Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Actions and reactions

"Did he step in it this time? Many are hoping against hope that he did. However, 'The Donald' seems to be coated with Teflon as of late..."

Someone a whole lot smarter than I recently said that politics is nothing more than a series of actions and reactions. Especially in presidential politics. For example, during the second term of the Nixon Administration, the air got very dirty. People had enough of the perceived (or actual) criminal activity going on in the White House. So in the next election, a former Navy officer, a peanut farmer, a Sunday school teacher named Jimmy Carter got elected.

It goes on from there. After four years of stagflation, hostages, and malaise, the people wanted no more of Jimmy Carter. They wanted someone who could make America great again. To boldly fix things. Enter Ronald Reagan. Then after two terms of the Gipper and one term of his former Vice President (G.H.W. Bush), people wanted a change. So we got the youth movement. We get this young hipster (and his wife) from Arkansas named Bill Clinton.

Two terms of salaciousness in the Oval Office and then lying to the American people gave us a tried and true Governor from Texas named G.W. Bush. And then two terms of two wars under Bush gave us our current guy, Barack Hussein Obama. 

And which person will be the reaction to the actions (or more common, the inactions) of Obama? Donald Trump for now. As PC as Obama is, Trump is just as impolitic when discussing many of today's hottest topics. As timid as Obama is, Trump is bold to the max. And Trump can say just about anything and get away with it. Many times in the past few months, Trump's opponents were ready to drive a stake through his heart after he said another whopper on the campaign trail. But Trump is not Dracula - Trump is a lot tougher. His numbers have barely budged and still leads in many of the polls.

It will be interesting to see how yesterday's zinger plays in Peoria. Truthfully, as horrible as it sounded from the stump, I think there are some people who feel the same way. With the majority of terrorism seemingly coming from people with Muslim ties, there are people in this country who feel maybe we should halt Muslim immigration until we can figure out who is who. And if we did, we would not be the first country to do so. The country of Japan does not welcome Muslims at all.

I have said this before and I will say it again. I have never thought Trump will be in the winner's circle at the end of the race. The experience thing will finally catch up to him. I do however, love having him in the race right now. Even though I feel some things he has said or done have been WAY over the top (like making fun of the disabled reporter), he has kept things lively. And he has kept the conversation going on topics which not too long ago would have been almost taboo to discuss.

Action and reaction. Right now Trump is the anti-Obama. I wonder who it will be next November. 

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