Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Want out?

"Whereas many who come here are willing to do the most menial jobs just to be part of our citizenry, we have this entitled group of rude idiots who bitch about everything under the sun."

During the Republican convention, a correspondent to a national news cable network interviewed some of the protesters outside the convention hall. Some were very, very angry. About what you might ask? The usual complaints. How unfair this country is. How much it sucks, and so forth. My response to these fine people is very simple. This is a free country, There are no bars keeping you here. There is the door. Don't let it hit you on the ass on the way out.

A week or so ago, I saw someone interviewed on TV. He was asked what our biggest problem is in America today. Without hesitation, he said, "Immigration. Too many people want to come live here." Bingo. It is funny how that works. It has always been that way in America. This land, this shining city on the hill, attracts people from all over the world. Our country was founded and was built on LEGAL immigration. And it still is.

So in this country, where people risk life, limb and fortune just to come to, we have a professional class on nitwits who do nothing but besmirch this country and how bad it is here. Whereas many who immigrate here are willing to do the most menial jobs just to be part of our citizenry, we one the other hand, have this entitled group of rude idiots who bitch just about everything under the sun. 

I think many of us who grew up in the 60's or 70's had parents who said the same thing. When we complained about something or some rule at our parents had at home, our parents would say, "If you don't like it here, leave!" Of course, few of us did. We learned that life at home was not so bad after all, so we kept our lips zipped. But this group of morons we have today are a horse of a different color. As good as they have it, they just like to bitch. They want more.

Here is my new philosophy. There is the door. If you don't like it here, go live in Mogadishu. Or live in some other hell hole that people are dying to get out of. How about Syria? Where if you wear your rainbow colors to show your "inclusiveness", mobs will throw you off a roof. Or cut you head off. Or watch you dissolve in acid. How cool is that?

How about you idiots who wear your socialist or commie t-shirts? Do you want to live in Venezuela? That is a socialist country. And it has LOTS of oil. How is that working out for Venezuela? Not well I am afraid.

How about that stupido in the picture above this article wearing a CCCP t-shirt? Really? Do they not teach history in our schools anymore? Does this idiot know how many useful idiots like him died under the boot of Stalin or his successors?

The "bad part" of me wants to grab some of these folks and choke them like a chickens. But I keep that part of me buried very, very deep. What I will say is this - there has NEVER been a day, not one, which has has passed that I don't love this country with my whole heart - or realize how blessed I am to live here. 

So once again, there is the door. In this country which you think to be so repressive, we allow you a way out. Take it. And good bye.

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