door."
Later on today we are going to an anniversary celebration for some dear friends. It will be one of those moments we need grab on to and to cherish. Today, we are going to keep time at bay by richly enjoying the day and the company of friends. It will be a good day. Just like yesterday was a very good day.
So this weekend, time will be our friend, and not a foe. We will use time to make memories. To share joy. As our parents would counsel us, time is short - don't waste it. And we won't.