"To me, this almost third world country would be easy to contain. Easy to spank. But right now they fear us about as much as a case of hiccups."
I had a dream recently (not really, but it makes a good story), that Ronald Reagan was still President and this little man who runs North Korea was pulling some of the crap like he is pulling now. In the 8 years Reagan was President, he never had to nuke anyone, never had to invade a country and conquer their army - he just gave the impression that he would and could do it. Do you ever get the impression that the little man in North Korea has no fear whatsoever of us? I sure do.
Hello? In the past month, the little man from North Korea has threatened to nuke Manhattan, Washington, D.C., Japan, Alaska, Hawaii, and maybe even Santa Claus. And our response is...? Na-da. So he keeps it up. Because Clinton let him have the nuke due to crappy negotiations in the 1990's, we are stuck with an infant who carries a big stick. Well, guess what? Even though our current President has tried to unilaterally disarm us, we still have a bigger stick. It is time for someone in our Administration to tell this guy to sit down and shut up - or else.
And here is the lesson of the "or else". Reagan KNEW what deterrent meant. It meant winning without having to fire a shot. The fear of war was almost greater than war itself. But it worked. It worked with the Soviets. And it will work with the Norks if we had SOMEONE in the White House who they feared. To me, this almost third world country would be easy to contain. Easy to spank. But right now they fear us about as much as a case of hiccups.
So the threats will continue to come. The rockets will continue to be fired. The bombs will continue to be tested. And what it the UN says no? They will care about as much as if we said something. They will continue to be a huge destabilizing force in the region. They offer nothing except destruction. Whereas South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, and yes, even China, offers something positive to the world.
Remember this when you vote in November. We cannot reanimate Ronald Reagan (as much as we would love to). So we need to elect someone who can put the genie back into the bottle. Left to their devices, I believe it is only a matter of time before the NORKS can hit us with an EMP that can put us back into the stone ages like they are. Think about that - this is not fiction. It can happen.