Thursday, May 7, 2015

Jade Helm - Menace or Myth?


"Hopefully, it is probably nothing. However if it is not nothing, it could be something - big..."

Our most transparent Administration in American history is at it once again. The new TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) Trade Agreement is a classic example of this newly found openness. Okay, a bit of a sarcastic joke. This trade agreement is being handled like it was top secret or higher. Why? It is only a trade agreement. Not even members of Congress are allowed to get a copy of it. One must make an appointment, and go into a closed room to review it. And by the way, notes are not allowed to be taken.
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine had tipped me off about an upcoming event called Jade Helm 2015. I was blindsided. I had never heard of it. However, she advised me to quickly get up to speed as this thing could be dangerous. And just like with TPP, Jade Helm 2015 is shrouded in secrecy.

And now comes the real clinker. Jade Helm 2015 might not be just some cute and confusing name of an upcoming exercise. More and more websites now are saying it is really and acronym. JADE (Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution) HELM (Homeland Eradication of Local Militants) in 2015. Does that mean us? The patriots? That can't be right.

Truthfully, when I first started looking into this, I thought there might be a modicum of truth to this rumor about Jade Helm 2015. Word had spread it was going to be a secret military exercise which was going to be held in Texas and surrounding states. I was convinced that our government had received actionable intelligence that ISIL had penetrated our border and was planning attacks in the desert southwest. We were sending the in military to neutralize the threat. After all, they are the enemy - right?

However, if Jade Helm is not focused on foreign intrusion into our country, what threat is the military training for? To keep conspiracy buffs at bay, would it not have made sense to come right out and tell public what Jade Helm 2015 is all about. It is after all, only a training exercise.

Here is the real problem. According to a CNN poll from last August, trust in our government is at an all time low. Lower than Watergate. It is no wonder that people see something like Jade Helm 2015 and expect the worst. If Jade Helm 2015 is for real, this country has big, big problems. If Jade Helm 2015 is anything else than a training exercise for desert warfare, it will signal the end of our Constitution as we know it. It will be the end of our country as we know it.

So Mr. President, here is you chance. Send your press secretary out to address the public. Strap him to a polygraph so we know we are getting the truth. Then tell us what the hell is going on with the TPP. With Jade Helm 2015. Failure to do so will do nothing but take our faith and confidence in our government even lower. How low? As we said in the Navy, lower than whale manure.  

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