Tuesday, October 18, 2016

After $15/hour? Why UBI of course!

"There are a bevy of new jobs just waiting to be created. Jobs which take skills which are yet to be developed. And that - is exciting." 

Just when you thought things could not get any stranger in our country, we manage to trip down yet another rabbit hole. The ink is not yet dry on why it is important to pay EVERYONE a minimum of $15/hour - and now some are on to the next best thing. What in the world could that be? Why the Universal Basic Income (UBI) of course!

This concept, which is being championed by a former SEIU guru named Andy Stern, is the loafer's dream. Everyone, in the midst of their working years, can get paid for doing nothing. It reminds me of the days when I was courting my wife in the 1970's. One of her relatives who lived in a hippie, dippy world, would often say he believed one should be able to get paid by the government for sitting by a pond writing poems. Really?

Anyhow, this super progressive from the SEIU is very worried about this brothers and sisters in the shrinking labor unions. What are we going to do for jobs with the specter of automation looming ever larger? Heck, a $15/hour a job is no good if it can be replaced by a robot! So what is the next best thing? A social security type program for folks in their working years. In other words, if you can find a job you want or like, that is cool. If you can't or don't want to, just file for UBI.

When I read about this, I though "why not?" Heck with ObamaCare, we have socialized medicine. We might as well have a socialized work force. And what is one more entitlement? This one can't cost that much for crying out loud! 

Okay - enough with the satire. This is absolutely, positively, the dumbest idea I have heard come out of the Left to date. I will agree with this SEIU guy on one thing however - many of the jobs from yesteryear have gone away never to return. That is called progress. There are a bevy of new jobs just waiting to be created. Jobs which take skills which are yet to be developed. And that - is exciting.

Once again, we see the great divide in our country. One side, the progressives, see the nanny state again coming to coddle us. The other side, the liberty lovers, see the future with excitement. I like the future. It comes with risks, but also unlimited opportunities. And the future belongs to those who wish to pursue it. 

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