Tuesday, July 12, 2016

False Flags?

"The expressway to getting labeled as a conspiracy nut ball is to start talking about False Flags."

The rumblings about a False Flag started right after the Fast and Furious scandal shortly after the first term began. It was all too easy. Brian Terry died because of it, but our collective memory seems to have forgotten him by now. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. For those who cannot remember what Fast and Furious was all about, it was staged gun running. Supply guns to the Mexico that could be traced back to this country, have crimes committed with those guns, and then set the table for more gun control.

First I need to say this. The expressway to getting labeled as a conspiracy nut ball is to start talking about False Flags. You might as well be accusing Obama of being an alien. However, someone posted a meme today with some facts which I have recently seen before. And those facts have become a head scratcher.

This meme listed the number of mass shootings under past Presidents. A handful under two terms of Reagan. A handful under one term of Bush (41). A small spike under two terms of Bill Clinton. Back to a handful under two terms of Bush (43). Then a HUGE jump under slightly less than two terms of Barack Hussein Obama. How big of a jump? 162 mass shootings to date. That is an order of magnitude more than Bush (43) had under two full terms.

I know. I know. It is just a coincidence. A coincidence that all these mass shootings happened under the tutelage of a guy who is obsessed with gun control. And every time there is another shooting, Obama almost trips over himself getting to a teleprompter to chide the NRA and innocent Americans for being the culprits. If we would only surrender all our guns, the bad guys would play nice an go home.

This is the Administration whose motto is to "never let a good crisis go to waste". And nothing plays better into more gun control than 162 mass shootings. The fact many of our large blue cities are having record (or almost record) killing sprees by black on black crime is somehow lost on this Administration. Why? It does not fit the narrative.

False Flag? Coincidence? Or something else? Something is the reason for all these mass shootings under the Obama regime. Something that maybe some day we will understand. 

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