Thursday, May 19, 2016


"Bonding today becomes budget tomorrow. I DON'T like it that our side has suggested any bonding."

Well the weekend is almost upon us. And it is going to be a really, really big show! Really? Not really. However (comma) the drama in the state will be bifurcated this weekend. In St. Paul, we have the beginning of the end. The end of this session. Or as it is commonly known as, "more of the same". The same tired old demands given by the DFL and the Republicans trying as hard as they can to hold the spending juggernaut in check.

The other event of course, happens up north in Duluth. It is the statewide MNGOP convention. And all of a sudden, this lazy, non-endorsing for statewide candidate convention, has become a hot potato. So besides electing whom is going to represent our state at national (please don't ask me why anyone would want to go to Cleveland), we are going to debate with the "No Trump" faction all over again. Blah, blah, blah.

Anyhow, back to the theater in St. Paul this weekend. I am not going to hash over what I addressed yesterday - except I will say this. I hate bonding. Bonding today becomes budget tomorrow. I DON'T like it that our side has suggested any bonding. Just like I DON'T like the fact we suggested a $100,000,000 increase in our license tabs.

If you weigh 300 pounds and have health issues, your doctor would not tell you to try and only gain 10 more in the next year. No. The doctor would tell you to reduce! As should the Republicans. The only growth acceptable in this state should be negative growth!

Our trust fund baby Governor has different ideas however. He has laid out some "must haves". He is like the kid named Richie Rich on Christmas morning. No matter how many presents he received, he always wants more - more - more. AND he said, if he does not get what he wants, he will not sign off on the Republican tax proposal. Well here is a news flash you clueless moron - these tax fixes are not "Republican" gifts. They are for the citizens, regardless if they are Republican, Democrat, or other!

Sometimes I wonder if he is off his meds or really just that dense. Or if he has consumed so much DFL kool aide in this life he has lost all perspective on reality. Our state is hemorrhaging money. People are leaving and taking their money with them.

Who is that? Seniors who are unfairly taxed on Social Security. Retired veterans who are unfairly taxed on their retirement. People with modest estates who don't want to leave a huge chunk of it to the State of Minnesota. Small businesses who don't want to pay some of the highest taxes in the nation. And higher income people who don't what to pay a New York type of tax of 10%.

If the Governor thinks these are only for Republicans, he is crazy (no pun intended). After Monday, the DFL and the Governor will be criss-crossing the state telling the minions the Republicans once again screwed the folks by not doing enough in session. Boo freaking hoo.

My opinion (just like many I know) is if the state budget did not grow by one penny, the session it is still a failure. I will gauge success by how much government shrank. And right now, baring a miracle, it is not going to shrink. And Governor Goofy is going to screw us again on a tax fix. Wisconsin, South Dakota and Florida are looking better and better all the time!    

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